Benefits of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology pp 296

Name: _________________________
AP Environmental Science
Benefits of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
16 December 2013
Chapter 11 – pp 296-310
Assessment Key: Define ecosystem service and be able to identify some examples.
1a. What is an ecosystem service?
1b. List FIVE examples of ecosystem services below:
i. ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________________________________________________
iv. ___________________________________________________________________________________
v. ___________________________________________________________________________________
_____ 2. Which of the following would have the LEAST negative impact on an ecosystem?
Removing a top predator.
Removing a keystone species.
Removing an “ecosystem engineer” like an ant or earthworm.
Removing species that are resilient.
Removing species that can be functionally replaced by other species.
3. What is ‘bioprospecting?’ When does this become ‘biopiracy?’
4. Match the term in Column A with its description in Column B.
Column A
Column B
____ biophilia
A. Fear or wariness of living things
____ biophobia
B. Theory that alienation from biodiversity and nature may
damage childhood development and contribute to emotional
and physical problems in young people.
____ nature deficit disorder
C. Theory that human beings have an instinctive love for nature
and feel an emotional bond with other living things.
5. ________________________________________ is a scientific discipline devoted to understanding the
factors, forces, and processes that influence the loss, protection, and restoration of biological diversity.
_____ 6. Conservation biologists
A. Use field data, lab data, theory, and experiments to study human impacts on organisms.
B. Accept that there are few ways to limit or mitigate human impacts.
C. Restrict their focus to the population level of organization, paying little attention to the genetic
diversity of organisms.
D. Focus on large populations of organisms with the maximum genetic diversity rather than worry
about marginal subpopulations.
E. Focus on preserving species for ethical reasons rather than instrumental reasons.
7. Why are conservation geneticists concerned with finding the minimum viable population sizes for
threatened or endangered species?
8. What is a metapopulation? Is it more or less likely to suffer extinction than a large, contiguous population?
Assessment Key: Understand the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and its implications
for conserving endangered and threatened species.
_____ 9. Which of the following is FALSE concerning the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973?
A. It forbids the government and private citizens from taking actions that destroy endangered
species or their habitats.
B. It has been amended over the years to allow private landowners to harm species in some ways if
they voluntarily improve habitat for the same species in other ways.
C. It has been weakened substantially over the years by special interests seeking to limit government’s
ability to safeguard critical wildlife habitat.
D. It forbids the trade in products made from endangered species.
E. It empowers the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (US FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) to uphold the law and develop active recovery plans for protecting species.
10. Research habitat conservation plans and safe harbor agreements. Describe them.
Assessment Key: Identify international agreements that protect endangered species.
11. In 1973, the UN ratified the CITES treaty which stands for ______________________________________
___________________________________________________ and protects endangered species by
banning _____________________________________________________.
12. In 1992, many nations agreed to the Convention on Biological Diversity which had the following goals:
i. ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________________________________________________
_____ 13. Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
An increase in the area of protected reserves for endangered species
Enhanced global markets for agricultural products grown in environmentally sustainable ways
Ensured that developing nations share in the economic benefits of ecotourism
Has significantly reduced the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global level
Replaced pesticide-intensive farming practices with sustainable ones in Asian markets
14. __________________________ involves breeding and raising individuals in zoos and aquariums with the
intent to reintroduce them into the wild.
15. Describe two examples of successful captive breeding program efforts.
i. ____________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________________
16. Why are many conservation biologists skeptical of cloning as an adequate response to biodiversity loss?
Assessment Key: Know the purpose of the International Whaling Commission and the role that forensic
science plays in monitoring the global whale meat market.
Read the Science behind the Story: Using Forensics to Uncover Illegal Whaling on pages 304-305.
_____ 17. Which the following statements about international whaling is FALSE?
A. Commercial whaling has been outlawed worldwide since 1986.
B. Nations are permitted to sell whale meet that has been obtained for scientific purposes, as
bycatch, or stockpiled prior to the moratorium.
C. The IWC moratorium has been successful in protecting whale populations worldwide
D. Certain whale species have declined sharply in Southeast Asia since the 1986 whaling ban.
E. Forensic evidence has determined that much of the whale meat on the Southeast Asian market is
illegally sourced.
18. Match the term in Column A with its description in Column B.
Column A
Column B
____ umbrella species
A. A program in which a conservation organization raises
money to pay off a portion of a developing nation’s
international debt in exchange for a promise by the nation to
set aside reserves and managed protected resources.
B. Species that are used as tools to protect many other species
in their communities or ecosystems.
C. An area that has lost 70% of its habitat as a result of human
impact, but harbors at least 1,500 endemic plant species.
D. The use of large, charismatic vertebrates as spearheads for
biodiversity conservation initiatives.
E. International conservation organizations purchase the rights
to resource extraction but instead conserve the resources
rather than exploit them.
F. A species that is found in a particular region but nowhere
else in the world
____ flagship species
____ biodiversity hotspot
____ endemic species
____ debt-for-nature swaps
____ conservation concessions
Assessment Key: Understand the purpose of ecological restoration and the challenges facing restoration
ecologists. Give examples of ecological restoration projects.
19. What is ecological restoration? Give an example.
20. What is community based conservation? Give two reasons why these initiatives work. Give two
challenges that these initiatives face.
Community based conservation involves…
Reasons it works:
Challenges it faces: