Supporting_Information - revision

Supporting Information
A Systematic study of TMA infiltration in PET and its
effect on the mechanical properties of PET fibers
Running title: A systematic study of TMA infiltration in PET
Running Authors: Richard P. Padbury and Jesse S. Jur
Richard P. Padburya)
Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
27695, USA
Jesse S. Jura), b)
Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
27695, USA
American Vacuum Society member.
Electronic mail:
Figure S1 shows the XRD scan of PET polymer films with varied % cycrallinities. The
PET films were annealed above the glass transition temperature of PET (60-80oC)20 as shown in
Table SΙ followed by slow quenching to room temperature to promote crystal growth.
Fig. S1 (color online) XRD Diffractogram of PET specimens annealed under different heating
conditions to vary crystallinity. The diffractogram shows the formation of crystalline peaks
characteristic of the crystallographic planes (010), (11̅0), and (100) for scattering angles 2θ =
17.5, 22.5 and 25.5°, respectively.4
In general, the XRD diffractogram of semi-crystalline polymers, like PET, are made up of
crystalline peaks superimposed on a broad amorphous halo. For the control sample and specimen
annealed at 150oC, Figure 1 shows the formation of crystalline peaks characteristic of the
crystallographic planes (010), (11̅0), and (100) for scattering angles 2θ = 17.5, 22.5 and 25.5°,
respectively.24 The weak intensity of the peaks and broad widths suggest that the diffractogram is
dominated by the amorphous halo and the crystal sizes are relatively small. In comparison, the
intensity of the (010) peak significantly increases as the PET film is annealed at 200oC and the
formation of an additional peak at 2θ = 16.0 is clearly observed. This is attributed to the
crystalline reflection of the (01̅0) plane. The narrow peak widths of the (010) and (01̅0) planes
for the 200oC specimen suggests that the crystal size is larger compared with the other samples.
In general, preferential orientation and uniform distribution of crystals in the (010) plane is
observed in the specimen annealed at 200oC while random distribution of crystals in additional
planes is observed in the other specimens.
TABLE SΙ. Summary of PET specimens used in this study. Each film was heat treated under
different conditions to vary % crystallinity.
PET Film
100oC/ 1 min
100 C/30min
As shown in Table S1, the % crystallinity of the samples increases as annealing temperature
increases. Higher annealing temperatures promote the mobility of polymer chains allowing them
to attain their equilibrium conformation. Once in their equilibrium conformation, the polymer
chains pack together into a crystal lattice. The polymer chains are arranged parallel to each other
in the crystal lattice with a high degree of orientation. The longer time required to quench to
room temperature from 200oC promotes the growth of crystals in the form of three dimensional
structures called spherulites resulting in higher % crystallinity and larger crystals.
As shown in Table S1, polymer film specimens on Si wafers were annealed at different
temperatures to vary crystallinity. The control specimen was an as spun PET polymer film on a
Si wafer support and annealed for one minute at 100oC to remove residual solvent. The 150SQ
and 200SQ samples were also annealed for one minute at 100oC to remove residual solvent after
the spin coating process however; these films were subjected to additional heat treatments to
change their crystallinity. The 150SQ and 200SQ samples were annealed at 150oC and 200oC,
respectively for 30 minutes and slow quenched to room temperature. The annealing temperatures
were above the glass transition temperature of PET (60-80oC)3 to promote the mobility of
polymer chains allowing them to attain their equilibrium conformation. Quenching the annealed
polymer films to room temperature slowly promotes crystal growth.
TABLE SΙΙ. Fiber specimens used for investigations of the mechanical properties of SVI
modified PET fibers with different crystallinities.
ΔH Melt
Table SΙΙ summarizes the specimens used for investigations of the mechanical properties
of SVI modified PET fibers with different crystallinities. The crystallinity of the PET fibers was
achieved by increasing the draw speed relative to the take up speed of the fibers during the melt
spinning process. The drawing of the fibers causes the polymer chains to align inducing
crystallization and increasing the orientation of the fiber. As shown in Table SΙΙ, the samples are
labeled 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 in relation to the draw ratio used to increase the orientation and
crystallinity of the fibers.
Figure S2 shows the thermogram of each PET fiber sample used in the investigation. A
crystallization peak and melting peak is clearly observed at 130oC and 250oC, respectively. The
Fig. S2 (color online) DSC thermogram of PET fiber specimens explored in this study. The
thermograms were obtained using a heat rate of 20oC/min.
peak height of the heat of crystallization varies significantly between each sample with a larger
peak observed for the PET fiber produced with a 1:1 draw ratio and no evidence of a peak for the
fiber produced with a 1:4 ratio. The heat of crystallization is negative or exothermic while
crystals form and the polymer structure assumes a lower energy state as the chains orient and
pack into a crystal lattice. The heat of melting is endothermic as energy is required to break up
the crystalline regions resulting in an unoriented polymer melt. The heat of melting and
crystallization can be used to estimate the crystallinity of the PET fibers as shown in Table S2
using the following expression: (ΔHMelt - ΔHCry/ ΔHMelt) x 100 . It is clear that as the draw ratio
increases, the crystallinity of the PET fibers also increases. The low % crystallinity of the 1:1
sample indicates that the fibers are mostly amorphous. This provides insight into the height of
the heat of crystallization peaks shown in Figure 4. The larger heat of crystallization peak of the
1:1 sample is attributed to the mostly amorphous structure of the fibers. Therefore, as the 1:1
sample is heated through 130oC at 20oC/min, the polymer chains assume their equilibrium
conformation and crystallization occurs. In comparison, the 1:4 sample has a higher %
crystallinity due to the drawing process (approx.38%) therefore, as the fibers are heated through
130oC at 20oC/min, additional crystallization does not occur. The lack of a heat of crystallization
peak for the 1:4 fibers suggests that the crystallinity of the fibers has already reached an upper
limit. This is typical of semi-crystalline polymers since molecular weight and polymer chain
entanglements prevent segmental motion of the polymer chains limiting their re-orientation and
packing into a crystal lattice. Therefore, it is uncommon for certain semi-crystalline polymers to
attain 100% crystalline structures even if given sufficient time.