Chemistry 30

Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20 Notes
A. Naming Elements and Compounds
1. Polyatomic Molecular Elements
 elements that exist in molecular form instead of atomic form
2. Molecular Compounds
 non-metals only (including hydrogen)
 use prefixes to indicate the number of atoms in the molecule
carbon dioxide =
dinitrogen monoxide =
CCl4 =
 there are many molecular compounds that still use their common
names or IUPAC names (organic molecules)
eg) hydrogen peroxide, glucose, ammonia, sucrose
3. Acids
 see data booklet pgs 8-9
 gives both common names (see rules below) and IUPAC/Systematic
1. hydrogen _________ide becomes hydro_______ic acid
2. hydrogen _________ate becomes __________ic acid
3. hydrogen _________ite becomes __________ous acid
Name or give the formula for each of the following acids:
1. hydroiodic acid =
2. H3PO4(aq) =
3. nitrous acid =
4. H2SO3(aq) =
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
4. Ionic Compounds
 name cation (positive ion) in full with brackets for charge if
multivalent, then name the anion (negative ion) with its ion name
(“ide” ending), or use the polyatomic ion name
 hydrated ionic compounds contain water in their atomic structures
 indicated by “xH2O” where x is the number of water molecules
NaCl =
Mg3(PO4)2 =
CuSO45H2O =
 when writing formulas, look up the symbol for each ion then balance
the charges using subscripts
sodium chlorate tetrahydrate =
ammonium sulphate =
manganese (IV) oxide =
Your Assignment: pg 1 Review of nomenclature
C. Chemical Reactions
 types of reactions:
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
6. _________________________________________
 _______________________ is used to conform to the Law of
Conservation of Mass
 for states of matter:
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
o _________________________________ gives the states of
_____________________ at room temperature
o _________________________ compounds can be _____________
_____________________________________ at room temperature
o ______________ are assumed to be ____________________
o _______________ compounds may be ______________________
________________________ when mixed with water…see
solubility table on pg 6 of data booklet
Your Assignment: pg2 review of chemical reactions
C. Solution Chemistry
1. Dissociation
 nonelectrolytes: substances that dissolve to yield solutions that
 electrolytes: substances that dissolve to yield solutions that
 dissociation of solutes in water:
1. electrolytes:
2. non-electrolytes:
Your Assignment: pg 2 review of dissociation
2. Non Ionic vs. Net Ionic Equations
 net ionic reactions are used to show only the ______________ ions…
_________________ ions (________________________) are omitted
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
 write the non-ionic reaction, the total ionic reaction and the net ionic
What is the net ionic reaction for the reaction of bromine and sodium iodide?
Your Assignment: pg 2 review of net ionic equations
3. Significant Digits
 represents the degree of accuracy of using _____________________
 two different rules are used:
1. Addition/Subtraction: add or subtract then round to the lowest
number of _______________________________
2. Multiplication/Division: multiply or divide then round to the
lowest number of _________________________________
4. Concentration
 concentration is most commonly measured in ________________
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
c = concentration in mol/L
n = number of moles in mol
v = volume in L
m = mass in g
M = molar mass in g/mol
Example 1
Calculate the molar concentration of a 250 mL solution that has 3.2 g of
NaCl dissolved in it.
Example 2
Calculate the mass of the salt required to prepare 1.50 L of a 0.565 mol/L
solution of K3PO4.
5. Preparation of Solutions
 these are questions where you are asked to “describe how to prepare” a
certain solution
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
 calculate the ____________ of the _____________________ required
to achieve a specific concentration and volume
 then write out the following procedure, inserting the values for the
masses and volumes
1. ___________________ mass.
2. ___________________ the solute in __________ of the volume of
3. ________________ solution to a ___________________________.
4. ___________ to final volume and mix by inverting.
Your Assignment: pg 3
6. Determining Ionic Concentrations
 you can use the concentration of a solute to determine the ion
concentrations once it is dissolved in water (dissociated)
1. Write a balanced _________________________ equation.
2. Write down ___________________________________________.
3. Determine the ion concentrations using the ____________________.
What is the concentration of each ion in a 0.23 mol/L solution of aluminum
Your Assignment: pg 3
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
D. Stoichiometry
1. Write a _____________________________________ including
the states. Write the information ________________.
2. Find the ___________ of the ______________ species using
3. Find the __________ of the ___________ species using
4. Calculate ____________ of the wanted species using
Example 1
If 5.00 g of sodium reacts with excess chlorine gas, how much sodium
chloride is produced?
Example 2
What volume of 0.250 mol/L liquid bromine is needed to react with 500 mL
of a 0.150 mol/L solution of sodium iodide?
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20
Example 3
If 5.0 g of sodium reacts with 5.0 g of chlorine, how much sodium chloride
is produced?
Your Assignment: pg 3
Chemistry 30
Review of Chemistry 20