- dav public school tigaon

General Instructions:
1. Read the instructions of each question carefully and neatly attempt all of them.
2. Draw and label the diagrams with a sharpened pencil and a ruler respectively.
3. Record all the observations carefully and present them neatly in the EVS
4. Submit the complete Holidays Homework after the vacations i.e. on 3rd July
Trained to be a Scientist:
Dear children,Do you know how scientists work? From where do they start? How
have they made different discoveries and inventions? How do they conduct
experiments and reach conclusions?
Let us read the steps information below to understand the various steps of
scientific method.
In science there are ways and methods to find answers to any question. Scientific methods are ways of finding
Scientists use scientific methods when they do experiments which might have many steps. Sometimes
scientists do steps in a different order. They might or might not even do all the steps every time. We all have
those scientists hidden in us. 
 Step 1: Frame your question
Think and frame a question that you want to be answered.
 Ex: Do seeds need water to grow?
Do seeds need anything else than water?
 Step 2: Make your Hypothesis.
A hypothesis is a possible answer to your question.
 Ex: If seeds are watered, then they will grow because seeds need water.
 Step 3: Plan a Test
Keep everything the same. Try and change one thing and observe.
 Ex: Use the same kinds of pots, Seeds, soil etc but water only one pot.
 Step 4: Perform the test
Test what you thought of while making the hypothesis. Repeat your test. Compare theresults.
 Step 5: Collect and record what you observed
Keep the records of whatever you have observed. You can record with numbers, drawings, writing
sentences. Etc.
 Step 6: Tell your conclusion
Once you finish, think of the question and the hypothesis you framed
 Ex: Do seeds need water to grow?
Yes, they need water to grow
1.That was quite an informative reading! Let us follow these steps and become investigative young
scientists to find out about the following in plants:
Activity 1:
Teacher’s Signature
Is water required for growing plants?
Activity 2:
Is sunlight necessary for growing plants
A. Activity 1
1. Buy some healthy seed from a gardening store or a nursery. You can even take some from your kitchen.
2. Take two small-flat pots. Put a layer of healthy soil (soil with manure) in the pot and place the seed in
both. Cover it with another layer of soil.
3.Label the first pot as “With water” and the other pot as “Without water”.
4. Water the first pot (the one that says- “With water”). Do not water the other one.
5.Observe the pot daily for 5 days.
6. Record your observationson a daily basis in the table given below. Draw the table in your Spiral
Date of sowing: ________________________________
Depth of sowing the seed:_________________________________
Position of the seed while sowing: ______________________________
Observation table
No Water
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
 What did you conclude?
 What might happen if you watered the “No water” pot?
What would happen if seeds were sown at:
a. Different depths:
b. Different positions:
B. Activity 2
Let us try the second activity now.
1. Again take 2 pots and label the first one as “in the sunlight” and the second one as “ in the shade”.
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2. Water both the pots, but keep one of them in the sunlight and the other one in shade. Record your
observations on a dali basis and note the data in the table below.
In the sunlight
In the shade
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Do you think the plant in the sunlight will grow faster than the one in shade? Predict your answer and
then see the results yourself after 5 days.
Prediction : __________________________________________________
Actual :
Observe both the plants after 5 days. What was the colour of :
a. the plant “In the sunlight”:
b. the plant “In the shade”:
What will happen if we now keep the second potted plantkept “in the shade” out in the sunlight after 5
 Prediction: : __________________________________________________________
 Actual :
Do you notice any change in :
a. Growth
b. Colour
 What do you infer from this?
2. Visit a nearby Botanical Garden or a park. Carefully look around the variety of plants present there.
Observe and try to find out the following information for any 5plants that are of medicinal value. Write
the following information in your EVS journal (Spiral Notebook). 
