Rules of Procedure - European Union @ United Nations

Multilateral Negotiations
on an International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities
(New York, 27-31 July 2015)
Rules of Procedure
I. Participation
All Member States of the United Nations may participate in the Multilateral
Negotiations on an International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities (MN).
Relevant entities and organizations of the United Nations system as well as
specialized agencies may participate as observers.
Regional Integration Organizations and intergovernmental organizations with
responsibilities in outer space matters may also participate as observers.
II. Representation
Composition of Delegations
The Delegation of each Participant or Observer in the MN shall consist of a Head of
Delegation and such other Representatives, Alternate Representatives and Advisers as may be
Alternates and Advisers
The Head of Delegation may designate an Alternate Representative or an Adviser to
act as a Representative.
III. Officers
In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon him or her elsewhere by these
Rules of Procedure, the Chair shall preside at the meetings of the MN, declare the opening
and closing of each such meeting, direct the discussion, accord the right to speak, promote the
achievement of general agreement, and announce decisions. The Chair shall rule on points of
order and, subject to these Rules, shall conduct the proceedings in an orderly manner.
Other Officers
The Chair may appoint one or more Vice Chair(s) to assist in the proceedings, and
one or more Facilitator(s) to facilitate the achievement of general agreement on specific
matters of substance.
In case Vice Chairs are appointed, there shall be a General Committee consisting of
the Chair and the Vice Chairs of the MN. The Chair, or one of the Vice Chairs designated by
him or her, shall serve as Chair of the General Committee.
Acting Chair
If the Chair finds it necessary to be absent from a meeting or any part thereof he or
she shall designate an Acting-Chair to take his or her place.
An Acting Chair shall have the powers and duties of the Chair.
Voting rights of the Chair
The Chair shall not vote in the MN.
The Secretariat1
The Secretariat of the Multilateral Negotiations shall, in accordance with these rules:
a) Register participants and issue a list of participants;
b) Interpret speeches made at meetings;
c) Receive, translate, reproduce and circulate the documents of the MN, using
whenever possible the Paper-smart system of the UN Headquarters;
d) Publish and circulate any report of the MN;
e) Report the proceedings of the MN in appropriate journals;
f) Generally perform other supportive functions that the MN may require.
IV. Conduct of business
The MN shall be conducted in an open and transparent manner.
The presence of Representatives of a majority of participating States shall be required
for any decision to be taken.
The Chair shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their desire to
speak. The Secretariat shall be in charge of drawing up a list of speakers.
The secretariat functions of the Multilateral Negotiations will be provided in
accordance with UNGA resolution 69/38. The expenses will be covered by the European
The debate shall be confined to the question before the MN and the Chair may call a
speaker to order if his/her remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion.
The Chair may propose the closure of the list of speakers, a limitation on the time to
be allowed to speakers, the adjournment or the closure of the debate and the suspension or the
adjournment of a meeting.
Points of order
During the discussion of any matter, a Representative may at any time raise a point of
order which shall be decided immediately by the Chair in accordance with these rules.
Right of reply
Notwithstanding the provision under “Points of Order”, the Chair may accord the
right of reply to any Representative who requests it.
Basic proposal
The draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities, version dated
May 2015, shall constitute the basic proposal for consideration by the MN.
Proposals and amendments
Proposals and amendments shall normally be submitted in writing to the Secretariat of
MN, who shall circulate copies to all Delegations.
The Chair shall endeavour to group together for deliberation and facilitation similar
proposals and amendments to the draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space
V. Decision-making
General Agreement
The Chair shall make its best endeavours to ensure that the work of the MN is
accomplished by achieving general agreement for an International Code of Conduct for Outer
Space Activities.
If, in the consideration of any matter of substance, all feasible efforts to reach general
agreement have failed, the Chair of the MN shall consult relevant parties at his or her
discretion and recommend the steps to be taken.
In the event that any matter of substance cannot be accomplished by general
agreement, including following recommendations made by the Chair in consultation with
relevant parties, the Chair may put the matter to a vote.
Voting Rights, Majority required and Method of voting
Each participating State shall have one vote, except as provided for in the following
Decisions on all matters put to a vote shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the
participating States present and voting. "Present and voting" means present and casting an
affirmative or negative vote. Participating State abstaining from voting shall be considering
as non-voting.
Voting shall normally be oral, by show of hands or by standing, but any participating
State may request a roll-call. The roll-call shall be taken in the English alphabetical order of
the names of the participating States, beginning with the delegation whose name is drawn by
lot by the Chair. The name of each State shall be called in all roll-calls and its representative
shall reply “yes”, “no” or “abstention”.
Powers Reserved to the Chair
Any procedural or substantive matter not expressly set forth in these rules shall be
reserved to the Chair for determination at his or her discretion.
VI. Languages
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be the official languages
of the MN.
Speeches made in a language of the MN shall be interpreted into the other such
A Representative may speak in a language other than a language of the MN if the
Delegation concerned provides for interpretation into one such language. Interpretation into
the other languages of the MN by interpreters of the Secretariat may be based on the
interpretation given in the first such language.
Drafting language
Drafting proposals and amendments to the basic proposal shall be made in English.
Translation to the other languages shall be provided by the Secretariat at the earliest