REST DESIGN PATTERN FOR ANDROID SOCIAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS Jovan Ristić1, Milan Milojić1 Morena inženjering, Niš 1 Abstract – Android is currently fastest growing mobile platform with great number of applications based on social networks. With social networks gaining momentum and with growing number of people using them it is essential to take every possible precaution when creating mobile application clients that provide access to them. Choosing the right protocol for data access is only half the work done. Android applications need to be fast, responsive and use as few resources possible in order to satisfy growing needs of the end users. This paper aims to provide analysis for choosing appropriate web service protocol as well as guidelines for developing android social network applications. We will present possible worst case scenario when dealing with remote web server calls and a solution that can overcome that obstacles. 1. INTRODUCTION We are currently witnessing rapid changes that are happening in the ever-growing IT world. Mobile devices are taking the spotlight and market share from what was once untouchable PC sector. Every year, over one billion mobile devices are sold. Among them, Android platform is dominating with its smartphone market share that it currently over 40% and even more with its growth rate [1]. Many enterprises make mobile applications that are designed for different types of users who are usually at different geographical points. Different groups that have different interests can be connected using mobile social networks. The aim is to make communication easier between familiar groups. It should be taken into consideration that there are major gaps between the different places around the world. The gap primarily reflects in cultural differences, level of education, different written and moral laws etc. Because of this, application must be available to use for all users equally. This means that application can be used on language that is native for user and to achieve communication with friend that is on different side of the world and who speaks with his locale language. Also, using this application must be simple and intuitive. 2. SOAP AND REST COMPARISON Many web applications are created using services that are based on SOAP. SOAP is short for Simple Object Access Protocol and it is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in in implementation of Web Services in computer networks. [2] Because of its popularity many developers make mistake of choosing SOAP architecture for complex mobile applications like social network clients. Other options available to developers are REST based services. Representational state transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture for distributed systems, of which the World Wide Web is the best known example. RESTful means that the service is conforming to the REST constraints. [3] Most important constraint is that implementations must be based on client-server architecture. Every request must be stateless, which means that server will not store client context in its memory. Responses must be cacheable. Other constraints include that system must be layered, with uniform interface and optionally, servers may allow code on demand. Commitment to REST means serialization of data using JSON format instead XML. This is good approach no matter if the client application is based on iOS, Android, Blackberry technology or even in the case of mobile Web. In the following paragraph we will compare XML and JSON format for data representation. JSON format is much simpler then XML. JSON format provides scalar data types and the possibility of expressing structured data through arrays and objects. This is more familiar to the developers because it is object oriented. On the other side in case of XML there is no concept of data type. Data types can be added through an XML schema because XML is document based. Support for arrays is possible but it is very complicated. Objects must be expressed through conventions, often using elements and attributes. Both formats provide a good opportunity to exchange data with other similar applications so interoperability is good supported. Also, internationalization is possible because both formats use Unicode. This is especially important when social networks are concerned because these applications are used all over the world so different international characters must be supported. Next, in case of XML developers can add their own attributes and tags to represent data, which provides good expandability options, but with the consequence of complex XML schema. On the other hand, JSON format supports a wide range of types. Also, developer can serialize user defined objects inside JSON String. JSON is gaining on his popularity mostly because it is very simple format that provides easy conversion of XML to JSON. This makes JSON more adoptable than XML, because XML has very complicated structure. XML is widely adopted by the computer industry and newer versions of inter-connected systems need to migrate from XML to JSON, but only if it is suitable. JSON is much more readable for developers and it is also easier for the machine to read and write data into JSON format because of its simpler structure. XML is less readable because of the extensive scheme with tags. It is more complex for processing and functions for parsing XML data can sometime require too much time to execute. Because social networks are complex systems that change frequently, process various types of objects and because they must support integration with other subsystems in the future, it is clear that using JSON for data serialization is a better choice. Next we will show differences between SOAP and REST architecture when it comes to use within mobile applications. These differences can help us decide when choosing the right architecture for the specific application implementation on multiple platforms. SOAP is a technology that has been efficiently implemented within SOA framework for a long period of time. [4] Many companies have introduced additional new layers that are based on services within the existing IT infrastructure and enable the connection of various applications. SOAP is designed to take advantage of many protocols for data transfer (HTTP/HTTPS). This feature allows for described technology to be a unique solution for heterogeneous problems that are difficult to modify. It is also necessary to take into account the important fact that SOAP is designed before the expansion occurred in the development of mobile technologies and applications based on them. The problems that can be encountered when we develop SOAP systems can be of a different nature. Changing services based on SOAP often involves changes in a complex code on the client side. This is not a big problem when a client is Web application server, but when the SOAP client is running on a mobile device, then revising and changing such application can cause significant problems. One of the problems is related to complexity. Client code generation from WSDL and XSD in the case of mobile devices can be very complex due to the fact that many companies have to implement the same mobile application for multiple platforms (iPhone, OS, Android etc.). 