Intermodal Fleet Application Agent Information: Agency Name: Agency Address: Producer Name: Producer Email: Producer Phone: Requested Effective Date: Click here to enter a date. Quote Need By Date: Click here to enter a date. Applicant Information: Name Address Mailing Address (if different) Primary Telephone # Co. Website Address Years in Business Under Current Management Since Key Management Personnel: President Operations Manager Business Type: ☐Corporation ☐Partnership ☐Proprietorship Loss Control/ Safety Other Operating Authorities: ☐Common Carrier ☐Contract Carrier ☐Private Carrier ☐Brokerage Key Numbers: MC Docket# US DOT # State Docket Federal Tax ID State Tax ID Describe The Business: Operations List All Terminal Locations: Street City State Number of Units Cities/Ports Served/ Traveled From Mileage & Revenue Current 1st Prior 2nd Prior 3rd Prior 4th Prior 5th Prior Trucking Revenue Brokerage Revenue % Cities/Ports Served/ Traveled To Total Miles Owned Tractors Owner Op Units Owned or Leased Chassis Radius - Indicate as a % what amount of your operations fall within the following: 0-100 % 101-300 Miles % 301 to 500 % 500+ % What is the average What is the Max length of length of haul? haul? Regular Route % Irregular Route % Contract Haul % Interstate Routes Commodity Hauled % Revenue Average Value % Other Trailers % Maximum Value Do you haul any electronics, cigarettes, alcohol, tires, seafood, refrigerated cargo or any other high value cargo? ☐Y ☐N If yes provide details: Does supervision include use of recording devices, radio dispatch, satellite comm., cell phones, EOBRs? ☐Y If yes provide details. ☐N Driver Information Attach a Driver List with matching MVRs Including the Following Information. The list should include all full and part time company drivers and owner operators and other employees that may drive on a casual basis. Name DOB DOH YOE YOE/Intermodal # Moving Viol #.Employee Drivers #Owner Operators #Sub haulers #Other Total DOH <1 yr DOH 1-2 yrs DOH 2-5 yrs DOH 5 + yrs Total Wages Based on: ☐Hours ☐Revenue ☐Miles Driver Selection Includes Use of: ☐Pre-Hire Physical ☐Written Application ☐MVR Check ☐Written Test ☐Reference Checks Driver Indoctrination Includes: ☐Familiarization w/equipment ☐Training in Handling Commodities ☐Trips ☐Other ☐Interview ☐Driving Test ☐Drug Test ☐PSP Report ☐With Routes Length of Training Program? Any driver training offered such as Defensive Driving, Smith or other systems? ☐Y What are the Hiring Standards? Minimum Age Violations in 36 months ☐Procedures for Accident Reports ☐Familiarization with Company Rules Who Administers Driver Hiring Process? ☐N Years of Experience Accidents in Past 36 Months # Accidents YOE Operating like Equipment Minimum Years driving in the U.S. Owner/Operators Are Permanent Lease Agreements Used? ☐Yes ☐No Are Drivers Subject to Insureds’ Hiring Standards? ☐Yes ☐No Are Trip Lease Agreements Used? ☐Yes ☐No Are Driver Files Maintained by Insured? ☐Yes ☐No Is Equipment Inspected by the Insured? ☐Yes ☐No Are Owner Operators Included in Safety Meetings? ☐Yes ☐No Are driver trainees used? ☐Yes ☐No Are Team, slip seat, shift or relay drivers used? ☐Yes ☐No Safety and Compliance Safety Director Other Duties Describe Duties ☐Y ☐N Employee Handbook? Does it include driver qualifications and hiring standards? ☐Y ☐N Do you provide orientation and training for new hires? ☐Y ☐N Do you have a formal written safety program? Are safety meetings held? ☐Y ☐N ☐N ☐Y ☐N How often? ☐ Y ☐N Mandatory Attendance including owner operators? Interim training material used like videos, tapes, online instruction or outside instructors? Do you use an outside safety consultant? ☐Y ☐Y ☐N If yes, describe services: Any safety award programs for safe driving? ☐Y ☐N ☐Y ☐N Describe: Any program in place dealing with drivers who have accidents or violations? Describe: ☐Y ☐N Do you run a motor vehicle report and complete background check prior to hire? ☐Y ☐N Do you conduct an annual driver review of each drivers performance? ☐Y ☐N Do you audit log books for hours of service compliance? ☐Y ☐N Do you have a drug testing program? ☐Y ☐N Do you have a vehicle inspection program? ☐Y ☐N Do you have a scheduled vehicle maintenance program? ☐Y ☐N Do you maintain an accident register and conduct periodic accident analysis? ☐Y ☐N Are all owner operators required to carry at least $500,000 non-trucking liability? ☐Y ☐N Are certificates on file? ☐Y ☐N Is the insured listed as an additional insured? ☐Y ☐N Are units governed? If yes what speed? What is your policy regarding passengers? If allowed, do they require waivers signed and passenger policy? Which of the following are included in driver files? ☐Y ☐N ☐Application ☐Reference Checks ☐MVR Road Test ☐Disciplinary Warnings ☐Written Test ☐Copy of License ☐Accident Reviews ☐Physical Results ☐Training Records ☐PSP Report ☐Other ☐Y Are driver’s files updated annually with information including new MVR? ☐N Is there any current driver with convictions for DUI, DWI, failed drug or alcohol test, or reckless operations? ☐Y ☐N What action is taken when drivers develop unacceptable records? Maintenance Do you have a maintenance program? ☐Y ☐N Do you employ a maintenance manager? ☐Y ☐N Maintenance program is for: Vehicle maintenance