Supplementary online material FORMATION OF BOUND RESIDUES BY SULFADIMETHOXINE IN SOIL MEDIATED BY EXTRACELLULAR OXIDOREDUCTASES Rashmi Singh, Sudeep S Sidhu, Hao Zhang and Qingguo Huang* Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA 30223 The supplementary material contains two tables (Table S1, S2) and two figures (Figure S1, S2) Archives of Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research Jan 21, 2015 Five Pages Two Tables Two Figures 1 I. Physico-chemical properties of soil used in the study TABLE S1. Physico-chemical characteristics of soil Parameter Value Sand content (%) 66.00 Silt content (%) 23.60 Clay content (%) 10.40 pH 5.15 Procedure used Reference Hydrometer method Bouyoucos,1 Day,2 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:1) soil/solution ratio Cuniff 3 Organic matter content (%) 2.90 Loss on ignition Cation exchange capacity 3.70 Mehlich 1 extraction- Isaac and Johnson,4 Mehlich,5 (meq/100 g) dilute HCl and H2SO4 Base saturation (%) 65.93 Soluble salts (mmhos/cm) 0.04 Conductivity method Bower and Wilcox,6 II. Residual activity of laccase, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and lignin peroxidase (LiP) in soil To assess enzyme activity in soil, 1 g soil samples were incubated individually with 1.5 mL solution of laccase, HRP, and LiP with and without sulfadimethoxine (SDM) in 30 mL glass tubes. The total enzyme activity used in the study was 10 U for each enzyme, and samples were prepared in triplicates. The laccase solution was prepared in citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 3.8) while HRP and LiP solutions were prepared in phosphate (pH 6.0), and tartarate buffer (pH 3.0) respectively. At pre-determined time intervals the soil samples were extracted and analyzed for remaining enzyme activity. All the soil samples were sequentially extracted three times using 1.5 mL of their respective buffer solution. For extraction, soil samples were shaken at room 2 temperature for 30 min on an orbital shaker. The tubes were then centrifuged at 250 g for 20 min. The enzyme activity in the supernatant was measured at the end of each extraction, and the total activity was determined by addition of the activity in each extract. The detail procedure used for measuring enzyme activity is described in Materials & Methods section 2.2. In the procedure described above, the enzyme extraction was performed three sequential times because our preliminary tests have shown that after the third extraction the supernatant did not contain laccase activity anymore. However, it should be noted that this does not necessarily preclude that some active enzymes may still be sorbed on soil and thus unrecovered by the extraction, or some enzyme activity may become lost during the extraction. As such, our measurement may provide a conservative estimate of the remaining active enzyme. Enzyme activity (U/g) 10 Lac HRP LiP Lac + SDM HRP + SDM LiP + SDM 8 6 4 2 0 0 24 72 120 Duration (Hours) 192 264 Figure S1. Laccase, HRP, and LiP activity in soil over 264 h. Open circle, triangle, and diamond represent the systems without sulfadimethoxine (SDM), while solid circle, triangle, and diamond represent the systems with SDM. Data points represent means of three replicates and error bars represent standard deviations. 3 Extractable SDM (%) III. Effects of enzyme activities on SDM transformation 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Average SDM after 72h a b c d Control Laccase 10 d Laccase HRP 10 25 Treatments HRP 25 Figure S2. SDM recovery after 72 h of incubation in systems applied with laccase and HRP at 10 and 25 U g-1 soil are represented as Laccase 10, Laccase 25, HRP 10, and HRP 25, respectively. The initial SDM concentration was 2 µg g-1 soil. Values are the means of three replicates and error bars are standard deviations. The same lower case letters are not considered to be statistically different according to LSD at α = 0.05. IV. First order kinetic study of the effect of enzyme treatments on extractable SDM A kinetic analysis was conducted on extractable SDM (the time-course data in Figure 1 in the paper) by data fitting to the pseudo-first-order rate equation in the form ln (Ct/C0) = kt, where C0 and Ct are extractable SDM concentrations at time 0 and t, respectively, and k is the pseudofirst-order rate constant, and the results are shown as following. Table S2. First order reaction kinetics parameters of extractable SDM with different enzyme treatments and different treatment methods. Treatment Control LiP SAM Lac SAM Lac MAM HRP SAM HRP MAM Degradation rate constant k (h-1) -0.0006 -0.0011 -0.0018 -0.0020 -0.0023 -0.0027 Half life (h) 1155.24 630.13 385.08 346.57 301.37 256.72 4 Regression coefficient 0.7255 0.5526 0.9417 0.9640 0.6036 0.8164 V. References 1.Bouyoucos, G.J. 1936. Directions for making mechanical analysis of soils by the hydrometer method. Soil Sci. 42:3-12. 2. Day, P.R. 1965. 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