3. MOBILE APPLICATIONS FOR SOCIAL NETWORKS When creating mobile applications for social networks it is extremely important to enable offline work mode as well as providing speed and responsiveness with minimal expenditure of resources, mainly time, to provide information of interest. With this taken into account, REST along with the HTTP GET method can be used in combination with proxy servers. These intermediary servers can be used to cache GET responses for the corresponding calls. It is also possible to cache other requests in a separate database, so if there are unplanned service interruptions those intermediary servers store data until the service is back online. This is particularly important in social networks where we have many and frequent connections to the server. On the other hand SOAP requests using the POST method require creation of complex XML requests that can greatly hinder the caching server responses. Efficiency is one of the main advantages of REST architecture. [5] SOAP always returns complex XML while REST provides flexibility in which format will data be returned. JSON format, which is an integral part of REST, is convenient because it provides data types that are similar to the types of data that are sent and accepted in social networks. In the case of social networks on mobile devices RESTful services provide the best choice. As time passes by, social networks gain more and more importance as users gather around them. Friendships on these networks are symmetrical, that is, in order to exchange information with another user on the network you must get his approval. Over time, large companies adapted social networks to their needs and then asymmetric nature of friendship has evolved in sense that the company may have its own page with different content. This content is available for all users without need for the company to respond to their friendship. Because of the large number of users who are connecting through some of these systems, over time, the need arose to separate users in accordance to their interests. One of the most modern concepts in which users are divided into groups is known like Groups or Circles and is used by Google social network. Therefore, we can conclude that the data and structures that are being used are becoming more and more complex. There is an increasing need for the domain object model on client side to correspond to the server object model so that these new concepts can be modeled more easily. Therefore the data format that server returns are in JSON format, because it is the most convenient one. It is suitable because it can be used without a greater need to modify this model to fit the client’s domain object. Consequently social networks have evolved over time from SOAP to REST architecture. In other words, mobile social networks have evolved from XML to JSON. JSON format supports the user data types while XML is difficult to adapt to client domain object. Large heterogeneity of interests and a large number of users causes the problem of preserving privacy and security when using such systems. In SOAP architecture there is a particular SOAP layer of security which tells exactly which user is logged on the system, what are its roles in this system, what data he uses etc. This layer is not that well supported in the REST architecture. One of the reasons for this is the increasing amount of information that is associated with the user and that is very difficult to control. Information that is manipulated in the social networks is maps, weather info, user interest, user’s thoughts, jokes that belong to the less sensitive information. There is also more sensitive information such as emotions, information about family, work, and reminders and so on. All this diversity of information is just a consequence of the diversity of groups that gather around such systems. That is the reason why the issue of security is a major challenge facing the REST. If new architectures successfully deal with security issues in the future, such types of applications and areas covered by the information will be much higher. Lack of security is now somewhat tolerated precisely because these systems are not handling very sensitive information but that is rapidly changing. In our approach have been using security tokens which are passed along with the request in its header to the server and whose validity is checked at the moment of request addressing. In order to obtain data from the server token must be validated. Tokens are valid for only short period of time. 4. required by the mobile clients. Also when user gets data from Facebook it is necessary to make a new request for each contact (larger number of requests) including the request for authentication. With newer versions of API functions for accessing Facebook services these disadvantages are largely eliminated, so now the RESTful API access is provided in better way than it was the case earlier. However generally if we look away from the mobile world there are situations in which it is still suitable to use SOAP architecture and this may lead to incorrect architecture choice. 