Roweton, William (Bill)

NAME: William E. Roweton
DEPARTMENT: Counseling, Psychology, and Social Work
University of Wisconsin,
University of Wisconsin,
The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio
PHONE: 308-432-6458
Field of Study
Human learning and
Human learning and
Biology, secondary education
Professor (Tenured), Psychology, Department of Counseling, Psychology, and Social Work, Chadron State
College, Chadron, NE, 1990-present.
Associate Professor (Tenure Track), Psychology, Department of Psychology, James Madison University,
Harrisonburg, VA, 1974-1989.
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Educational Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, Indiana
State University, Terre Haute, IN, 1969-1974.
Director, Institutional Research, Chadron State College, Chadron, NE, 1996-2001.
PUBLISHED WORKS and Other Scholarly Activities (Indicate total number.) Please fill in:
Scholarly Books:
Refereed Professional
Book reviews
Film Reviews
Conventions and other
professional presentations
Non-Refereed Journal
*Other published works (e.g. lab texts, book reviews, technical reports, encyclopedia entries, trade books)
Publication or Creative Works List (Selected from 1969-2011
Cognard, A., Bednar, R., Roweton, W. E., Ward, N., Wells, L., & Zweifel, D. (undated). Procedures for the
identification of high-ability learners. Lincoln: Nebraska Department of Education.
Roweton, W. E. (1997). Enhancing explanatory power in program assessments --without statistical
psychobabble. A collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement/1997, 101-103.
[Annual proceedings for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on
Institutions of Higher Education].
Roweton, W. E. (1998). Making curricular decisions from program evaluations. A collection of papers on selfstudy and institutional improvement/1998 edition, 118-119. [Annual proceedings for the North Central
Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on Institutions of Higher Education].
Roweton, W. E. (1999).Effectively linking program assessments to program decisions: A departmental case
study. A collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement/1999 edition, 240-242.
[Annual proceedings for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on
Institutions of Higher Education].
Roweton, W. E. (2000). Revitalizing institutional assessments with alternative program evaluation designs. A
collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement/2000 edition, 189-190. [Annual
proceedings for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on Institutions of
Higher Education].
Roweton, W. E. (2000). Valentine’s Day: Notes on the American character. Tenth Street Miscellany: Spring
2000, p. 10.
Roweton, W. E. (2001). From rhetoric to results: One department’s initial experiences with AQIP. In S. E. Van
Kollenburg (Ed.), A collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement/2001 (pp. 144145). Chicago: The Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Roweton, W. E. (2007). Quality program assessment data: What's the skinny? In S. E. Van Kollenburg (Ed.), A
collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement/2007: Volume 3. Leading for the
common good: Developing, sustaining, and using the results of assessment program (pp. 3.90-3.92).
Chicago: Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Roweton, W. E. (2007). Value what you hear. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29, 275-279.
[Roweton, W. E., field collaborator] Hispanic student success in state colleges and universities: Creating
supportive spaces on our campuses. (2007). Washington, DC: American Association of State Colleges
and Universities.
Roweton, W. E., & Krepel, T. L. (2002). Supporting program decisions with assessment data. In S. E. Van
Kollenburg (Ed.), A collection of papers on self-study and institutional improvement/2002 (pp. 248250). Chicago: The Higher Learning Commission: A Commission of the North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools.
Roweton, W. E., House, J.D., Krepel, T.L. (2008). Academic program assessment: Let’s pretend and just
imagine. In S. E. Van Kollenburg (Ed.), A collection of papers on self-study and instructional
improvement, 2008 (pp. 69-72). Chicago: The Higher Learning Commission: A Commission of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Book Reviews
Roweton, W. E. (1997). [Review of the book Attention deficit disorder: Diagnosis and treatment from infancy
to adulthood]. AAAS Science Books and Films, 33, 75.
Roweton, W. E. (1998). [Review of the book The breaking point: Understanding your potential for violence].
AAAS Science Books and Films, 34, 200.
Roweton, W. E. (1998). [Review of the book Engaging children in science (2nd edit.)]. AAAS Science Books
and Films, 34, 37.
Roweton, W. E. (1998). [Review of the book Program evaluation]. Psychology in the Schools, 35, 406-407.
Roweton, W. E. (1999). [Review of the book Music, the brain, and ecstasy: How music captures our
imagination]. AAAS Science Books and Films, 36, 271.
Roweton, W. E. (2000). [Review of the book Claiming disability.] Psychology in the Schools, 37, 557-558.
Roweton, W. E. [Review of the book Social networks and social influences in adolescence.] Psychology in the
Schools, 37, 558-559.
Roweton, W. E. (2001). [Review of the book Techniques of child therapy: Psychodynamic strategies (2nd ed.).]
Science Books and Films, 37, 62.
Roweton, W. E. [Review of the book The technology book for girls and other advanced beings]. Science Books
and Films,37, 214-215.
Roweton, W. E. (2002). [Review of the book Enhancing self-esteem (3rd edit.).] Psychology in the Schools, 39,
Roweton, W. E. (2002). [Review of the book Inclusion and school reform: Transforming America’s
classrooms.] Psychology in the Schools, 39, 348-349.
Roweton, W. E. (2003). [Review of the book Retooling: A historian confronts technological change]. AAAS
Science Books and Films, 39, 58-59.
Roweton, W. E. (2003). [Digital soul: Intelligent machines and human values.] AAAS Science Books and
Films, 39, 154.
Roweton, W. E. (in press.) [Review of the book Into the minds of babes]. AAAS Science Books and Films.
Roweton, W. E. (in press.) [Review of the book The mother factor: How your mother’s emotional legacy
impacts your life]. AAAS Science Books and Films.
