Big Water Utility Policies & Procedures

Big Water Municipal Corporation
Utility Board
Policies and Procedures
Approved by Town Council on
11/ 18 /2013
Table of Contents
Mission Statement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Legal Policy………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………...3
Deposits, Rates, & Fees…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Non-Conforming Uses…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Unimproved Lots…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Water Operator Duties…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Trash Contractor………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…6
Work Orders…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Water Meter Installation………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Water Meter Maintenance and Replacement……………………………………………………………………….…6
Emergency Purchasing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Emergency Contractor Work…………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Use of Water Vehicle………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Accidents and Injuries…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Use of Cell Phone……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Contracted Water Use Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Hydrant Flushing and Testing………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
Appendix A – Forms
Connection Application for an Owner…………………………………………………………………………………….12
Connection Application for a Renter……………………………………………………………………………………….13
Request for Contracted Water Use…………………………………………………………………………………………14
Request for Temporary Suspension of Services ………………………………………………………………………15
Request for Discontinuation of Services………………………………………………………………………………….16
Purchase Order……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………17
Work Order…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
Complaint Form………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
The Town of Big Water hereby seeks to establish policies and procedures for its Utilities Board an
advisory board reporting to Town Council. These policies and procedures seek to address the issues
faced in day to day operations and the long term maintenance of the water system and trash removal
services and can be amended in the future as needed.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Utilities Board is to promote health and safety by delivering quality services to its
residents and businesses and to promote sustainable growth at the lowest rates possible.
Legal Policy
All occupied residences and operating businesses in Big Water are required to have water service and
trash pickup for reasons of health and sanitation established by Town Council ordinance # 2007-254.
When a resident or business moves into Big Water and needs water and trash services the
resident/business owner is asked to go to the Town Office to apply for services. The Town Clerk will
provide information and an application for services.
The Clerk will provide the appropriate application for either a property owner or a renter, and will
inform the Water Operator that a connection has been requested once the appropriate deposits and
fees have been paid.
The Clerk will also inform the current Trash Contractor to provide a trash container.
Water and trash fees will be prorated if connected or disconnected during the billing period.
There is a $15 reconnection fee. If an account is disconnected for non-payment, the Water Operator
will put a lock on the water meter and the trash container will be picked up. A $15 reconnection fee
and deposit are required to reconnect the services if they have been disconnected for non-payment as
stated in the original contract for services. Once those fees are paid the Water Operator and Trash
Contractor will be contacted by the Town Clerk to restore services.
There is no fee for a resident/or business to voluntarily disconnect service, but a $15 reconnection fee
will be charged to have the water turned on at a later time. The resident/business owner would
contact the Town Clerk and fill out a Request for Temporary Suspension of Services. The Clerk will
inform the Water Operator and Trash Contractor to temporarily suspend services as requested. Any
deposits would remain in effect until refunded as appropriate.
Deposits, Rates, & Fees
A $150 deposit is required for all new residential water & trash accounts and for commercial water
accounts. This deposit is refundable after 12 consecutive payments paid on time or upon
discontinuation of service. Upon discontinuation of service any outstanding fees will be deducted from
the deposit as appropriate and the remainder of the deposit refunded.
If the account is not paid in full by the due date, a late fee of $10 monthly will be applied to overdue
accounts, $5 for water, and $5 for trash. If one part of the bill has been paid the fee will only apply to
the past due part. In other words if you pay your water, and the trash goes past due, you will be
charged $5 for the late trash bill. The Clerk may waive late fees under extraordinary circumstances at
the Clerk’s discretion. Any waived fees and the reasons for the waiver are reported to the Utilities
Board at the next regular meeting.
Trash rates are $20 a month for residential. Commercial trash accounts are handled by the trash
contractor. The trash contractor should be contacted directly for commercial accounts.