5. INCORRECT IMPLEMENTATIONS OF REST METHOD CALL ON ANDROID CLIENTS REST SERVICES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Today most of the Web services on the Internet are based on the REST architecture. The most important systems on the Internet that provide a RESTful interface to access their services are Flickr and eBay. Amazon supports combination of SOAP and REST approaches. These are all great systems which we can use as a recommendation for REST today. From the group of systems that use REST, mobile social networks are among largest because they support tens of millions of transactions per day. Typical representative of social networks that provide RESTful API for retrieving data from the system is Twitter. Developers can access information about Twitter user by forwarding requests through the URL or GET method. Information about user is received as JSON or XML format. On the other hand we have the popular Facebook social network where the use of RESTful APIs for data access has been significantly limited as a consequence of the Facebook policy. If developers want to access information from Facebook via REST API, apart from the user authentication, they must also obtain API key from Facebook. On top of all, Facebook restricts which IP addresses are allowed to create requests. Because of these limitations, Facebook decided that their system is not suitable for RESTful API. HTTP POST is used for authentication and as a result it returns an HTTP cookie that is used for each later request. Twitter is more convenient for developers and there are several aspects that support the development process and also make application more attractive to the mobile users. The first aspect relates to a reduced number of HTTP requests. All information from Twitter can be retrieved with only one request. Because of the reduced number of requests, there was a significant reduction of amount of processing necessary to obtain the information of interest. This has also cut the amount of data transferred, which is one of the most important features that were bought from REST. On the other hand we have Facebook application that needs a lot more processing for data retrieval. This is the consequence of the fact that the application displays in the browser which uses additional information. Considering modest capabilities of a mobile device compared to the PC, we acknowledge that very large processing time is Many authors suggest approach that involves multithreading. [6] Main, UI, thread would be used for issuing commands, while another, background thread would make the service call. There is a special class called AsyncTast, that is part of the Android API and that helps us perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers. AsyncTask is short for asynchronous task. "An asynchronous task is defined by a computation that runs on a background thread and whose result is published on the UI thread. An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types, called Params, Progress and Result, and 4 steps, called onPreExecute, doInBackground, onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute". [7] This class must be subclassed in our class in order to be used. It must override at least one method, doInBackground, where we define what will be done in a separate thread and most often, another one, onPostExecute, which will be executed on the main UI thread and show the results of the background thread. It appears that all basic principles are complied with, we have preserved UI responsiveness by giving long running operations its own thread and after it finished its job, all the data is synchronized. The problem with this approach lies in the very foundations of the Android operating system. Its process manager may decide to kill any non-responsive process or process that doesn't seem to be active. There are many reasons why our process may become non-responsive. REST method may take long time to execute due to large data transfer. Or some other activity, such as phone call or SMS, may come to the front and that will cause activity that is running asynchronous task to pause. There is no way for onPostExecute method to catch the results of a REST call if the hosting Activity is not running. Also, if the worker thread that is running REST method is terminated than all the data that has already been transferred is wasted and so is the valuable processor time and we have to start all over again. Good approach here is to cache data so in case of activity restart, user or system initiated, we do not have to waste CPU time or bandwidth. 6. PROPOSED DESIGN PATTERN The general idea on how to overcome these obstacles is to apply a pattern that would ensure all long running work is done in a separate thread, but without the risk of getting forcefully killed by the Android operating system. It is also crucial to ensure that all the data received from a REST call can be cached for future use. We can achieve the first part by using Service class that is part of the Android API. “A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use”.[8] However, it is important to realize that Service is not a separate process nor it has its own thread. While this may not be appropriate for use “out of the box”, it is possible to create a separate worker thread when creating the Service object in onCreate() method. The Android system will attempt to keep the process hosting a service for as long as the service has been started or has clients bound to it. Process manager will award it the highest priority when the system is running low on memory and there are decisions to be made about process killing. This approach may seem a bit complicated because we need to maintain and synchronize UI and worker thread by ourselves, but the Android API has another class that can be of great use to us. This class is called IntentService and it has been part of the Android API since API version 3. “IntentService is a base class for Service that handles asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand”. [9] Intents can be perceived as an abstraction of an operation that we want to be executed. Intents most common use is in launching activities. Client creates IntentService by sending appropriate Intent through startService(Intent) call. Service is then created and started as needed; handles every Intent message inside its own worker thread and stops itself when all the work is done. This pattern is also known as “work queue processor” because it is widely adopted as a mean to offload tasks from an application's main thread. It is also important to say that IntentService only uses single worker thread and maintains request queue. Any request may take as long as necessary, but only one request can be processed at a time. After IntentService finishes its work it needs to send results data to the main UI thread. This can be achieved through BroadcastReceiver [10] class that is part of the Android API. Receiving activity registers for broadcast by Context.registerReceiver() method call or we can statically publish an implementation through the <receiver> tag in our AndroidManifest.xml file. There are two types of broadcasts: normal and ordered. Normal broadcasts are run asynchronous and receivers get them in an undefined order, often at the same time. Ordered broadcasts are delivered to one receiver at a time. When receiver get broadcast message it can propagate