Lab environment and the first web application

COMP 2680 Web Site Design and Development
Seminar/Lab 1.
Lab Environment
1. Objectives
Get yourselves familiar with the Linux environment that is usually used for hosting web server and web
Transfer files between computers.
Prepare directories and files so that your web applications can be browsed from other computers using web
Your first web application.
2. Test environment
a) The web server, Apache, is running on the Ubuntu Linux system, Your accounts are created on CS, and
you can access to CS with your account using PuTTY with port number 424.
you can WinSCP with the same port number to transfer/download/edit/manipulate(create/delete) files and
b) Here are some useful commands, when you use PuTTY:
change password
list the current working directory
mkdir public_html
make a directory
chmod 711 public_html
change the access mode of a directory
chmod 644 index.html
change the access mode of a file
cd public_html
change the working directory
ls -l
pico index.html
text editor pico
chmod 644 index.html
change the mode
remove directory
remove file
print working directory
c) Connect to using PuTTy, and change your password.
3. Your first web application
a) WinSCP might be a more convenient way to upload files to CS for all the assignments and project in this course.
b) All the web applications should be placed under ~your_user_name/public_html directory.
Your home directory should have the mode 711 (or 755) so that Apache can access the directory. You
may use ‘chmod 711 ~’.
The directory public_html under your home directory should have the mode 711 (or 755) so that Apache
can access the directory.
All the subdirectories of public_html should have the similar modes. All the web applications should have
the mode 644 (or 755) for the same reason.
On WinSCP, right mouse button -> Property -> Permission, to change the access modes.
c) Let’s write a simple web application, index.html, on Windows, and upload it to
You can include ‘Wow! This course is interesting!’ in index.html.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Wow! This course is awesome.
Upload the file to ~your_user_name/public_html, so that you can view the document using a web browser.
The URL for your index.html is ???://???/~…/index.html. You should not include ‘public_html’.
Test if you can access the file on a web browser. If you cannot see your index.html, then check
The access modes for your index.html, public_html, and ~.
4. Assignment
a) You will be given roughly 1 assignment or 2 assignments every week to help you understand all the topics in the
b) Submission
For this week assignment, you just need to send me the URL of the web application, not the file, in 3) by
the URL of the web application, not the file itself
Please include the course number in the email title so that I can easily classify the submitted
Due: 11:59 PM, January 13, 2015. Any late submission will not be accepted.
Total marks: 5
You should not update the application after you submitted. The information of any update of a
file/directory will be left on CS, and I can check the last update date and time.
The evaluation will be usually one of pass, half-pass, and fail. Most incomplete applications will get fail.