Water rates are as follows:
- 10,000 gallons per month
10,001 - 15,000 gallons per month
15,001 - 20,000 gallons per month
20,001 - 30,000 gallons per month
30,001 - 50,000 gallons per month
50,001 – 200,000 gallons and above
- 10,000 gallons per month
10,001 - 15,000 gallons per month
15,001 - 20,000 gallons per month
20,001 - 30,000 gallons per month
30,001 - 50,000 gallons per month
50,001 – 200,000 gallons and above
$1.23 per each additional 1000 gallons
$1.40 per each additional 1000 gallons
$1.60 per each additional 1000 gallons
$2.14 per each additional 1000 gallons
$2.21 per each additional 1000 gallons
$1.43 per each additional 1000 gallons
$1.64 per each additional 1000 gallons
$1.84 per each additional 1000 gallons
$2.50 per each additional 1000 gallons
$2.64 per each additional 1000 gallons
Non-Conforming Uses
If a resident is living on a commercial lot that is used only as a residence and has no commercial activity
a non-conforming use can be established and the resident can be charged residential rates. The Town
Clerk can normally establish a non-conforming use and grant the residential rate based on there being
no commercial activity or commercial upgrades on the property at the Clerk’s discretion. This will be
reported to the Utilities Board at the next regular meeting. If there are unusual circumstances the
Clerk should bring the matter to the Utility Board for consideration before granting the residential rate.
When a resident or business plans to move out of Big Water and desires to have water and trash
services shut off the resident/ business owner is asked to fill out a Request for Discontinuation of
Services with the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk will inform the Water Operator and the Trash Contractor
the date the services need to be discontinued and settle the account. Any remaining deposits will be
refunded after the service is discontinued. Any amounts still owed will be deducted from the deposit.
The Request for Discontinuation of Services requires a forwarding address where the deposit can be
sent. If the deposit is not enough to cover the amount due a bill will be sent to the forwarding address.
Water and trash accounts will be prorated if disconnected in the middle of the billing period.
If an account becomes 60 days past due it will be considered for disconnection. The account will be
disconnected unless extraordinary circumstances apply. If an account is disconnected for nonpayment, the Water Operator will put a lock on the water meter and the trash container will be picked
up. A $15 reconnection fee and deposit are required to reconnect the services if they have been
disconnected for non-payment. Once those fees are paid the Water Operator and Trash Contractor
will be contacted by the Town Clerk to restore services.
All occupied residences and businesses are required to have water and trash services, so the services
will need to be paid for and restored if the residence or business remains occupied.
Accounts that are 120 days past due may be sent to a professional collection agency for collection
unless extraordinary circumstances apply. Accounts that become uncollectable such as in the event of
the death of a utility account holder will be considered for discharge by the Utilities Board and
accounted for properly as an uncollectable account.
Water Operator Duties
The Water Operator is responsible for all aspects of maintenance and repair of the water system. The
Water Operator is responsible to make a report to the Utility Board monthly at the regular monthly
meetings detailing water usage, necessary repairs and other state of the water system issues. The
Water Operator is expected to be familiar with the policies and procedures and follow the policies and
procedures set herein.
Trash Contractor
It is the policy of the Utilities Board to contract with a trash removal service company. The Utilities
Board will consider bids submitted by potential trash removal companies based on rates and quality of
services that fit the needs of our residents and businesses and submit their recommendation for trash
contractor to the Town Council for consideration and action.
Work Orders
Work Orders are generated for the purpose of recording installation, repair, and maintenance
completed by the Water Operator. When a resident contacts the Town Clerk with a need for
installation, repair, or maintenance a work order is prepared by the Town Clerk. The Work Order is
written by the Town Clerk and given to the Water Operator for action.
The Water Operator is only responsible for work needed to the Town’s water system. Any repairs or
leaks on the owner’s property are the responsibility of the owner. Any water that has been metered
and leaked on the property owner’s side of the water connection is billable to the resident/ business
owner. The property owner can appeal to the Utilities Board for special consideration for a payment
plan or possible waiver of water fees when large leaks have occurred.
Water Meter Installation
When a water meter is requested to be installed the Clerk will provide the Application for a Water
Meter and contact the Water Operator with a Work Order. The Water Operator will then verify the
location and determine the extent of the installation needed and if road trenching and an excavation
permit will be necessary.
