Summer Opportunities 2014
Program Program Dates
VCU Summer Research
Infectious Disease, and
Public Health
Epidemiology) Program
Brief Program Description Website
Summer 2015 -
Fellowships are for a period of two months and are offered between the M1 and M2 years.
Mar 15, 2015 Students in the School of
Medicine may do research with any faculty member in the school but must register through this website. Students can receive a stipend ($2,500) funded by the Dean’s Office but must apply to the Senior
Associate Dean for Research and Research Training for a summer research fellowship using the School of Medicine
Student Summer Research
Fellowship Application form.
The fellowships are limited and are, therefore, very competitive. A faculty member may sponsor only one fellowship-funded student application per year.
Summer 2015 Mar 15, 2015 The School of Medicine will offer an integrated series of seminars and workshops that range from local to global issues in infectious diseases.
Studies are related to infectious diseases from basic science (pathogenic microbiology) to applied science (epidemiology).
Accepted students will be paired with a mentor to conduct research in the areas of: microbiology, clinical research, or epidemiology.
VCU HERO (Health
Educational Research
Opportunities) Program
VCU Injury and
Violence Prevention
Mar 15, 2015
The Health Educational
Research Opportunities
(HERO) program, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, provides
10-week summer research experiences for undergraduate students and first-year medical or dental students. The goal of
HERO is to increase the number of underrepresented health professionals and researchers nationwide, with the hope of promoting better health outcomes for individuals from groups that are typically underrepresented in the biomedical sciences.
The Research Division of
Trauma Surgery in the
Department of Surgery announces research opportunities in the area of injury and violence. This area includes preventive strategies, diagnosis and management of traumatic injury or violencerelated injuries (e.g., domestic abuse, gang/gun warfare, sexual abuse, sports related injuries, substance abuse).
Students will have an opportunity to participate in inpatient violence consults and design a research project and clinical exposure to suit their interests.
If interested, please email Dr. Stephanie Goldberg at
Scholars Program
The American Osler
Society, William B.
Bean Student Research
American Pediatric
Society - Society for
Pediatric Research
Must be a current medical student
Two to three months in a research environment
Jan 23, 2015
JACK’S Summer Scholars
Program provides students with the opportunity to view the world of neonatology and pediatric subspecialties through clinical mentoring and research. Summer scholars have the opportunity to work with the neonatal team as they provide care and conduct research related to infant and maternal health. Specific emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of multidisciplinary hospital care. The program also enables participants to explore medical career opportunities in pediatric subspecialties such as general surgery, anesthesiology, neurosurgery and infectious diseases.
Research in Medical History and Medical Humanities.
Invited to present research at a meeting of the American Osler
Society. Award is $1,500.
Travel funding available.
Encourages medical students to consider careers in research related to pediatrics. Designed for students seeking research opportunities at an institution other than their own medical school. Stipend included. ks.html
ASTRO Minority
Summer Fellowship
Children’s Hospital, Los
Angeles, Children's
Center for Cancer and
Blood Diseases,
Summer Oncology
Research Fellowship
GE Foundation and
National Medical
Fellowships Primary
Care Leadership
6 -10 week fellowship;
$350 weekly stipend
Summer 2014
Rising 2 nd
3rd year students
TBA Introduces first/second-year medical students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in medicine to the discipline of radiation oncology. In an effort to promote radiation oncology as a career choice, the fellowship will provide medical students with a unique training opportunity that focuses on mentoring and hands-on experience in radiation oncology clinical and basic science disciplines.
Jan 31, 2015 Designed for students in health science fields seeking opportunities to conduct pediatric oncology research.
Oriented to educate medical students in clinical and laboratory research studies.
TBA Provides an opportunity to examine the challenges and rewards of primary care practice in community health centers. GE-NMF enhances
traditional clinical externships with leadership training and network building. The overall mission of the program is to develop a pipeline of future primary care professionals.
Scholars are required to complete 200 service hours within a 6 to 8 week period.
Global Health Delivery
Summer Intensive
(GHDI) program at
Harvard University
Howard Hughes Medical
Institute (HHMI)
Summer Research Fellows
Howard Hughes Medical
Institute (HHMI)
Medical Research Fellows
James D. Popp Summer
Research Fellowship
7/1/15 –
Feb 1, 2015 Program attracts a diverse, international cadre of midcareer global health professionals who seek training in global health delivery concepts and skills
Summer after 1 st or 2 nd year
Year-long program
Jan 12, 2015
Jan 12, 2015
8 to 10 weeks of full-time research. $5,000 for 10 weeks or
$500 week for less than 10 weeks. Relocation allowance of up to $1,000
Conduct research at any academic or nonprofit institution in the US, except NIH. Choose your own mentor and develop your research project. MI investigators and early career scientists, or be matched with a mentor at HHMI.
