Lara Fullner-Grennan EDU 6613 Module 5 Assignment Extended Written Response, Performance Assessment, and Personal Communication: Revisiting and Improving your Unit Pre-Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summarizing Pre-Assessment Using “Charles” by Shirley Jackson (p. 13 in Literature Book) 1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the three summaries below. Read each summary and choose which paragraph best summarizes the story. Defend your choice by using at least four descriptors provided below the summaries. (I believe that this extended response item measures reasoning proficiency because it requires students to use the mental process of evaluating. Evaluative reasoning is one of the patterns of reasoning we read about earlier in this course. This test item requires that students make a decision about which summary is the best, select the evaluative criteria that support this decision, and defend the decision with evidence.) 1 The short story “Charles” by Shirley Jackson describes one family’s experience when their son starts kindergarten. Laurie is bad in school. He has a baby sister and he spills her milk and she even has a cold! The kid lies to his parents about a kid named Charles and then his mom goes to the parent-teacher meeting. He starts talking back to his dad and he thinks school is very fun and he gets his way all the time. He talks one girl into saying a bad word and she gets her mouth washed out with soap. Charles is the “freshest” little kindergarten student in school. 2 The short story “Charles” by Shirley Jackson describes one family’s experience when their son starts kindergarten. After Laurie’s first day of kindergarten, he reports on a student who is very rude and has questionable behavior. Each day, the stories of Charles are full of hitting, kicking, and using bad language. After a few weeks, Laurie reports that Charles is behaving well and helping the teacher. When Laurie’s mother goes to meet the teacher, the teacher says Laurie made trouble at first, but now he is a helper. Laurie’s mother learns there is no Charles in the class. 3 The short story “Charles” by Shirley Jackson describes one family’s experience when their son starts kindergarten. Initially Laurie comes home talking about his classmate. Charles, and his bad behavior. Laurie continues to report on Charles misbehavior in class. At the same time, Laurie begins acting at out home and calling his dad dumb. When Laurie’s mom finally meets the teacher, she surprised to know there is not a Charles. Obviously, “Charles” is a bad boy and his parents have not idea how to raise kids. He will go on to cause more trouble in the future and probably end up in jail. List of descriptors for an excellent summary: Conveys information accurately All important elements of story are included Includes no personal opinion Contains a complete, accurate summary statement Leaves out minor details Places events in correct order Writes summary in own words _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ “The first thing we need to do is read the text and determine if it is informational or literary. Making this distinction will tell us what components to look for in the summary. We would then need to determine the author’s purpose and intended audience. I would show the class how to use their purpose and audience chart as reference when making this determination. Finally, we would determine possible main ideas or themes for the story. Once this analysis of the text is complete, we can look to the sample summaries that have been provided for us. I would begin by narrowing down my choices based on the information I gathered through reading and analyzing the story. The sample summaries cannot be in the running for the best summary if it doesn’t match the author’s purpose, audience, and main idea/theme. I would then show the class how to use the list of descriptors as a checklist of necessary components to help narrow down my choices until I’m left with the one sample that best summarizes the text. I would then tell students that in order to defend their choice, they should select the 4 descriptors that are most strongly represented in the sample and use their own words to explain how those descriptors were used to write an effective summary.” EXCEEDS (95%) Evaluates author’s effectiveness, challenging author’s ideas, implied bias, or distortions with clear rationale or arguments EVALUATING SUMMARIES MEETS (85%) PROGRESSING (75%) Evaluates author’s Evaluates author’s effectiveness, effectiveness in giving examples, general terms and recognizing author’s bias BELOW (65%) Attempts to evaluate author’s effectiveness in simple terms Summarizing Pre-Assessment Using “The Colonial Era” (p. 162 Literature Book) 2. Look at the map on page 162. Choose the best summary statement for the map. a. The First English Settlements map shows students the routes of new settlers and the locations of existing Native peoples. b. The First English Settlements map shows students the location of the Appalachian Mountains and the major rivers that supported new settlements. c. The First English Settlements map shows the relationship between the dates of each landing and the success of the colony. d. The First English Settlements map shows how far and fast the new settlers traveled to the New World. 3. Imagine a 5th grade student wants to know why the pilgrims came to America. Create a summary for the student that includes all information found on page 162. Include cause and effect in your summarizing statement and the key ideas from each section. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------Will your extended response item assist your students to better address your learning targets for this unit? Why or why not? The final product that students are expected to create, according to both Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements and Common Core Standards (which were recently adopted by Superintendent Randy Dorn for Washington State), is to provide or write an objective summary of the text. This is a product learning target and requires that students use their knowledge, reasoning, and skills obtained through other learning targets to create the summary. I look at this learning progression as a chain reaction. First, students must be able to recognize and define all components of an effective summary. Once they show that they know these targets, they must use what they know to reason, which in this item is through evaluation. This evaluation will help students better address the overall learning target of writing an objective summary because it requires that they take into consideration what they’ve learned about summary writing from the other knowledge and reasoning targets to determine which summary is most effective. Students can then use what they’ve learned about effective summaries through this evaluation to help write their own objective summary. Consider how you might use performance assessment to reach your learning targets. EALR 2: The student understands the meaning of what is read. Component 2.1: Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension. o GLE 2.1.7: Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: determine importance and summarize text. What learning targets will I assess? Students will be able to create an objective summary of informational and literary text for the intended purpose and audience. What will students do? Summarize informational and literary texts. What knowledge are they to use? In order to meet this learning target, students must use all of the knowledge, reasoning, and skills they learned throughout the unit. I have listed these targets below: Writer’s Craft 1. Use words in an objective voice and avoid interpretation or judgment when summarizing text (skill) 1.1. Determine author’s purpose and audience (reasoning) 1.1.1. List different audiences for writing (knowledge) 1.1.2. List different purposes for writing (knowledge) 1.2. Interpret author’s biases (reasoning) 1.2.1. Define bias 1.3. Define objective voice (knowledge) 2. Use text features to determine key ideas (reasoning) 2.1. Recognize text features (knowledge) Summary Components 3. Distinguish between informational and literary texts and summaries (reasoning) 3.1. Recognize components of informational and literary summaries (knowledge) 4. Write a summarizing statement (product) 4.1. Identify components of a summarizing statement (title, author, type of genre, verb indicating author’s purpose, and multiple themes or central ideas from the text) (knowledge) 4.2. Distinguish between key ideas/events and details (reasoning) 4.2.1. Determine significant key ideas/events (reasoning) 4.2.2. Define details (knowledge) 4.3. Determine theme and main idea (reasoning) 4.3.1. Define main idea and theme (knowledge) Organization 5. Use cause and effect text structure to determine importance and organize a summary (skill) 5.1. Identify different text structures (knowledge) 6. Use transitions to show relationships between and among key ideas in a summary (skill) 6.1. Make connections among key ideas from the entire text (reasoning) 6.2. Categorize transitional words/phrases based on structure and purpose (reasoning) 6.2.1. List transitional words and phrases (knowledge) 7. Assemble summaries based on length of text and audience (skill) 7.1. Examine summaries for consistency with length of text (reasoning) What are they to perform or create? They will create an objective summary. What conditions are they to adhere to? See rubric criteria below. How much time will they have? Approximately 20 minutes. How many tasks will I need to sample well? We cover eight different purposes for writing throughout the year, so students will get experience writing summaries for each purpose. However, I would say sampling two informational summaries and two literary summaries in this unit will be sufficient. How should these tasks differ to cover the depth and breadth of what I am assessing? The texts that students are asked to summarize will need to be a balance of informational and literary and represent a variety of writing purposes, audiences, text structures and lengths. ORGANIZATION SUMMARY COMPONENTS CREATING A SUMMARY RUBRIC EXCEEDS (95%) MEETS (85%) PROGRESSING (75%) Organization Maintains a Demonstrates an enhances the consistent inconsistent organizational summary; organizational structure; Structure of the Maintains a structure; summary is not consistent consistent Structure of the with the writing being organizational summary summarized structure, generally follows including the structure of the paragraphing writing be when necessary summarized; based on length Transitions are and audience; used to show Structure of the relationships summary follows among the key the structure of the ideas writing being summarized Summary is clear Summary is Summary is somewhat and focused; focused; focused; Summarizing Summarizing Summarizing statement is incomplete or statement includes statement includes central idea/theme is not title, author, genre, title, author, genre, clearly stated; Significant verb, and clear verb, and central key ideas are missing; central idea/theme; idea/theme; Insignificant details have Includes all Includes most of been added; May contain relevant facts and the relevant facts copying of key phrases BELOW (65%) Summary lacks a clear sense of organization; Selection is retold randomly or in a confusing manner Summary is attempted; Summarizing statement is missing; Key ideas are not identified; Many important facts and details are missing details; Significant key ideas have been purposefully chosen and paraphrased and are well-explained No additional criteria WRITER’S CRAFT and details; Significant key ideas have been purposefully chosen and paraphrased Objective voice is used; Interpretation and judgment are avoided; Author’s purpose and audience are maintained taken from the text being summarized Objective voice is used; Interpretation and judgment are avoided Objective voice is used, but may include inaccurate representations or interpretations of the text