Licensed contractors will be used to trench and excavate. For installations crossing a road the
contractor is required to use a pneumatic missile to bore under the roadway to prevent trenching
across the roadway whenever possible.
The Water Operator will install the water meter, meter setter, barrel, saddle, tap, and water line.
All contractors must be licensed by the State of Utah and furnish the Town Clerk with a copy of their
liability insurance.
Water Meter Maintenance and Replacement
The Water Operator will report any suspected defective water meters or leaks on a monthly basis at
the time the meters are read making a notation in the meter reader’s book. The Town Clerk will be
notified of the defective meters or leaks upon completion of the meter reading, and the Town Clerk
will then contact the property owners regarding needed repairs.
Leaks will be addressed as soon as possible. A work order will be written by the Town Clerk and given
to the Water Operator. If there is a significant leak on the property owner’s side of the water
connection the water will be shut off at the Water Operators discretion and the resident/business
owner contacted about the leak.
If meter repair or replacement is needed a work order will be written by the Town Clerk and given to
the Water Operator. When a meter is replaced the Water Operator will record on the work order the
date, old meter serial number, old meter reading, new meter serial number, new meter reading.
Any repairs or leaks on the owner’s side of the water connection are the responsibility of the resident/
business owner. Any water that has been metered and leaked on the property owner’s side of the
water connection is billable to the resident/ business owner. The resident/property owner can appeal
to the Utilities Board for special consideration for a payment plan or possible discount of water fees to
be charged at the lowest rate, the 10,000 to 15,000 gallon tier, when large leaks have occurred.
Appeals for special consideration will be considered on a case by case basis. Waivers will not be
granted in cases of negligence. The Utility Board will consider the circumstances of the leak and any
mitigating factors. It is the intention of the Board to work with the property owner to get the matter
settled without interruption of water service.
Emergency repairs are handled by the Water Operator immediately, and the Clerk will write the work
order the next business day.
The Water Operator in the course of his daily duties may come upon parts of the water system that are
in need of routine repair. It is the policy of the Town and the Utilities Board to promote the upkeep
and continued maintenance of the water system by encouraging replacement and repair of worn out
parts as they are discovered. Thus the Water Operator is expected to replace old and worn out parts.
A work order is filled out by the Town Clerk for each repair and purchase orders used as appropriate.
Both Emergency and Routine repairs will be included in the Water Operator’s monthly report.
For planned purchases over $1000 the Water Operator will determine the need for a purchase and the
cost of the items needed. The Operator is encouraged to seek the lowest cost for all purchases within
The Water Operator will then submit a Purchase Request to the Utility Board for approval. Once the
purchase is approved the Water Operator will be given a Purchase Order by the Clerk. The Clerk will
give the Operator a copy of the purchase order, and file the Purchase Order in a purchases pending
file. Upon receiving the item/items from the vendor the receipt, shipping manifest, invoice, etc. will be
given to the Clerk for payment processing.
Emergency Purchasing
The Water Operator may purchase supplies and materials to make necessary emergency repairs to the
water system as needed. The Operator should notify the Mayor of all emergency situations as soon as
possible, and obtain a work order from the Town Clerk the next business day. The Water Operator
must make a written report concerning the emergency and the status of the repair work and present it
to the Utilities Board at the next regular Utility Board meeting. The Water Operator will submit the
receipts for the supplies and materials needed to the Clerk for accounting purposes.
Emergency Contractor Work
The Water Operator may hire a contractor in the event of an emergency if needed to maintain the
operation of the water system. The contractor will perform the work as directed by the Water
Operator on a time –and-material basis.
The Water Operator will notify the Utility Board Chairperson of the nature of the emergency and
submit a written report including the status of the situation and the cost of the work at the next
regularly scheduled Utility Board meeting.
All contractors must be licensed by the State of Utah and furnish the Town Clerk with a copy of their
liability insurance.
Day laborers may be hired by the contractor as needed to help with labor.
