Author(s) Ahmed et al.[1] Country of Year Study 2013 Pakistan Min Age Paediatric Overall Follow MINORS range sample closure up Study design Score (mean) size /ears rate /% /months Graft material Retrospective 9 11-16 10 100.0 12 Cartilage/ cohort (14.1) perichondrium Graft position/ technique Inlay Paediatric tympanoplsty main focus of study? n Includes other types of tympanoplasty n Al-Khtoum and Hiari[2] 2009 Jordan Retrospective 8 cohort 9-14 (12) 35 85.7 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Albera et al.[3] 2006 Italy Retrospective 7 cohort ?-17 (-) 25 84.0 60 Temporalis fascia Underlay or onlay n n Albirmawy[4] 2010 Egypt Retrospective 10 cohort 5-15 (12.0) 82 85.4 12 y n Anderson and Takwoingi[5] 2007 UK Retrospective 8 cohort 8-16 (-) 12 91.7 9 Cartilage/ Underlay perichondrium or temporalis fascia Temporalis fascia Underlay n n Ayache et al.[6] 2003 France Retrospective 9 cohort 4-14 (-) 15 80.0 6 Abdominal fat n n Bajaj et al.[7] 1998 India Retrospective 6 cohort 5-14 (-) 45 91.1 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay or onlay y n Castro et al.[8] 2013 Spain Retrospective 9 cohort 7-14 (11.5) 81 84.0 12 y n Caylan et al.[9] 1998 Italy Retrospective 9 cohort 5-16 (-) 51 82.4 18 Cartilage/ Underlay or inlay perichondrium or or onlay temporalis fascia Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Couloigner et al.[10] 2005 France Retrospective 8 cohort 3-17 (9.9) 59 71.2 12 Cartilage y y D’Eredità and Lens[11] 2009 UK Randomized controlled trial - 3-14 (9.5*) 111 89.2 24 Temporalis fascia Underlay or underlay (anterior flap) y n Dündar et al.[12] 2014 Turkey Retrospective 8 cohort 7-16 (12.2) 61 90.2 12 Cartilage/ perichondrium y n Inlay Inlay Underlay Effat[13] 2005 Egypt Retrospective 9 cohort 8-18 (14.1) ?-? (9.9) 11 27.3 8 Cartilage 21 90.5 13 Inlay n n Temporalis fascia Underlay or areolar connective tissue y n Eisenbeis and Herrmann[14] 2004 USA Retrospective 10 cohort El-Hennawi[15] 2001 Egypt Retrospective 8 cohort 5-16 (13.9) 30 86.7 12 Cartilage/ perichondrium Underlay y y Gaslin et al.[16] 2007 USA Retrospective 9 cohort 3-16 (7.9) 42 95.2 12 Cartilage/ perichondrium Interleave (sandwiched between fibrous and squamous layers) y n Goldman[17] 2007 New Zealand Retrospective 9 cohort Not stated 17 47.1 72 Silver nitrate cautery or Urea and paper patch Silver nitrate cautery (4/5) Urea and paper patch (4/12) n n Gupta and Mishra[18] 2002 India Retrospective 7 cohort 8-15 (-) 52 88.5 6 Not stated Not stated y n Halim and Borgstein[19] 2009 Netherlands Retrospective 8 cohort 5-18 (10.0*) 218 71.1 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Harterink et al.[20] 2014 France Retrospective 8 cohort 4-16 (10.5) 64 84.4 10 Cartilage/ perichondrium y n Hung et al.[21] 2004 UK Prospective cohort 7-16 (11.9) 56 96.4 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay (anterosuperior anchoring) n n Kumar et al.[22] 2010 UK Retrospective 10 cohort 6-16 (10.6) 98 67.3 12 not specified Not stated y n Landsberg et al.[23] 2006 Israel Retrospective 8 cohort 8-15 (13) 11 72.7 25 Lobule fat Inlay n n Mak et al.[24] 2004 Australia Prospective cohort 5-15 (10) 67 50.7 6 Temporalis fascia Underlay or inlay or perichondrium or onlay or cartilage or fat y n 9 11 Underlay Merenda et al.[25] 2007 USA Retrospective 9 cohort 4-16 (10.2) 58 58.6 6 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Migirov and Volkov[26] 2009 Israel Retrospective 8 cohort 6-16 (9.9) 40 92.5 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Ozbek et al.[27] 2008 Turkey Retrospective 7 cohort 8-16 (12.1) 45 84.4 12 Cartilage/ perichondrium palisade or temporalis fascia y n Pignataro et al.[28] 2001 Italy Retrospective 7 cohort 8-14 (10.8) 41 80.5 8 Temporalis fascia Underlay or onlay y n Ribeiro et al.[29] 2011 Portugal Retrospective 7 cohort 6-17 (12.0) 91 85.7 6 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Ryan et al.[30] 2002 UK Retrospective 10 cohort 7-16 (11.7) 71 91.5 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Saliba and Froehlich[31] 2011 Canada Prospective cohort 10 4-16 (12.2) 208 88.5 12 Fat with hyaluronic acid epidisc or perichondrium Underlay or onlay y n Saliba et al.[32] 2012 Canada Prospective cohort 12 4-17 (11.7) 92 75.0 12 y n Singh et al.[33] 2005 India Prospective cohort 9 8-14 (-) 20 80.0 6 Fat and fat with Underlay or inlay hyaluronic acid epidisc Temporalis fascia Inlay y n Srinivasan et al.[34] 1997 UK Retrospective 7 cohort 9-16 (12.4) 40 77.5 6 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Takahashi et al.[35] 2014 Japan Retrospective 8 cohort 2-16 (8.7) 67 80.6 12 Not stated y n Te et al.[36] 1998 USA Retrospective 9 cohort 3-16 (10.8) 93 94.6 10 Temporalis fascia Underlay or onlay y n Tos et al.[37] 2000 Denmark Retrospective 8 cohort 2-14 (-) 124 94.4 6 Not stated y y Umapathy and Dekker[38] 2003 UK Retrospective 9 cohort 4-14 (-) 89 92.1 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay y n Underlay Not stated Not stated Usami et al.[39] 2001 Japan Retrospective 7 cohort 6-14 (11.3) 4 100.0 6 n 12 "Connective Underlay n tissue" or temporalis fascia Temporalis fascia Underlay or onlay y Uyar et al.[40] 2006 Turkey Retrospective 8 cohort 8-16 (15.1) 41 90.2 Vartiainen and Vartiainen[41] 1997 Finland Retrospective 8 cohort 5-17 (11.1) 60 95.0 60 Temporalis fascia Underlay or onlay y n Yilmaz et al.[42] 2013 Turkey Retrospective 7 cohort 7-16 (13.1) 45 91.1 6 Cartilage n n Yoon et al.[43] 2007 Korea Retrospective 8 cohort 3-15 (11.1) 63 95.2 12 Temporalis fascia Not stated y n Yu and Yoon[44] 2010 Korea Retrospective 7 cohort 9-12 (10.3) 4 100.0 9 Cartilage n n Yung et al.[45] 2007 UK Retrospective 10 cohort 4-13 (-) 39 84.6 12 Temporalis fascia Underlay or perichondrium or cartilage y n Underlay Inlay y 1 2 3 Supplemental digital content: Table 2: Characteristics of included studies and MINORS (Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies) scores. *denotes median age presented where mean not available. 1. 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