Unit 7 Chapter 21: Ideologies and Upheavals

AP European History
Mr. Angle
Unit 7
Chapter 21: Ideologies and Upheavals
Name:_____________________________________________ Due Date:________________________ Pd: 1
Writing Identification
Directions: The following words need to be defined on notecards, a vocab list, OR highlighted in
your notes. You may choose the method of defining the terms. You do not need to complete these as
paragraphs. We will work on these in class. These ID’s will continue to be the tested material.
Vocabulary Terms
The following words need to be defined on notecards, a vocab list, OR highlighted in your Notes.
You may choose the method of defining the terms.
Congress of Vienna
Quadruple Alliance
Klemens von Metternich
Charles Talleyrand
The Great Powers
Laissez faire
Corn Laws
Battle of Peterloo
Reform Bill of 1832
“People’s Charter”/Chartists
“Congress System”
The Ten Hours Act of 1847
Holy Alliance
Karlsbad Decrees
Great Famine
Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto
Friedrich Engles
German Confederation
Constitutional Charter
Alexander Ypsilanti
Utopian “socialists”
Charles Fourier and “phalanxes”
Robert Owen
Count Henri de Saint-Simon
Louis Blanc, Org. of Work
Pierre-Joseph Proudhorn “What
is Property”
Charles X/Louis Philippe
Conquest of Algeria
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy
in America
Louis Napoleon
Greater Germany
Sir Walter Scott; Ivanhoe
William Wordsworth; Samuel
Taylor Coleridge; Lyrical
Victor Hugo; The Hunchback of
Notre Dame
Jacob Willhelm Grimm; The
Brothers Grimm “Fairy Tales”
Eugene Delacroix
Joseph Turner
John Constable
Ludwig von Beethoven
Franz Liszt
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AP European History
Note Taking
Mr. Angle
1. Notes will be taken for all assigned textbook passages. All of the notes are to be completed on the assigned
date listed on the homework syllabus sheet.
2. Your notes MUST be divided into sections that match the textbooks heading and subheadings.
a. TO BE CLEAR: You must write “The Early Reformation” because that is a heading in the
textbook. You will then provide an explanation of “The Early Reformation” in note form.
b. TO BE CLEAR: You must write “The Christian Church in the Early Sixteenth Century” because
that is a subheading in the textbook. You will then provide an explanation of “The Christian Church
in the Early Sixteenth Century” in note form.
3. All notes MUST be handwritten.
4. Your notes must cover the key points of the text and be comprehensive enough to help you study for the unit
test and the AP Exam.
5. Notes will be collected on the day of the test.
Primary Sources: POV Write-up
1. You are to read the document for the date given in the unit syllabus. Please get the gist of the document and
understand why it was selected in connection to the reading.
2. For each document students will select on thought/idea/statement of the passage.
a. The passage should be emblematic of the whole document.
b. Write a POV paragraph commenting on the selected part of the passage.
c. This POV should be focused and not the entire APPARTS.
d. This POV should focus upon why the author would have his/her opinion.
e. This POV should not be a random/unsupported comment about bias.
1. Source and Author: What is the name of the source and who created the source?
2. Place and time: Where and when was the source produced?
3. Prior knowledge: What do you already know that would help you to understand the source?
4. Audience: For whom was the source produced at the time it was produced?
5. Reason: Why was the source produced at the time it was produced?
6. The main idea: What is the source trying to convey? *
7. Significance: Why is the source important?
8. Identification: Determine which of the following categories that this document best fits into:
S P E R M (Social, Political, Economic, Religious, Military)
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