Concentrations (2):
Exercise science
Sport administration
Degree: Master of Arts in Education (M.A.Ed)
HPSS 5010. Introduction to Epidemiology (3) This course is designed to study factors influencing health
and disease in a population. Relationships between host and environment will also be studies. Application
of the principles of epidemiologic methods and data will be collected, investigated, analyzed, and
interpreted with an emphasis on prevention and control.
HPSS 5050. Sports and School Law (3) Development of administrative considerations and methods from
the legal perspective influenced by statutes and contemporary litigation.
HPSS 5120. Thesis Writing (3) Designed to assist students in the selection and adequate conduct of
research problems in the area of health education, physical education, or recreation. Credit is given upon
completion of the research problem and the passing of the oral examination.
HPSS 5130. Techniques of Cognitive & Kinetic Appraisal (3) Designed to acquaint the student with the
role of tests and measurement in a total program of physical education.
HPSS 5230. Leisure in American Society (3) The nature, significance, and extent of recreation and
leisure in a community are stressed. Principles, techniques, and skills needed in organizing and
promoting leisure-time activities for home, school and community are included in the experience. Those
essential elements pertaining to all recreational programs, such as leadership, areas and facilities,
program finances, and recruiting of recreation workers, are covered in the content of the course.
Opportunities are afforded students to experience actual recreation and leisure work and responsibility
through visitations to selected agencies.
HPSS 5310. Aging & Wellness (3) Exploration of the social, cognitive, affective and physiological
processes in humans and aging. Attention will be given to family and social dynamics, accommodations
for disabilities, and legal / financial issues.
HPSS 5320. Wellness for Special Populations (3) Provides the professional with an understanding of
theoretical and applied aspects of wellness programming for special populations, and their functional
capacity with regard to wellness programming.
HPSS 5330. Sports Psychology (3) Surveys current psychological research and interventions for human
performance including social facilitation, aggression, and motivation.
HPSS 5350. Advanced Exercise Physiology (3) Regulation and adjustment of physiological systems
during acute exercise and adaptations to chronic exercise in various populations and environments;
emphasizes discussion intended to reinforce principles of physiological phenomena and underlying
HPSS 5360. Body Composition & Assessment (3) Laboratory and field assessment of body fat, lean body
mass and somatotype, anthropometry; body build and composition; exercise and dietary regulation of
obesity and chronic underweight.
HPSS 5370. Fitness Evaluation & Prescription (3) Application of physiological assessment techniques to
evaluate human performance; interpretation of results, and recommendation for corrective remediation
HPSS 5400. Athletic Injury & Evaluation (3) Comprehensive survey of human structure of the trunk, upper
and lower extremities, and their relationship to injuries; implications for rehabilitation and post-surgical
therapeutic exercise programs.
HPSS 5470. Sports Nutrition (3) Application of nutritional principles, physiology and biochemistry of
nutrients and nutrient homeostasis in humans at the cellular, tissue, organ and system level as related to
exercise and human performance.
HPSS 5500. Problems in Sport Management (3) Examination of problems confronting administrators;
theoretical models of moral and ethical development will be examined; codes of ethics and case studies
will be analyzed to develop a framework for problem solving. An examination of leadership styles,
philosophies, and practices in contemporary settings and the evolution of leadership will also be
HPSS 5510. Financial Administration of Sport (3) A study of fundamental concepts and theories of
conventional income sources used to generate revenue for sport organizations.
HPSS 5600. Sport Facilities Design & Management (3) Principles of planning facilities for sport, physical
education, and recreation; relationship of facilities to programs; budgeting, financing, and construction
HPSS 5620. Sport Marketing & Public Relations (3) Practical application of the principles of marketing,
publicity, and public relations for use in sport and recreation. Class project may entail working with local
agency for a sport marketing campaign.
HPSS 5650. Sport Policies and Procedures (3) Analysis of sport governing organizations such as IOC,
NCAA, NFHS, TSSAA, and others; requirements for membership, compliance, and examination of the
rules and penalties assessed.
HPSS 5700. Special Topics (3) Covers a diverse selection of topics, issues, and complex problems that
confront practitioners. Efforts will be made to explore new paradigms, encourage independence of
thought, seek pro-active problem resolution, and develop critical thinking abilities.
HPSS 5710. Curriculum, Instruction & Supervision (3) Practical methods and materials employed in the
testing of play activities, fundamental skills, and athletic games are emphasized. Program evaluation and
improvement, facilities and equipment, as well as criteria for determining their adequacy, are stressed. An
examination of the design, construction, improvement, and evaluation of curriculum in physical education
will be incorporated.
HPSS 5800. Strategic Management (3) Examines the processes for planning, growth, development,
expansion and management in sport through technical and professional applications of strategic
management principles. By permission of instructor.
HPSS 5910. Independent Study (3) Designed to provide opportunities to make an intensive in-depth
study of an area of interest selected by the student in health, physical education, or recreation. Organized
as an independent study experience, the selected project should be centered around some problem or
area of interest related to the student’s administrative, teaching, or leadership responsibilities.
HPSS 5920. Administrative Practicum (3 - 6) Supervised administrative practium in selected health,
physical education, or recreation responsibilities as evidenced in gainful employment in these areas;
designed to provided practical administrative experiences in an area of professional interest to the
student. Variable credit hours will allow students to receive credit for flexible time commitment for the
course - each credit hour of enrollment will require 50 clock hours spent in practicum. Directed and
evaluated by faculty advisor.
HPSS 5930. Internship (3 - 6) A planned and supervised professional internship allowing students to
apply theoretical concepts in practical applications. Variable credit hours will allow students to receive
credit for flexible time commitment for the course - each credit hour of enrollment will require 50 clock
hours spent as interns. Directed and evaluated by faculty advisor.
HPSS 6020. Project (3) A terminal course centered around action research or applied research in the
area of the candidate’s professional responsibilities. The course requires an oral examination at
conclusion of the written project.