Teaching supplies by grade level

Math Tools based on “VC Math Resource” documents and Module information:
Virtual Manipulatives
Rekenrek: http://www.mathlearningcenter.org/web-apps/number-rack/
Variety: www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/mathematics/ebook_assets/vmf/VMF-Interface.html
Rekenreks (including student rekenreks)
Bead Strings (100 beads in alternating color groups of 10)
Various counters (including 2 sided counters)
Connecting Cubes
Five/Ten/Double Ten Frames
Dot Cards/Dot Plates
Hide Zero/Place value strips
Balance scales
Dot and/or number cubes (dice)
Yarn for length comparison
Centimeter cubes
Geometric Solids
Sticks and clay
Geo-Boards/rubber bands
Pattern Blocks
Grade 1
Rekenreks (including student rekenreks)
Bead Strings (100 beads in alternating color groups of 10)
Various counters (including 2 sided counters)
Dot Cards/Dot Plates (My web page has an online version your kids might enjoy.)
Addition/Subtraction triangle flash cards (shows part part whole relationships.)
Ten/Double Ten Frames
Dot and/or number cubes (dice)
Connecting Cubes
Popsicle Sticks/Straws/Rubber Bands for bundling
5-group cards – could probably use Fosnot Early Games p. 53 and p. 69)
1 to 20 Number Paths (number tiles work nicely if you have them.)
Hundreds charts (School specialty has this great kit with tiles and highlighter tiles that make activities
with the chart more concrete.)
Place value mats (charts)
Place Value Strips (Hide Zero Cards)
Yarn for length comparison
Diverse measurement units (such as: links, inch tiles, crayons, connecting cubes. Straws. etc.)
Pattern Blocks
Geometric Solids
Geo-Boards/rubber bands
Sticks and clay
Square tiles
Unmarked fraction circles and/or rectangles
Instructional clocks
Centimeter cubes
Centimeter rulers (simply for the purpose of naming the centimeter)
Non-standard units (toothpicks, small and large paper clips)
String lengths of about 25 centimeters
4 Way CountDown Board Game http://www.amazon.com/Ideal-0C241-4-Way-CountDownGame/dp/B000229N2C 4 students to a game – excellent game for fact reinforcement later in the
Three Primary Math Games (1 game box) http://www.amazon.com/Educational-Insights-Primary-MathGames/dp/B000FA1NKQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1441303351&sr=11&keywords=Three+Primary+Math+Games Also for when you are up to building some fluency. I
especially like the subtraction game as it motivates the students to practice practice practice.
Grade 2
Rekenreks (including student rekenreks)
Bead Strings (100 beads in alternating color groups of 10)
Various counters (including 2 sided counters)
Dot Cards/Dot Plates (My web page has an online version. We could talk about using it with 2nd graders.)
Addition/Subtraction triangle flash cards (shows part part whole relationships.)
Ten/Double Ten Frames
Dot and/or number cubes (dice)
Connecting Cubes
Popsicle Sticks/Straws/Rubber Bands for bundling
Place value blocks (Dienes blocks), discs, and mats (charts)
Place Value Strips (Hide Zero Cards)
1 to 20 Number Paths (number tiles work nicely if you have them.)
Inch and/or cm cubes/tiles
Rulers/yardsticks/meter sticks/measuring tape
Diverse Measurement Units (such as: large and small paper clips, links, crayons, etc.)
Geo-Boards/rubber bands
Pattern Blocks
Geometric Solids
Sticks and clay
Unmarked fraction circles and/or rectangles
Graph/Grid Paper/Dot Paper
Blank paper for folding
Coins/Dollar Bills
Instructional Clock
Grade 3
Connecting Cubes
Bead Strings (100 beads)
Inch Tiles/cm cubes
Various Counters
Multiplication/Division triangle flash cards (later in the year for factor product relationships)
Clue Cards (Flash cards with the fact on the front and a strategy for the answer on the back –see below.)
Clue card ideas - http://investigations.terc.edu/library/curricgl/sample_g4_smh_p29-34.pdf
Ten Frames
Place Value Blocks/Mats
Place Value Disks
Place Value Strips (Hide Zero Cards)
Fraction manipulatives, marked and unmarked
Blank paper for folding
Pattern Blocks
Tetrominoes – I cannot find these commercially thus far. The one set I saw appears to have been
discontinued. The templates in the module seemed time consuming to me, but I THINK if you have
several colors of inch tiles, we could adapt the module lesson this spring. We’ll talk…. Or we can just use
grid paper.
Pentominoes as an extension https://www.learningresources.com/product/rainbow--8482+premier+pentominoes.do
Geo-Boards/Rubber Bands
Graph/Grid Paper/Dot Paper
Instructional Clocks
Stop watches (for partner work with time)
Balance Scales/weights
Spring scale
Digital spring scale
Various containers
Rulers/meter sticks
Grade 4
Connecting Cubes
Bead Strings (100 beads)
Inch Tiles/cm cubes
Various Counters
Multiplication/Division triangle flash cards (factor product relationships)
Clue Cards (Flash cards with the fact on the front and a strategy for the answer on the back –see below.)
Clue card ideas - http://investigations.terc.edu/library/curricgl/sample_g4_smh_p29-34.pdf
Place Value Blocks/Mats/Charts
Place Value Disks http://www.amazon.com/Place-Value-Disks-140-Manipulatives/dp/1934026484
Place Value Disks with decimal values http://www.enasco.com/product/TB24433T
Place Value Strips (Hide Zero Cards)
Fraction manipulatives, marked and unmarked
Geo-Boards/Rubber Bands
Pattern Blocks
Graph/Grid Paper/Dot Paper
Triangular (Isometric) grid paper: https://www.teachervision.com/graphs-and-charts/graphicorganizers/44552.html
Balance Scales/weights
Digital spring scale
Various containers
Rulers/meter sticks
Coins/Bills (decimal support)
Personal white boards/”slip in” clear folders are probably the better option
Grade 5
Place Value Charts
Place Value Disks http://www.amazon.com/Place-Value-Disks-140-Manipulatives/dp/1934026484
Place Value Disks with decimal values http://www.enasco.com/product/TB24433T
Place Value Strips (Hide Zero Cards)
Graph/Grid Paper/Dot Paper
Patty Paper (saw it in the module – have never actually used it, but check it out… scroll down and read
the product description – kinda cool) http://www.amazon.com/Geometry-Patty-Paper-SheetsSingle/dp/B001OMEGFS
Triangular (Isometric) grid paper: https://www.teachervision.com/graphs-and-charts/graphicorganizers/44552.html
Fraction manipulatives, marked and unmarked
Personal white boards/”slip in” clear folders are probably the better option
Cm cubes
Protractors (I didn’t believe it, but it’s in Module 5)
Set squares? (They clearly won’t have to use this on the NYS exam, but it’s in module 5 and might be
interesting enrichment at some point.) http://www.amazon.com/Triangle-Set-10-3060/dp/B000HFUEOU