Developing Emotional Intelligence (Chapter 8)

Developing Emotional Intelligence (Chapter 8)
1. Recommendations on assigned readings
Understanding EI – (p. 315 – 317)
Reducing Stress – (p. 319 – 328)
Creating Flow – (p. 329 – 332)
2. In-class activities & participation
What are emotions?
Basic emotions:
Emotional Intelligence Self-Evaluation
The purpose of this self-evaluation is to measure your tendencies and abilities within
various areas of emotional intelligence. The Emotional Intelligence Self-Evaluation
measures five areas of emotional intelligence
The Practical EQ Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment
This self-assessment questionnaire is designed to get you thinking about the various
competences of emotional intelligence as they apply to your life. It does not pretend to be
a validated psychometric test, and the answers you give might vary depending on your
mood when you take it. It is based on the five-competency model of emotional
intelligence by Daniel Goleman in the book Emotional Intelligence.
Teambuilding Activities
Have the students participate in 1-2 team building activities.
Make one fairly simple (e.g., human knot)
Make the other one more difficult (helium stick)
1. What were you feeling during the activities?
2. Did you have different emotions in each activity? Which ones? Why?
3. How can recognizing your emotions in group situations assist you in your career,
relationships, and life?
Human Knot (maximum time 10 minutes)
Supplies needed: none
Instructions: Have the group make a large circle. Have everyone put their left hand in the
middle, and hold hands with someone in the circle, not directly next to them. Repeat with the
right hand, and be sure to hold hands with a different person, who is not directly next to them.
Then the group must use teamwork to unravel themselves into a circle again without coming
Helpful Hint: To ensure that everyone is in the same circle, send a “pulse.” One person begins by
gently squeezing their right hand. The person who is squeezed gently squeezes their opposite
hand, which passes the pulse to the next person. Continue until the first person has their second
hand squeezed.
Variations: This activity works well as a race between several circles in larger groups.
Helium Stick / Levitating Hula Hoop (maximum time 20 minutes)
Supplies needed: Helium stick / hula hoop (Available in the CSA)
Instructions: For this initiative you either need a hula hoop, tent pod, lightweight & thin PVC
pipe or helium sticks. Hula hoop variation – have a group of 8-15 students stand shoulder to
shoulder in a circle. Have each member place hold out their two pointer fingers (fist facing up,
knuckles facing the ground) at least at chest level. Place the hula hoop on top of the group’s
fingers and instruct them to lower the hoop to the ground. Everyone’s fingers must be touching
the hoop at all times and they may not hook their fingers around the hoop; it should just rest on
top of their fingertips. When you place the hoop on top of the group’s fingers press down a little
bit. In an effort to lower the hoop the group will likely starting lifting it up first. They must
communicate, concentrate, and work together to lower it to the ground. It works similarly with
helium sticks, but instead of standing in a circle they make two equal lines facing one another.
Processing Questions:
How does the group deal with frustration?
When does the organization “blame” members or groups of member?
3. Assignments (OUT OF CLASS work that meets one of the four types of assignments COM
101 requires)
 Build positive relationships with peers, faculty, and staff
o Interview a faculty of staff member about their skills (experience & education)
and how it has assisted them in the challenges of their work?
 Explore personal strengths, abilities and interests and how they contribute to your college
o Any of the assessments can be taken out of class along with a reflection / journal
 Learn skills for successfully navigating the college environment
o Connect it to the Focus on the Finish Line ( –
Self Assessment section.
 Your Interests, Your Personality, Your Skills, Your Values
Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Having mental intelligence is all one needs to create great success in college and in life.
Two components of Emotional Intelligence include _______________and ________________ .
Two steps that will assist people to become more attuned to their emotions include
_______________and ________________ .
Creating Flow
When our perceived skill level is high and our perceived challenge level is low, our inner
experience is one of _________________________.
When our perceived skill level is low and our perceived challenge level is high, our inner
experience is one of _________________________.
When our perceived skill level and our perceived challenge level are about the same, our inner
experience is one of _________________________.
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi found that typical working Americans experience the
most flow _________________________.
A. while watching television
B. over the weekend
C. away on vacations
D. on their jobs