1. Name of the plant
2. Plant type (Herb, Shrub, Tree, Creeper, Climber)
3. Any medicinal/culinary use
4. Any special feature (thorns, Tendrils, Spines, Climber, Creepers, Special flowers etc)
5. Do not forget to draw the plant in the EVS journal.
6. Records the place, date and time of observation.
3. With the help of an encyclopedia and websites like1.www.amazingfacts.com
3. www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals.html.
Try and find out 10 amazing facts about plants and animals. Write these facts on strips of chart papers so
that we can share and display them on class boards once you come back to school . Kids, find out really
interesting facts. You never know we might read them out in the morning assembly too.
Teacher’s Signature
4. Let’s do some Magic!!
1. Draw a flower on plain white paper and colour it in with coloured pencils or crayons (felt pens will run).
You can download and print these flowers or design your own.
2.Carefully cut the flower out (the neater the better)
3. Fold the petals over one by one (the flower will open up differently depending on the order you fold the
4. Your Magic Flower should now look like this. (as shown in the picture)
5. Pour a teaspoon of water into a saucer.
6. Pop the Magic Flower into the water in your saucer and the petals immediately
begin to open up... just like a real flower
7. Soon, the petals untangle and reveal
the smiley face (or any other message you
wrote) inside.
8. The flower will completely open in
around thirty seconds (it varies depending
on the paper you used). This will surely get
a smile on your face.
Try it out and have fun! Also attempt the
questions given below.
1. Was your magic a success? If not try different
2. At any point of time, did you find it difficult to perform this activity? If yes, how
did you overcome it?
3. Can you figure out the reason for the petals
to open
5. Go to big bazaar or any other supermarket with your parents.
will see lot of tasty food items lined up. Once you finish grocery
have a look at what all you have bought. Collect labels of healthy and
food items (5 each) and make the following
Label name
Type of food
Surely, you
Draw the table and paste all the collected labels on a half chart paper.
6. Let us start cooking!!
Summer time is holiday time combined with fun. Lets satisfy our taste buds by preparing an easy, healthy
and absolutely delicious dish.
Become the Master chef junior of your own kitchen and teach mommy how to make yummy “Greek
Teacher’s Signature
1 medium-sized lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces, washed, and dried
2 medium tomatoes, seeded, and large diced
1 medium-sized cucumber, large dice
1 cup olives, (halved)
 1/2 medium red onion, thinly sliced
 3 tablespoons olive oil
 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 1 medium lemon), plus more as needed
 1 ½teaspoons finely chopped fresh oregano leaves or 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
 ¼teaspoon table salt, plus more as needed
 Freshly ground black pepper
 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese (about 2 1/2 ounces)
1. 1. Place the lettuce in a large bowl and add the tomatoes, cucumber, olives, and onion; set aside.
2. 2.Place the oil, measured lemon juice, oregano, measured salt, and pepper to taste in a small, glass bowl
and whisk to combine.
3. 3. Pour over the salad and toss to combine.
4. 4. Taste and season with additional lemon juice, salt, or pepper as needed.
5. 5. Sprinkle with the feta and serve. Enjoy with your family and friends.
7. Write about the various nutrients you benefitted from the salad that you made in your EVS journal.
7. Puzzle time!!
Children! It’s time to put on your thinking caps!! Read the given puzzles/brain teasers carefully and Try
and find out their answers! Good luck! 
1. I am obtained from plants…..I am used to make cloth. Who am I?
a. Wax
b. Silk
c. Wool
d. Jute
2. Nishi cleaned some rice by washing it with water. What can she use this water for now?
a. Cooking
b. Washing her face c. Washing her clothes
d. Washing her cycle tyres
4. Which of the senses would you mainly use while playing a video game?
a. touch and taste
Teacher’s Signature
b. sight and smell
c. smell and taste
d. sight and touch
5. You are given a map of a shopping mall. Look at the map carefully and answer the given questions:
Sumi enters the
shopping complex from
the ground floor. Which
of these is the most likely
to find a s soon as she
a. Restrooms
b. Telephone
c. Toys section
d. Computers
Which of the following is
only on the First Floor?
a. ATM
b. Entrance
c. Information d. Management Office
6. Anjali holds a small flat mirror in front of a rose as shown in the picture. Anjali then holds the mirror upside down, keeping everything else the same. How will it look?
