April 3, 2014 The Atomic Theorists Democritus (460 BCE – 370 BCE) Developed the idea of atom (from the word atomos, meaning indivisible) He thought different “things” were made of atoms that have different shapes A competing theory: Aristotle (384 BCE - 322 BCE) Aristotle (a famous philosopher) proposed that matter was made of different amounts of these elements: earth, water, fire, air People believed Aristotle simply because he was more respected and thus Democritus’ idea was ignored for many years John Dalton (1766 – 1844 ) [Billiard Ball Model] John Dalton performed experiments that led to the acceptance of the idea of atoms Matter consists of indivisible atoms Draw Dalton’s model below: J. J. Thompson (1856 – 1940) [Plum Pudding Model] In 1897, Thomson showed that atoms contained even smaller particles using a cathode ray tube He proposed the “plum pudding model” where negative charges (electrons) are scattered throughout a positive atom Draw Thompson’s model below: Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937) [Planetary Model] In 1908, Ernest Rutherford showed that atoms had a nucleus (positively charged) surrounded by electrons using the gold foil experiment Draw Rutherford’s model below: Niels Bohr (1885 - 1962) [Orbital Model] In 1913, Bohr reasoned that electrons had specific, circular orbits rather than being randomly distributed Draw Bohr’s model below: Schrödinger (1887 – 1961)/Heisenberg (1901-1976) [Electron Cloud Model] In 1920, Erwin Schrodinger showed that electrons did not orbit the nucleus, but rather moved around the nucleus in a random (but somewhat predictable) manner Applying Heisenberg's uncertainty principle helped form the orbitals of the Electron Cloud. Draw the Schrödinger/Heisenberg model below: Next class you will have a quiz on the atomic theorists! Atomic Number, Atomic Mass On the periodic table, there is atomic number, atomic symbol, and atomic mass. Draw how hydrogen appears on the table in the space below and label what the atomic number, atomic symbol and atomic mass is. The atomic number for sodium is 11. Looking at the periodic table we can see that: Sodium has ___________ protons in its nucleus. Any atom with __________protons is sodium. A sodium ion has a charge of ______. Atomic sodium has __________electrons. If electrons are added or subtracted from a neutral atom, the resulting particle is an _________. Electrons are negatively charged, so when an electron is added, it produces a ____________ ion, also known as a(n) ____________. When an electron is subtracted, it produces a ____________ ion, also known as a(n) ____________. How many electrons does N3- have? Since we know that Atomic mass = # protons + # of neutrons, and that Atomic number = # of protons, we also know: # of neutrons = ________________________ - ________________________ Isotopes Isotopes are atoms of the same element that contain a different number of ____________ . There are 3 special isotopes that are given special names Hydrogen – 1 is called protium Hydrogen – 2 is called deuterium Hydrogen – 3 is called tritium