Use of Utility Vehicle
A service truck is provided for the Water Operator for the purpose of maintaining the operation of the
water system. The service vehicle is not to be used for personal use or for transporting anyone who is
not an employee or volunteer of the Town or contracted to work for the Town on the water system.
When the vehicle is not in use it is to be parked at the Town Office. The Mayor my grant the Water
Operator the privilege of driving the water truck home at night due to the on-call nature of the
position, however, this is a privilege that can be revoked if misused or abused.
If the Water Operator in the normal course of his day uses the Utility Vehicle for a contracted use such
as water maintenance at Amangiri or a neighboring community, the mileage will be recorded and the
standard rate per mile will be billed for use of the Utility Vehicle. These rates may be adjusted from
time to time to allow for costs as necessary. This mileage will be accounted for and billed on a monthly
basis by the Town Clerk.
Out of town use is limited to a 60 mile radius of Big Water for the purpose of transporting parts,
supplies, and materials for maintenance of the water system. In an emergency situation the vehicle
may be used outside the 60 mile limit if needed to restore the water system. For instance if a part or
tool is needed that can only be purchased in a larger urban area.
Vehicle maintenance is to be performed by a mechanic authorized and approved by the Town Council
to work on Town vehicles. The Water Operator is required to schedule and record vehicle
maintenance according to the maintenance schedule in the manual provided with the vehicle by Ford
Motor Company. All fuel purchased for the vehicle must be logged and mileage recorded in a separate
fuel and mileage log.
Any accidents or damages involving the service vehicle must be reported to the Marshal and Mayor
immediately. A report detailing the accident and/or damages must be submitted to the Utilities Board
at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Accidents / Injuries
Any accidents or injuries to town employees, contractors, or volunteers must be reported to the Town
Marshal and the Mayor immediately. All damages to Town property must also be reported to the
Town Marshal and the Mayor.
Use of Cell Phone
A cell phone is provided for Water Operator for the normal day to day operations. The phone and the
phone service is provided by the Town through the Utility Board Budget. The Town Council and the
Utilities Board reserve all rights to make changes to the cell phone and cell phone service for the Water
Contracted Water Use / Trash Removal Policy
All contracted water will be metered. All licensed contractors building in Big Water and in need of
water service will contact the Town Clerk for a Request for Contracted Water Use Form. The Clerk will
then inform the Water Operator to provide services once the appropriate fees and deposits have been
paid. Commercial trash services are provided directly by the trash contractor.
Water contracted for construction use is taken from fire hydrants fitted with the portable water meter.
The Water Operator will install the portable water meter, read the meter monthly, and remove the
meter when the need for services subsides. The contractor will be billed monthly for water usage at
commercial rates.
Hydrant Flushing and Testing
All fire hydrants are to be flushed and tested on a semi-annual basis. The Water Operator and the Fire
Chief will coordinate to make sure this goal is reached. The use of volunteers to help under the
supervision of the Water Operator and/or the Fire Chief is encouraged.
Water used to flush and test the fire hydrants will be reported along with the water usage at the
regular Utility Board meeting. The following formula will be used to estimate the usage: number of
minutes of water flow multiplied by 1000 gallons per minute, 3 minutes X 1000 gallons per minute =
3000 gallons used.
Customer complaints will be accepted in writing and submitted to the Utilities Board for review and
possible action. A complaint form will be provided to any customer who wishes to lodge a complaint
and can be submitted to the Water Operator or Town Clerk. All written complaints must be presented
to the Utilities Board at the next regular Utilities Board Meeting. Customer complaints will be
considered as a means of improving services to all residents and businesses and resolve issues. Actions
taken on complaints are not meant to be punitive in nature but to resolve current issues in positive
Big Water Municipal Corporation
Utilities Board
Policies and Procedures
Apendix – A
Connection Application Owner
Connection Application Renter
Request for Contracted Water Use
Request for Temporary Suspension of Services
Request for Discontinuation of Services
Purchase Order
Work Order
Complaint Form