Teacher’s Signature
7. Sonika is standing in a room. There is only one light bulb as shown in the picture. Of the four shadows
shown, which is the correct one?
8. Bring a mirror and place it in front of the Car number given to you.(ANS43Q12).Choose the alternative
which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination.
9. Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given word.
Teacher’s Signature
10. Rainforest Layer sorting!! Read the given information carefully
Ben the botanist was comparing 12 different
rainforest plants that grow on the forest
floor. He was looking at the leaves and
6 of them had pointed leaves, the rest
were rounded.
4 of them had orangeflowers, the rest
had red flowers.
Only 3 had pointed leaves and orange
How many plants had rounded leaves and red
Teacher’s Signature
Ben then compared 15 different plants
that grow in the understory layer.
8 of the plants had huge leaves for
capturing sunlight.
10 of the plants were flowering.
Only 5 of the plants had huge leaves
and flowers.
How many plants had small leaves and no
Subject- G.Sc
Q1- Define the following terms(a)Wind pipe
(b) Cartilage
(c) Stomata
(d) Reproduction
(f)Food chain
Q2. Give reasons (a) Bone marrow is known as the factory for making blood cells.
(b) seed do not germinate when they are kept in an ice box or a refrigerator.
(c) some plants feed on insects .
(d) forests are lungs of earth .
(e) some seed germinate in nature.
Q3. Answer the following question(a) Name two wild animals.
(b)Define food chain.
(c) Name any four products that are obtained from forests.
(d)What are the conditions required for seed to germinate.
(e) What is the importance of rib-cage in our body.
(f) Name the four main parts of skeletal system.
(g) What are the the functions of the following(1) Seed coat
(2) Hilum.
(3) Cotyledons.
(h) How is the national park different from a wildlife santuary.
(i) Give any four steps to prevent cruety to animals.
(j) Differenciate between extinct and endangered animals . give two examples of each
type .
Skill based1. Draw food chain.
2. Draw inner view of eye.
3. Draw human breathing system.
4. Sandeep was going to vaishno devi with his mother and on the way he asked where
were the green mountains, tall tree she had seen in his EVS book. It was only near
Jammu where he could see tall trees. Then his mother told him about man
deforestation. He felt very sad and decided not to waste paper and take good care of
furniture at home and school.
(a) What do you mean by deforestation?
(b) How can you contribute in saving trees?
(c) What charecterstics were shown by Sandeep?
Teacher’s Signature
(d) Some wild animals are haunted because a part of body is considered useful by the
man. Give four examples of such wild animals. Also mention the part of their body
which is used in each case.
Project work1. Paste the pictures of wild animals that live in forest.
2. Paste the pictures of plants that reproduces through stem cutting and roots.
3. Paste pictures of different sense organs.
Q1. Define the following terms:(a). Milch animals.
(b). Producers.
(c). Biodegradable materials.
(d). Poultry birds.
(e). Solubility.
Q2. Give reasons
(a). Polythenes are considered to be major threat of our environment.
(b). Protein is a body building food.
(c). Solids, liquids and gases differs from each other in their properties.
(d). Aquatic animals can breathe in air.
Answer the following questions.
Q3. Name the vitamin whose deficiency causes night blindness.
Q4. Name two materials that are opaque.
Q5. Name three materials that are soluble in water.
Q6. Name two sources of vitamin A and C each.
Q7.What is the role of calcium in our body?
Q8.How do aquatic animals breathe in water?
Q9. Write the importance of water in our body.
Skill basedQ10. Make a chart showing vitamins their functions and deficiency diseases.