Summer 2015 Mar 3, 2015 First year medical students who have had little or no research experience and are interested in engaging in cancer research this summer.
Candidates must commit to spending most of the eight week summer break in the research lab. The stipend is intended to cover living expenses for the summer. The travel award is to be used to attend a national cancer research meeting sometime while in medical school.
$4000 stipend and $1000 travel award.
For more information about the award and for assistance in choosing a research project, please go to the website:
and click on the "Fellowship" button on the home page.
There you will find more information and a link to the application.
Jewish Medical Ethics
& Israel Experience
Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center
Medical Student
Summer Fellowship
Research Program
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) Medical
Research Scholars
Jun 29 – Jul 23,
June 15 – Aug
7, 2015
12 month program
Jan 15, 2015
Maimonides Scholars
Fellowship. Four week program in Jerusalem, Israel.
Program features a course in
Jewish medical ethics combined with workshops on
Jewish thought and tours and hikes throughout Israel. The purpose is to enable medical students to explore Jewish approaches to challenging medical issues confronting health care professionals. The medical ethics curriculum incorporates the case-study method and hospital rounds, and qualifies for elective medical school credit.
Jan 12, 2105 Funded by NCI, open to first/second year medical students interested in oncology and/or biomedical sciences; clinical or laboratory research experience mentored by
MSKCC faculty; attend weekly lecture series; present research; $5800 stipend
Comprehensive, year-long research enrichment program.
Student scholars engage in a mentored basic, clinical, or translational research project on the main NIH campus in
Bethesda, or at close by NIH facilities that matches their professional interests and career goals. Stipend and housing provided.
National Institutes of
Health (NIH) Clinical
Center (CC) Summer
Internship Program
National Multiple
Sclerosis Society
Medical Student
Sarnoff Medical Student
Research Fellowship
Summer Ethics
Fellowship for medical students
June 15 –
August 6, 2015
4 to 8 week fellowships available
May 2015
Jun 14 – Jun 25,
Mar 1, 2015 At the Clinical Center— the nation's largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research—students work with mentors who are researchers and health professionals; participate in the NIH
Research Poster Day with results generated by their work in this summer program; and attend weekly lectures presented by NIH investigators.
Jan 15, 2105 To expose medical students in pre-clinical and clinical years to the field of multiple sclerosis. Stipends Awarded.
Jan 7, 2015 Offers year-long research opportunities for outstanding medical students to explore careers in cardiovascular research; no research experience necessary; annual stipend of $30,000 in addition
Dec 23, 2014 to allowance of up to $5000 for travel to select a preceptor and fellowship laboratory, moving expenses, insurance
Each year group of medical students from the US and
Canada are selected to participate in the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of
Professional Ethics. FASPE fellowship is completely free, including travel to NYC,
Germany, and Poland. ps.html
University of Maryland
School of Medicine
SPORT program
Vanderbilt School of
Research in Nephrology and Hypertension
Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine
Diabetes and Obesity
Research; Kidney
Disease Research;
Digestive Disease
8-12 week program of mentored research training; conduct basic science or clinical research in the areas of obesity, diabetes, nutrition and related diseases; participate in a research symposium and have an opportunity to meet other summer research students and mentors and to present their work; sponsored by the NIH through the
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases (NIDDK)
Research under the direction of a Vanderbilt scientist. Labbased, clinical or translational research in kidney disease (no research experience required).
Career advice, clinical and research seminars and discussions. Stipend provided.
Conduct research during under direction of a Vanderbilt scientist with approximately
$1800/month stipend provided; laboratory based, clinical, or translational research in the areas of diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, or digestive disease; career advice; clinical and research seminars; present results at a national symposium.
Washington University
School of Medicine TL-
1 Pre-doctoral Program
June 1, 2015 Feb 15, 2015 Clinical and translational research training opportunity sponsored by the NIH and promotes clinical research careers for predoctoral students in the allied health professions.
The TL1 Program provides support for two programs —
Summer (8 week) and Year-
Long. Selected students become active members of the mentor’s laboratory and participate in courses and special seminars. Students receive a stipend, book allowance, travel allowance, and year-long trainees receive paid health insurance benefits.