is: ☐Company Vehicles ☐Engine ☐Body Name? ☐Owner Ops ☐Brakes ☐Tires ☐other ☐Trucks Is owner operator equipment subject to same program as owned equipment? ☐Y Are pre-trip and post trip inspections made daily? ☐Y ☐Chassis ☐Other ☐N ☐N Are files and records kept on all units including owner operators? ☐Y ☐N If you do not have your own maintenance facility, describe the maintenance program for owned and owner operator equipment: Vehicles Please attach a complete vehicle schedule listing all units owned, permanently leased, operated or hired #. Vehicle Type Truck Tractors Trucks PPTs Trailers (inc non owned) Chassis Owned Leased Owner Operators Stated Values Insurance Program Requested Coverage Auto Liability UM/UIM Medical Payments PIP Hired Auto Liability Hired Auto Physical Damage Trailer Interchange Collision Comprehensive Specified Perils Cargo Cargo Catastrophe Limit Terminal Limit Named Shipper General Liability General Aggregate Products-Completed Ops Personal Injury Each Occurrence Fire Damage Medical Expense Limits Deductible Exposure Loss History List all known and or reported losses for the current and past 4 years or attach detailed loss runs. Please include accident loss information for Auto Liability, Auto Physical Damage, Cargo, and General Liability. Attach a summary if additional space is needed. Policy Term From To Insurance Company # Liability Losses # Physical Damage Losses # Lienholder (LP) and Additional Insured (AI) Information Unit NO LP/AI Name Address Cargo Losses Regulatory Filings Base State _____Type of Filing Required: ☐FMCSA ☐ Form E Permit. Do you operate in Canada? ☐Y ☐N Filing Required Motor Carrier or Permit # ☐Form H ☐Oversize/Overweight ☐ City ☐ Hazardous Applicants Name and Address exactly as it appears on each Filing Underwriting Questions ☐ Y☐ N Has any insurance company cancelled or non-renewed your insurance in the past 3 years? ☐Y ☐N Have you operated under a different name in the past 5 years? ☐Y☐ N Is this company a subsidiary of another entity or does this company own or operate any subsidiaries? ☐Y ☐N Has your FHWA authority been suspended or revoked in the past 3 years? ☐Y☐ N Do you act as a freight broker or freight forwarder? ☐Y ☐N Do you allow trip leasing under your authority or do you trip lease under others authority? ☐Y ☐N Do you hire sub-haulers under your authority? ☐Y ☐N Do you ever haul any hazardous materials other than ORM-D Consumer Commodities? ☐Y ☐N Are loaded trailers/containers left unattended for more than one hour? ☐Y☐ N Do you haul refrigerated goods? ☐Y ☐N Is all equipment operated including PPT types owned by the company included in this application? ☐Y ☐N Are all drivers covered by Workers Compensation? ☐Y ☐N Does applicant lend, lease or rent any equipment to others? ☐Y ☐N Does your operation by contract or regulation require liability limits in excess of $1,000,000 CSL? ☐Y ☐N Do you haul any waste or refuge? ☐Y ☐N Do you require the Uniform Interchange Intermodal Endorsement? ☐Y☐ N Have you declared bankruptcy or reorganized in the past 5 years? ☐Y☐ N Do you lease or hire drivers from a driver leasing company? Provide details for all questions answered yes: Comments to Underwriting Questions or Special Notes and/or Requests Sales Opportunity Briefly describe the sales opportunity this applicant offers including any past coverage or service issues not currently being met by the incumbent carrier. State Fraud Warnings NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: ANY PERSON WHO KNOWLINGLY AND WITH INTENT TO INJURE, DEFRAUD, OF DECEIVE ANY INSURANCE COMPANY FILES A STATEMENT OF CLAIM CONTAINING ANY FALSE , INCOMPLETE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE THIRD DEGREE. APPLICANT AGREEMENT AND SIGNATURES THIS APPLICATION MAY NOT BE USED TO BIND COVERAGE. COMPLETION OF THIS APPLICATION BY A PROSPECTIVE INSURANCE BUYER IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSMITTING INFORMATION ONLY. COVERAGE WILL COMMENCE ONLY UPON THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF A SEPARATE CONTRACT BINDING INSURANCE COVERAGE I.E. POLICY OR OFFICIAL BINDER FORM ISSUED BY AN AGENT AUTHORIZED BY XXXXXXXXXXX INSURANCE COMPANY. I AUTHORIZE XXXXXXXXXXX INSURANCE COMPANY AND/OR THE AGENT/BROKER TO OBTAIN A COPY OF MOTOR VEHICLE REPORTS FOR VERIFICATION OF THE INSURANCE FOR WHICH I HAVE APPLIED AND RENEWAL THEREOF. I UNDERSTAND THAT IN OBTAINING A MOTOR VEHICLE REPORT A CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY MAY BE USED BY THE INSURER AND I AUTHORIZE SUCH USE. I REPRESENT ALL DRIVERS UNDER THIS POLICY HAVE AUTHORIZED ME TO CONSENT ON THEIR BEHALF FOR THE INSURER TO OBTAIN MOTOR VEHICLE REPORTS FOR UNDERWRITING. I REPRESENT ALL INFORMATION IS THIS APPLICATION AND ANY ATTACHMENTS THERETO ARE TRUE AND AGREE A MISREPRESENTATION OF ANY OF THE FACTS BY ME MAY CONSTITUTE REASON FOR THE COMPANY TO VOID OR CANCEL ANY POLICY ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF THIS APPLICATION AND WILL HOLD THE COMPANY HARMLESS FOR THE ACTION TAKEN. PRINT NAME TITLE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT _____________________________________ DATE ____________________ SIGNATURE OF AGENT __________________________________ DATE _____________________ AGENCY NAME AGENT LICENSE # PHONE # __