Q11.Draw chart to show inter-relationship among the different components of the
Q12.Draw structure of arrangement of particals in all three forms of matter.Write about their
Q13. Sandeep was going to vashino devi with his mother and on the way he asked where
were the green mountains,tall trees he had seen in his EVS book. ITt was only near Jammu
where he could see tall trees then his mother told about man deforestation.He felt very bad
and decided not to waste paper andtake good care of furniture at home and school.
(1) What do you mean by deforestation?
(2) How can you contribute in saving trees?
(3) What characterstics were shown by Sandeep?
Q14. Paste pictures of energy giving food.
Q15. Paste pictures of biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials.
Teacher’s Signature
Q16. Paste the pictures of different pure substances and mixtures.
General knowledge1. Leann page 1 to 10 of your book.
2. Collect information if 5 news channels and paste pictures of reporters related to that
3. Write report on parliamentary elections 2014 in detail along with the detailed report on
party forming government and names of atleast 15 ministers with their portfolios.
4. DRAWING1. Draw any two cartoons of your choice and colour them.
2. Make a hut with the ice sticks.
3. Draw picture of Mahatma Gandhi and shade it.
Dharam Shiksa1. Learn path 1-3.
2. Write 5 lines on Swami Vivekanand’s life.
3. Write and learn any one poem on Arya samaj.
1)Define the following:(a) Extracellular digestion
f) Elements
2) Give Reasons:-
b)Rumination c)Digestion
G) compounds
(d) Absorption
h) Nutrients
1 All living organisms require food?
2. When we chew bread for a long time, it tastes sweet.
3 .Cuscuta is referred as parasitic plant.
4.Pitcher plant is green in colour yet insectivorous
5.Nitrogenous fertilizers are not added in soil where leguminous plants are
6. life would be impossible on earth in absence of photosynthesis.
7. Carnivores have sharp teeth.
8.Sun is ultimate source of energy for all living beings.
Answer the following Questions:1. What is significant feature of Euglena?
2. Give two examples of organisms having modified a)Incissor b)Canines
3. What are functions of tongue?
4. Give one word answer:a) The largest gland inhuman body.
b) It kills bacteria in stomach.
c) This is an insectivorous plants.
d) Name the bacteria present in roots of leguminous plants.
Teacher’s Signature
e) Which is the hardest substance in our body
5. How does soil replenishes its nutrients. Explain with diagram.
6. What are the various organs/parts of human digestive system?
7. Name the glands associated with human digestive system. Also write their
8. Name the four different types of teeth present in adult human. Write their total
number in upperand lower jaw along with their functions.
9. What is the role of tongue in mouth? Write three functions.
10.What are villi? Where is it found? Write its functions?
11. How is tooth decay caused? Which food products to be avoided to prevent
tooth decay?
12. Sometimes when we are in a hurry, talk or laugh while eating we may get
hiccups. Why?
13. Draw the tongue and colour the different regions for sweet, salt, sour and
bitter sensation.
14. What is the other name food pipe? What caused food movement in the food
15. Explain the process of digestion in ruminants.
16. Which is the largest gland? What does it secrete? where does it secrete? What
is the function of the enzyme secreted? Where it is stored temporarily?
17. What are pseudopodia? How does it help amoeba to capture the food
18. What are the functions of the secretions of pancreas? Mention the products.
19. What are the functions of large intestine?
20.Where is saliva secreted? Also write its two functions?
21 .Differentiate between
Parasitic nutrition and holozoic nutrition.
Parastic plants and insectivores plants.
Autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.
Compounds and mixture.
22. Which part of alimentary canal is involved in –
(a) Chewing of food
(b) Killing of bacteria
(c) Complete digestion of food
23.What is the function of roughage in human digestive system?
24. What is the role of chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis?
25. What are villi? What is their function and location?
26. Draw and practice: a) Digestive system of human.
B) nitrogen cycle in soil.
