Application Form - The Association for Business Psychology

Thank you for your interest in applying to become a member of the ABP.
In order to enable us to quickly assess your request and award the appropriate
membership level, please complete the form below. The information you provide here
ensures that we are able to correctly recognise your experience and background and to
give you the benefits that support your on-going development including progressing
across membership categories.
Due to the inclusive nature of our organisation, our membership is opened to all those
who have an interest or direct involvement (following formal training and professional
practice) in the way psychology (all aspects and related branches) and social sciences
(such as: anthropology, behavioural economics, political science, economics, sociology,
archaeology, culture) impact people in the world of work.
We also acknowledge the various ways that formal knowledge may be acquired, through
education at degree level and also equivalent courses, as part of other main subjects
or/and by CPPD.
There are there levels of membership available, as follows:
1. General Member, which includes students designated as General
This category is suitable for applicants who do have an interest in psychology and social
sciences and the way they impact the working life, but who have not pursued formal
education or training in these subjects nor use related models, methods and concepts in
their professional practice.
This category also includes students, designated as General Member/Student, who have
commenced formal education in psychology and/or social sciences, and who have the
option of upgrading their membership level, upon completion of required criteria.
2. Practitioner: degree or equivalent and 2+ years of practice
This category is suitable for those who have completed formal education and training or
equivalent, as a first degree, in psychology and/or socials sciences, (such as:
anthropology, behavioural economics, political science, economics, sociology,
archaeology, culture) who in addition have also applied the related models, tools and
concepts in their work practice for a period of a minimum 2 years.
3. Principal Practitioner: postgraduate degree or equivalent and 5+ years of
This category is suitable for those who have completed formal education and training or
equivalent, as a postgraduate degree, in psychology and/or socials sciences, (such as:
anthropology, behavioural economics, political science, economics, sociology,
archaeology, culture) who in addition have also applied the related models, tools and
concepts in their work practice for a period of a minimum 5 years.
The annual membership fee for all levels of membership is the same, although those in
full-time education are eligible for discounts (see section 1 below).
Election to Membership and grade of membership will be subject to consideration by the
Membership Committee. The granting of all categories of membership, whilst governed
by these guidelines, is entirely at the discretion of the Membership Committee.
Based on the membership categories descriptions above, please identify the membership
category that is most suitable for you and proceed to complete the relevant sections
As a guide to completing the form:
Sections 1,3 and 7 must be completed for all membership categories. Section 6 is
also desirable for the General Member category.
Sections 2 and 6 must be completed by General Member/Student applicants.
Sections 2,4,5 and/or 6 must be completed by Practitioner level and Principal
Practitioner level applicants, as appropriate.
Section 1: General Information
Personal data
Full Name:
Mailing address:
Primary Address:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Email address:
Primary Telephone Number:
Alternative address (same details as above - not mandatory)
Please indicate the level of membership you are applying for:
 A joiners fee of £25 + VAT is applicable to all new and lapsed members.
 General Member £55 + VAT
 General Member/Student: £27.50 + VAT. If student at one of the Business
Psychology ABP accredited colleges (University of Westminster, Kingston
University) your membership is free for one year.
 Practitioner £55 + VAT
 Principal Practitioner £55 + VAT
What other affiliations or memberships do you already have with other
professional bodies? (Eg BPS, CIPD, HCPC, coaching bodies, etc). Please list:
Membership level
Length (years)
Section 2: Education
Formal education
Degree in progress (undergraduate/postgraduate)?
full-time / part-time
Expected year of completion
Please list psychology related subjects/courses, if any:
Please list social sciences (such as: anthropology, behavioural economics, political
science, economics, sociology, archaeology, culture) related subjects/courses, if
First degree completed? (BA, BSc, etc.)
Date completed
Please list psychology subjects covered:
Please list socials sciences (such as: anthropology, behavioural economics, political
science, economics, sociology, archaeology, culture) subjects covered:
Postgraduate degree completed? (MA, MSc, PhD etc.):
Date completed
Please list psychology courses covered:
Please list social sciences (such as: anthropology, behavioural economics, political
science, economics, sociology, archaeology, culture) courses covered:
Section 3: CPPD
Continued Professional & Personal Development (CPPD) and any other training or
activity (research, reading, innovation, publications, speaking engagements etc.)
relevant to advancing your knowledge and practice of psychology/social sciences
principles and methods, in a business environment, towards professional excellence.
Continued Professional & Personal Development (CPPD)
Please list psychology related CPPD courses attended:
Provider (if known)
Date (estimate)
Please list social sciences (such as: anthropology, behavioural economics, political
science, economics, sociology, archaeology, culture) related CPPD courses attended:
Section 4: Career and work experience using PSYCHOLOGY concepts,
principles, methods and models.
Have you been working in a psychology related field for a minimum of 2+ years:
Have you been working in a psychology related field for a minimum of 5+ years:
Please detail your career history and for each role, more specifically, your work
experience relating to the application of psychology concepts, principles, methods and
models in the workplace:
Job title
Psychology concepts etc. used
Section 5: Career and work experience using SOCIAL SCIENCES (such as:
anthropology, behavioural economics, political science, economics, sociology,
archaeology, culture) concepts, principles, methods and models.
Have you been working in a social science related field for a minimum of 2+ years:
Have you been working in a social science related field for a minimum of 5+ years:
Please detail your career history and for each role, more specifically, your work
experience relating to the application of social sciences concepts, principles, methods
and models in the workplace:
Job title
Social Science concepts etc. used
Section 6: Personal statements on your motivation and practice
Please describe the personal journey that led you to an enduring interest in
psychology/social sciences and their use in business (max. 100 words):
Please describe your philosophy and guiding principles as a psychologist or practitioner
of psychology and/or social sciences concepts, principles, methods and models in the
workplace (or as a future practitioner, if you are a student) (max. 200 words):
How did you hear about the ABP?
Once a member, would you like to be more involved in the ABP? (volunteer/board
Section 7: Admin/payment details;
Direct Debit (preferred)
Payments to be made to: Lloyds TSB Sort Code: 30-96-60 Account No:
If paying by BACS please use your invoice number or membership
number as the reference.
Please make any cheques payable to Association of Business Psychologists and
return to Chester House, 68 Chestergate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6DY
Card Payments.
If you are wishing to pay by card please let us know and we shall provide you
with a secure, personalised link in order to do so.