Centers Newsletter Dec-Jan 2015

The Owl Express
We’re Opening the World of Learning
Johnston Elementary Preschool
2031 East Cherokee Drive
Woodstock, GA 30188
Principal Donna Adams
Principal’s Corner
Thank you for the outpouring of giving for our care
projects. Preschool will be delivering many food
products to Papa’s Pantry as well as to families at Oak
Grove and Johnston who need our help. Your children
have seen the results of giving first hand and will
carry that memory for years to come. In this holiday
season, I am thankful for so much. I count my faculty
and staff among my richest blessings. They not only
“educate” your child every day, but they “love” them
unconditionally. Our teachers go far beyond the
expectation to make sure their children are receiving
the best they have to give at this critical age in
their life. Join me in letting your child’s teachers, and
other staff members, know how much we love and
appreciate the days they endure cold weather to
escort your child safely from their cars to their
classrooms; eat with their students instead of
receiving a duty free lunch, receive no planning time
during the school day as there are no specials to
accommodate this plan; and attend professional
development trainings after school, instead of during
the day, as preschool receives very little staff
development money for substitutes. These are a few
of the ways your child’s preschool teacher is always
“giving” without complaint. I am also very thankful for
our wonderful parent volunteers. During this holiday
season, and every day, take the time to share your
appreciation with those whom you are thankful for.
Donna Adams
Together Everyone Achieves More
Decmeber/January Edition 2015-2016
Important Dates
December 11: Hat Day - $1.00
Donation in supporting St. Jude
December 15: Winter Program
at 6:30
December 18: Polar Express
Day and Sing Along
December 21st- January 4th:
No school/Winter Break
January 5: students first day
January 18: No school
Important Reminders!
As the weather changes, please
make sure your child has a weather
appropriate change of clothes.
Financial Literacy
As we enter the holiday season, managing finances is often discussed
among families. What is financial literacy? It is the ability to understand how
money works in the world, how someone manages to earn or make it, how
that person manages it, how he/she invests it (turn it into more) and how that
person donates it to help others. Financial literacy is also having the
knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions.
More information on this topic will be shared at the Winter Programs in
Nurse’s Corner of News
Keep your child home from school,
or daycare for at least 24 hours
after their fever is gone. A fever is
defined as 100°F (37.8°C) or higher.
The fever should be gone without
the use of fever-reducing medicine.
Your child should stay home to rest,
and to avoid giving the flu to other
children and caregivers.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Johnston Elementary
School’s Annual
Polar Express
Friday, December 11, 2015
8:00 to 2:00
at Johnston Elementary
2031 East Cherokee Drive
Featured Vendors…
Johnston Elementary PTA News
Go to JES PTA Facebook page here:
Go to JES PTA website here:
Pampered Chef
Author, Ed Payne
Joan's Knits
Southern Bohemian
Origami Owl
Cristi's Creations
Premier Jewelry
Leaning Ladder
Creative Coasters
Creative Vinyls by Dawn
SuperNatural Skincare
Morgan's Cutting Boards
Come shop with us!!
10% of all sales will go to support
our Relay For Life Team!