it to another receiver or it can break the receiving chain with abortBroadcast() method call. Broadcast receiver object should not be used for asynchronous or long running operations because it has very short lifecycle. In fact, if BroadcastReceiver object hasn’t finished executing in ten seconds, Activity Manager will fire Application Not Responding event and show dialog with question to the user if he wants to force close the application or wait a bit more. Process that is executing BroadcastReceiver is considered to be a foreground process and will be kept running by the system. Because of that, if we want to notify user that service had finished its job, we should either use NotificationManager API or activate dialog in the hosting process. When data caching is concerned there are many ways we can keep our data in persistent memory on Android. But when it comes to means for actual process of storing and retrieving data we have only one, obvious, choice. That choice is ContentProvider class. “Content providers store and retrieve data and make it accessible to all applications. They're the only way to share data across applications; there's no common storage area that all Android packages can access”. [11] There are many predefined content providers for common data types such as audio, video, images, etc. If we want to make our data publicly accessible we can either put that data in an existing provider or we can create our own content provider by sub-classing ContentProvider class that is part of the Android API. This concludes definitions of all of the necessary components that we can use in our design pattern. Pattern is given in the following figure. Figure 1: Main classes in the pattern Activity which is running on our main UI thread displays data that we have in our Content Provider. Once we initiate a REST call we pass parameters to Intent Service. It is important to note here that if we want to execute a GET method, we should provide a way for the remote server to return only the data that is newer than the one we have in our content provider (“smart update”). REST Method is an entity which is in charge of preparing HTTP method and HTTP request body. For HTTP method calls we use Apache library for Java from the package org.apache.http.client.HttpClient. We already noted that for request data we use JSON serialization. If we need to exchange large amounts of data with the remote server we can use gzip compression. [12] Gzip is an open source utility designed to be used for data compression. It is supported by man client libraries, browsers and server platforms. Once the method is prepared, HTTP transaction is executed and its response is then processed. If the response is valid, result data is returned to the IntentService, otherwise exception is thrown. Since IntentService runs in its own thread, this REST method call is also made in that thread so application remains responsive no matter how long it takes to execute it. When IntentService receives data from the REST entity it processes data and if data is valid it sends the data to the ContentProvider entity for insert or update. After this is done IntentService sends broadcast message to the calling Activity that contains either success notification or error message. Because code inside Intent Service is executed in a separate thread it is very suitable for complex operations. Operations that can be run inside Intent Service are some local database operations, for example (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE). This operations start after response is accepted from server side and is parsed from JSON. This is a part of a greater task of maintaining a local cache memory for better application performance. On the other hand, Receiver is only suitable for some short operation because it accepts response from Intent Service inside main thread. It is good place for some notifications intended to end user, for example Alerts about status of requested operation, but nothing more. Activity contains registered BroadcastReceiver that handles Broadcast messages in onReceive method. As we already stated, BroadcastReceiver has a very short lifecycle that only last during onReceive method. Because of this we do not send result data in a broadcast message, even thou we could, because result processing could take long time to execute. Instead, all the work was done before IntentService sent the broadcast message and now all that is left to do is to asynchronously refresh data that Activity shows.When BroadcastRecevier receives message it will notify Activity that it should query back ContentProvider for new data or, if the message contains exception, it will notify user of the error that happened. 7. CONCLUSION Mobile devices and social networks have become part of our everyday life. Android, as the currently dominant smartphone platform is offering great number of social network client applications on its market but the quality of those applications needs to be taken with a grain of salt. As REST is currently standard supported by many social networks it is vital to choose a good approach when designing android client for social networks. In this paper we have shown main differences between REST and SOAP, as well as their main message coding standards. We have presented what we consider wrong approach for the HTTP method call and shown one possible implementation of the RESTful pattern on Android client. By applying this pattern when developing Android client applications you can take full advantage of the API that Android platform provides and make your application work better. This can be achieved through more responsive user interface, use of fewer phone resources and overall lower bandwidth usage. REFERENCES [1] Cozza, R. Gartner report“Forecast: Mobile Devices by Open Operating System, Worldwide, 2008-2015”,, Retrieved 4. 2. 2012. [2] Englander, R. “Java and SOAP”, O’Reilly Media, May 2002 [3] Masse, M. “REST API Design Rulebook”, O’Reilly Media, October 2011 [4] Alonso, G. Casati, F. Kuno, H. Machiraju, V. “Web Services, Concepts, Architectures and Applications”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 [5] Webber, J. Parastatidis, S. Robinson, I. “REST in Practice”, O’Reilly Media, October 2010 [6] Jordan, L. Greyling, P. “Practical Android Projects”, Apress 2011 [7], “AsyncTask”, ncTask.html, Retrieved 4. 2. 2012. [8], “Service”, vice.html, Retrieved 4. 2. 2012. [9], “IntentService”, entService.html, Retrieved 4. 2. 2012. [10], “BroadcastReceiver”, /BroadcastReceiver.html, Retrieved 4. 2. 2012. 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