Clinical Examination

Clinical Examination
Summative Assessment for PREP Basic Training
The Clinical Examination is one of the two
summative approaches to assessment for Basic
Trainees in the PREP Program
Written Examination
Clinical Examination
The Examinations are blueprinted against the
relevant Basic Training Curriculum and the
Professional Qualities Curriculum learning
objectives. Candidates must have successfully
completed the Written Examination to be eligible to
sit the Clinical Examination.
4 Short Cases
15 minute examination to perform physical
examination, elicit physical signs, interpret
and place appropriate significance upon
Comment on relevant diagnostic tests
and/or nominate appropriate
There will be up to ten minutes between
the two short cases in each cycle.
Clinical Skills Examined
The Clinical Examination is designed to test a
Trainee’s clinical skills, attitudes and interpersonal
relationships at the completion of Basic Training
and to provide an indication as to whether the
candidate has reached a sufficient standard to be
permitted to proceed to Advanced Training.
History taking
Physical examination
Interpretation of findings
Construction of a diagnosis or
differential diagnosis
Method of investigation
General management of patients
PREP Program Assessment
Examination Eligibility
Formative Assessments throughout the
training program provide feedback to assist
Trainee learning but do not contribute directly
to decisions on eligibility for progression.
To be eligible for the Clinical Examination, a
Trainee must have:
Summative Assessments must be completed
by Trainees to a sufficient standard to be
granted permission to proceed to Advanced
Examination Structure
The Clinical Examination for both Adult Internal
Medicine and Paediatrics and Child Health
comprises of two examination cycles taken on the
same day (morning and afternoon) with at least four
pairs of examiners.
2 Long Cases
60 minutes to take history, examine and
develop a management plan for the
10 minutes discussion preparation.
25 minutes discussion with examiners.
Made an application to the College by the
due date.
Passed the Written Examination.
Be registered to practise in Australia or
New Zealand.
Checked you are up to date with your
Basic Training and fees.
The closing dates for applications for the Clinical
Examination are published on the RACP Website.
Location and Dates
The examination is held mid-year in a number of
locations in both Australia and New Zealand.
Candidates will not be examined in their own
hospitals and will need to travel to a different city.
The pass mark for candidates is 120 marks out of
210.Candidates must pass at least one short case
and long case to pass overall.
2015 Clinical Examination Results will be emailed
out to Candidates.
Results will be available to Candidates on 14
August, 2015.
New Zealand
Candidates are notified of their examination result
by mail.
Adult Internal Medicine on 11 June, 2015.
Paediatrics & Child Health on 2 July, 2015.
Unsuccessful candidates receive feedback in an
interview with a member of the relevant
Examination Committee. It is the responsibility of
the candidate to arrange this interview time.
Successful candidates receive feedback by mail.
All feedback is provided to trainees to assist in
recognising areas of relative strength and
Deferral of Examination
If a Candidate wishes to withdraw from the Clinical
Examination they must notify the College in writing.
For details regarding the withdrawal process and
applicable refunds, please refer to the Instructions
to Candidates.
More Information
New Zealand