Project Work
1Collect different types of plants pictures under category also write the names of
the plants,
Teacher’s Signature
a. Insectivorous plants.
b. Algae.
c. Parasitic plants.
d. Saprotrophic plants.
Main Topic :- Conservation of energy
Write a report how can you make a contribution in
A) Saving electricity
B) Saving energy 1) Kitchen
C) Saving water
Science Class8
1. Define:
A. Microbes
B. Pathogens
C. Nitrogen Fixation D. Pasteurization
E. Preservatives
F. Carriers
G. Fermentation H. Communicable disease.
2.Give reasons:a) Milk in tetrapacks does not get spoiled.
b) yeast is a microbe yet used in kitchen.
c) Suspensions of killed or weakened microbes are used in vaccines.
d) Virus is considered on border line of living and non-living.
e) Mitochondria is called powerhouse of cell.
f) Cell is called basic structural unit of life.
g) Food spoils more in summer.
h) You should always check date of packaging and expiry before buying packaged food.
3. Answer the following Questions
1. Differentiate betweenPlant cell and animal cell
2. List all the organ systems in human and their respective function.
3. Discuss the role of microbes in agriculture.
4. List the types of micro organisms.
5. Explain level of organisations in an organism.
6. What is need of food preservation?
7. List the cell organelles with their function in plant cell, animal cell.
8. Describe the various methods of food preservations.
9. Draw the diagrams of plant cell, animal cell, onion peel cell
10.List the following disease with their causing organism and mode of transmission Plant
disease b) cattle disease
c) communicable disease.
11.What are antibiotics? How do they help in fighting against disease.
12.Microorganisms are our friends .Explain
13.Draw and practice Plant cell, Animal cell, Cell Organelles
4. Value based Question:
Teacher’s Signature
1). On the rainy day, Ram reached his grandfather’s place in village. On the way to house he
saw a
beautiful rainbow in this sky. In night, he saw lots of twinkling stars in the clear sky. He was
very excited to see these beautiful natural phenomenon, which he was not able to see in th
where he lived with his father.
1.Do you think that pollution in atmosphere effects the formation of rainbow and twinkling of
2. Do you agree with the fact that pollution free environment will strengthen such natural
phenomenon in the cities as well ellaborate.
3. Write a report on light pollution.
2.) You would have seen at the roofs of the minister’s house, hospital, hotels etc, solar panel
electricity and solar heater for hot water are placed. Now a days most of the people are
these methods.
1.Why they are preferring these types of method?
2.What kind of source of energy is used here?
3.How it will effect our environment.
3) Conserving energy has become the need of the society & nature, be it in the transport
hold or industries. Energy conservation has been recognized as a national issue for long time.
As a responsible citizen of India,what steps would you take to conserve energy.
4) In a school, there are seventy teachers most of them come by their personal vehicle. Where
there are many teachers who come from the same place.
Is this practice of commuting to school will help nature. Justify it?
5) It is often advised to stop our vehicles engine at red light and also to drive car / vehicles at
constant speed.
Based on the above statement, answer the following question.
1. Which type of fuel is used in vehicles? Is it renewable or non renewable.
2. How can you contribute towards saving these fuels at your level?
5. Project work
1.Write a detailed report on,How can you make a contribution in
A) Saving electricity
B) Saving energy 1) Kitchen
C) Saving water.
2.Visit a primary health centre and find:a) The vaccination schedule of an infant and list of disease prevented by it.
b) Vaccines for adults and thedisease prevented .
list of communicable disease, their time and mode of spread.
3.Make a working model of Solar cooker, Solar water heater.
Teacher’s Signature
General Knowledge
1,Learn page 1to10
2. Write a report on parliamentary elections2014 in detail Along with the detailed report on
party forming govt. and names of at least 15 ministers with their portfolios.
1.Draw and colour page 3 t0 10 0f step by step
2. Draw five caricatures of famous political persons.
1. Learn lesson 1,2,3.
2. Write Swami vivekananda jeevan charitra
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