CALL ANNOUNCEMENT RESEARCH AWARDS ON AGEING Call Announcement: 29 May 2015 Expression of Interest Submission Deadline: 8 July 2015 (by 5pm) Application Submission Deadline: 11 September 2015 (by 5pm) Link to guidance documents and application form: What is the purpose of these Research Awards? The population in Ireland is increasing and people are living longer lives. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has indicated that those aged 65 years and over will increase to at least 850,000 by 2026. Our increasing life expectancy and thus our increasing ageing population is a success story for our population and health system. Maintaining and improving quality of life, as we age and live longer is essential. There is no universal definition of what healthy ageing constitutes but there is general agreement that it involves more than just physical or functional health. Current evidence suggests that interconnected social, economic and environmental factors can have an impact on the health and wellbeing of older people. Multidisciplinary ageing research to date has primarily been dominated by the biomedical model of ageing internationally, including biogerontology such as biomedicine and genetics. Over the last number of years the Island of Ireland has gained recognition for its excellence in ageing research with academic institutions increasingly recognising it as a growing area of research. A number of leading longitudinal ageing studies have been established North and South. Research has been carried out in many areas including cognitive and physical deterioration, social participation and economic inequalities, cultural trends, work and retirement related issues. These developments are essential for evidence based research to better inform policies and programmes, allowing older people to live happier and fulfilled lives and to age with dignity. On the part of the Irish Government, the publication of the National Positive Ageing Strategy (NPAS) in 2013, promotes a vision of active and healthy ageing underpinned by four Goals, one of which is to ‘support and use research about people as they age to better inform policy responses to population ageing in Ireland’. In order to provide the best possible and most cost effective health service, it is essential that decision making within the Health Service Executive (HSE) is based on high quality up to date evidence. As such, the HSE recognises the value of undertaking research, with research identified as a key component of the ‘Healthy Ireland’ policy framework document for improved health and wellbeing. The aim of these research awards is to promote and sustain the use of research and evidence to inform policy and practice in ageing. Objectives of the Research Awards Fund This Research Awards Fund will seek to support high quality research projects in relation to positive and healthy ageing. The awards scheme aims to fund rigorous, high quality research that will: 1. Promote original and innovative ideas in the area of healthy and active ageing. 2. Provide evidence that is of direct relevance to policy makers/ service providers/ service users and key decision makers in the field of ageing. 3. Support capacity building for career researchers who have the potential to develop as future independent researchers in the area of ageing and encourage research institutions across Ireland to access research funding, expand their research agenda and impact in the area of ageing research. 4. Encourage and promote multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary / cross sectoral research teams to work in collaboration to build upon existing, and develop new research in relation to ageing. 5. Engage and value the contribution of older people in delivering research ideas and outputs relevant to policy and practice. Scope of the call There has been a wide range of multidisciplinary research undertaken into ageing across Ireland. Until recently this primarily focused on the biomedical model of ageing; however the focus has expanded to include a number of broader factors. Despite this growing body of research there are a number of areas which remain underdeveloped. Submissions are invited for research under the following research themes as defined in the guidance notes. 1. Participation 2. Health and Wellbeing 3. Security Funding available There is a total of €300,000 available through this first call. It is anticipated that up to three awards will be made with the exact number depending on the quality of proposals. Who can apply? Applications may be submitted by individuals or groups from higher education institutions, service providers, public, non-profit voluntary, charity and community sectors. Principal Investigators must be employed by a Higher Education Institution or the organisations defined above, from across the Island of Ireland (North or South). Applicants are permitted to act as a Principal Investigator on one project only, but can act as Co-Investigators or collaborators on multiple applications. How to apply? Guidance notes, Application and Expression of Interest forms for the call will be available on the HSE website from 29 May 2015. For more information For any queries about applying to this funding scheme, please email: This awards programme is co-funded by the Atlantic Philanthropies, and the Health Service Executive (Health and Wellbeing Division).