Roweton, W. E. (in press.) [Review of the book The inner history of devices]. AAAS Science Books and Films.
Roweton, W. E. (in press). [Review of the book Freaking out: The science of the teenage brain]. AAAS Science
Books and Films, 33, 75.
Roweton, W. E., & Yeager, N. (1998). [Review of the books Attention deficit disorder: Diagnosis and treatment
from infancy to adulthood and Taking charge of ADHD: The complete, authoritative guide for parents].
Psychology in the Schools, 35, 192-194.
Roweton, W. E., & Yeager, N. (1999). [Review of the books Managing attention and learning disorders in late
adolescence and adulthood: A guide for practitioners and Meeting the ADD challenge: A practical guide
for teachers]. Psychology in the Schools, 36, 170-171.
Film Reviews
Roweton, W. E. (2000). [Review of the video program Hannah’s story, behind the glass door: Breaking through
the barriers of autism]. Science Books and Films, 36, 230.
Roweton, W. E. (2000). [Review of the video program Student workshop: Making decisions, solving problems,
grades 5-9]. Science Books and Films, 36, 84-85.
Roweton, W. E. (2003). [Review of the video program A culture undiscovered: The impact of learning
disabilities on racially and ethnically diverse students]. Science Books and Films, sent 7/31/03.
Anderson, O., & Roweton, W. E. (2000, August). Remodeling the Box: Modernizing Classroom Architecture
and Educational Expectations? Poster presented at the annual meeting of Syllabus, San Diego.
Roweton, W. E. (1997, April). Enhancing explanatory power in program assessments--without statistical
psychobabble. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and
Schools, Chicago.
Roweton, W. E. (1997, August). Eminent Nebraska psychologists: Their times and temperaments. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Roweton, W. E. (1998, March). Making curriculum decisions from program evaluations. Paper presented to the
annual meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Chicago.
Roweton, W. E. (1999, April). An approach for evaluating undergraduate psychology programs. Paper to be
presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA), Fort
Collins, CO.
Roweton, W. E. (1999, April). Effectively linking program assessments to program decisions: A Departmental
case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Association for Colleges and
Schools (NCA), Chicago, IL.
Roweton, W. E. (1999, April). [Discussant]. In G. Edirisooriva (Chair), Professional preparation and teach skill
development. Paper-reading session at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association (AERA), Montreal.
Roweton, W. E. (2000, April). (Chair.) Curricular and contextual factors affecting student outcomes. Paper
reading session at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Roweton, W. E. (2000, April). Revitalizing institutional assessment with alternative program evaluation
designs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Association, Chicago.
Roweton, W. E. (2001, April). From rhetoric to results: One department’s initial experience with AQIP. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Association, Chicago.
Roweton, W. E. (2004, June 14). Chaired the concurrent session, Preparing students to learn, live, and work in
the 21st century, at the 2004 AAHE Assessment Pre-Conference Session, American Association of
Higher Education, Denver, June 12-14, 2004.
Roweton, W. E. (2007). Quality program assessment data: What's the Skinny? Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Higher Learning Commission: A Commission of the North Central Association of
Schools and Colleges (Leading for the Common Good), Chicago, IL.
Roweton, W. E., & Krepel, T. L. (2002, March). Supporting program decisions with assessment data. Paper
presented at the 107th Annual Meeting of The Higher Learning Commission: A Commission of the
North Central Association of Schools and Colleges (Engaging the future: Vision, values, and validation
in the new educational marketplace), Chicago, IL.
Roweton, W. E., Krepel, T. L., & House, D. (2008). Academic Program Assessment: Let’s pretend and just
imagine. Paper to be presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of The Higher Learning Commission: A
Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges (Finding common ground:
Accreditation, assessment, and accountability), Chicago, IL.
Roweton, W. E., Hardy, J. P., Veath, L., Welch, D., Wess, R., Kirsch, K., & Evertson, M. (2003, June).
Creating the culture for assessment: Review of academic program evaluations. Poster presented at
Changing institutional priorities: Developing a shared understanding of the value of assessing student
learning, Workshop presented by the American Association for Higher Education and the Higher
Learning Commission, Omaha, June 4, 2003
GRANTS & CONTRACTS (External funding in the last 5 years)
College Access Challenge Grant, US Department of Education grant administered through Nebraska’s PostSecondary Education Commission (2008-2010). This three-year grant sponsors collaborative activities between
an elementary school and a middle school, both predominately populated by Native American and Hispanic
students, and Chadron State. These activities promote “college attendance” among socially and economically
disenfranchised students through campus visits and faculty visits to schools.
NCAA CHOICES Grant ( 2008-2011). These three-year grants focus on the use and abuse of alcohol among
college students, especially athletes. Specifically, we are building and testing a logistic regression model
predicting alcohol infractions from student information data.
Student Achievement Grant/National Education Association Foundation (2011-12). With the cooperation of a
local mathematics high school teacher and his District, we will soon place audio/visual technology in his
classroom for “live feeds” back to my educational psychology classes on campus. Once the technology is
positioned, I will train our undergraduate teacher education majors in classroom observation skills with
standardized protocols—before they participate in required hours of classroom observation in real classrooms.
Type of Service
 American
Educational Research
 American
 American
Psychological Society
 American Statistical
College of Education
Department of
Counseling, Psychology,
and Social Work
Off and on
since 1969
Committee member
Committee Member, Chair of
TEACHING (Recent years)
Course Prefix
and Number
Title of Course
Psychology 131
Psychology 231
Psychology 234
Psychology 438/538
Introduction to Psychology
Educational Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Times Taught
Number of Students
(please indicate number if 1 (average or range)
through 4 and 5+ for times
taught more than 4)