Institutional Approval Checklist (Private/Charitable)

Institutional Approval/Due Diligence Partner Checklist
Privately funded or charitable organisation
Please provide the following or appropriate equivalents (in English Language) and in an electronic format, where
Financial information to help us assess the stability of the
collaborating institution and analysis of financial cost and
benefits to UEL
Budget Statements for [insert institution’s name] (especially for
years not covered by audited accounts)
Indicate information
Management Accounts for [insert institution’s name] (especially for
years not covered by audited accounts)
Audited accounts for the preceding 3 financial years [insert
institution’s name] including income and expenditure account,
balance sheet, cash flow statement and director’s notes to the
[insert institution’s name] Corporate plan or business plan or
financial forecast relating to the proposed programme(s)
A business plan/analysis of financial costs/benefits to UEL
(provided by Dean of relevant School)
Academic and Administrative Infrastructure – to assist in
assessing the adequacy of physical, learning and human
resources relevant to the proposed programme(s)
Statement on academic and administrative resources at [insert
institution’s name]
Academic and Administrative Infrastructure – to assist in
assessing the adequacy of physical, learning and human
resources relevant to the proposed programme(s)
Liability insurance
Indicate information
Governance – details of internal structures including
membership and terms of reference of the proposed
collaborative partner governing body including important
internal committees
[insert institution’s name] mission statement
insert institution’s name] strategic plan
[insert institution’s name] organisational structure
Articles of Association/Trust Deed/Act of Parliament
Details of management committees used to run [insert institution’s
Legal Issues
A list of names under which the partner trades
Details of parent and linked companies
Details of any proceedings (civil, criminal or arbitration), dispute or
complaint or any order or judgement
UK based institutions – if intending to recruit international students
– accreditation; reports or evidence of Tier 4 Sponsor status from
UKBA and any relevant accreditation reports.
Institutional Policies of [insert institution’s name]
Employment policies and staff profile
Policy on admission of students and profile of student body
Health and Safety Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Disability Statement (detailing the support offered for disabled
students by [insert institution’s name])
Student Complaints and Appeals Policy
Student Support
Information on the student support services that [insert institution’s
name] provides eg financial and welfare advice, health and
wellbeing advice etc. including links to relevant information on
partner website such as, student handbooks, guides and other
sources of information
Indicate information
Reports from funding or external quality assurance bodies and
details of any other bodies with which [insert institution’s name] has
or has had collaborative arrangements
Independent evidence of reputation and standing - checking
previous associations with other UK HEIs
Documentation about any legal or regulatory requirements to which
[insert institution’s name] must conform.
any information on the collaborating institution or on the cultural,
legal, financial and political environment of the country in which the
collaborating institution is based, which might impact on UEL's ability
to exercise its responsibilities, particularly in relation to academic
standards and quality, available from government offices or agencies
in that country or the British Council