Columbia Icefields Excursion June 10-12, 2011

Revelstoke Cycling Association Road Committee Trip Report
Jasper to Lake Louise - Columbia Icefields Excursion
June 10-12, 2011
What do you get when you combine a tight and game group of Revy
cyclists, slightly moody but overall fantastic mountain weather, and one of
the most scenic roads in North America? To quote one of ours…”one of
those trips you talk about until you die”!
Pretty lofty stuff, but it was echoed by all of the riders that made the
journey this year. The weather turned distinctly in our favor at the last
minute to provide perfect riding, spectacular views, and tons of photo ops
throughout the trip. The peloton gelled well and we were flying.
The group has to thank Rod “Cyclo-cross” Kessler for his excellent
coordination efforts. Every planning team needs someone who thinks
outside the box. Way outside. The team consisted of Jim “Moose Meat”
Maitre, Rob “Rhino” Maclean, Stuart “The Flying Scotsman” Smith, “Piston”
Pete Smillie, Mike “The Italian Stallion” Speerbrecker, and Mark “Phlats”
Belsham. Never before has one person been single-handedly responsible
for every mechanical the team experienced. Even more impressively the
first blown tube happened even before getting out of the hotel room on the
first day!
Day 1 started with a group breakfast, the camping crowd and the hotel
crowd meeting at the bakery in Jasper. Then a quick 4.5 hour shot from
Jasper to Columbia Icefields, about 110km of mixed flats, rolling, and then
the steep climbs up Kerkeslin and Tangle Hills to the Icefields. A slight
tailwind helped with the ascents. Cool temps and mostly overcast skies
had us mostly in knickers or full tights, but made for really comfy riding. A
group 3 course meal at the Icefields campground was great, hors
d'oeuvres, moose stew with red wine, salad, fresh buns, and brownies.
While a few hardy campers set up, most retreated to the remarkably
comfortable and economical Icefields Hotel.
We departed the Icefieds at 9am on Day 2, rocketing at 80km/hr down Big
Bend Hill, onto the rolling flats leading south to Saskatchewan Crossing.
One large black bruin seemed surprised to see us, although habituated to
the presence of cycle tourists, clearly unaccustomed to seeing them go so
fast or look so good. The mixed weather finally caught up with us, but the
rain only lasted a half hour. Great big thanks to Team Support Cars
Brenda, Eiri, and Ray, who earned their pay on this section as jackets went
on and off every 10 minutes until we finally got it right. Watch dogs Rodeo
and Gizmo did their part as well. The final long uphill push brought us to
Bow Summit for snacks, and then a rolling but overall descending final
stretch to Lake Louise and the Post Hotel Pub.
Here everything spilled out of the cars and onto the grass for sorting and
claiming, endorphins cranked their way around our systems, and then we
went in for a cool-down brew and appreciation of the magic we had just
See you next year!