DRAFT – Minutes – Parish Council Meeting 3 December 2015

Brompton on Swale Parish Council
Clerk: Shireen M Rudge, 58 Brompton Park, Brompton on Swale, Richmond, DL10 7JP
Tel: 01748 818155 email: bosparishclerk@talktalk.net
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 3 December 2015
A Guest, Chairman
J Coventry
D Sharp
M Barber
N Mason
The Clerk
Cllr C Les
Cllr I Threlfall
Apologies for absence: PCSO Jordan Wallace
Open Forum: A resident of Brompton Court mentioned trees in the cemetery which were growing
over their property and were starting to block light. The resident said that some trees had been
planted close to the cemetery wall and said that they would be prepared to cut the trees on behalf of
the Parish Council. The Parish Council have advised that this would not be possible due to public
liability and health & safety issues. The Chairman mentioned that the cutting and maintenance of all
the trees in the cemetery had been discussed previously and would be discussed with the
contractors in due course.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 22 October 2015 were approved
Cllr Barber
Cllr Coventry
Matters Arising
Broken Bench, Gatherley Road – Cllr Barber mentioned the email that had been received from NYCC
confirming that the broken bench along Gatherley Road will be removed and the grass verge made
good. The work will be complete by the end of February 2016.
Bus Services (item 6.1, minutes of 22 October 2015) – Confirmation has been received from NYCC
Passenger Transport that option A has been chosen, which leaves 1 off peak return journey from
Richmond to Northallerton via Brompton-on-Swale and Scorton. The Chairman noted his
disappointment that the parish Council had not received a direct response to their email, asking for
answers to specific questions. Cllr Les will follow this up.
Action – Cllr
Allotments – Cllr Coventry asked whether any progress had been made. The Parish Council has not
heard directly from the Allotments Association but it is understood that no further progress has been
YLCA Membership (item 6.3, minutes of 22 October 2015) – The Chairman asked whether the Clerk
had made arrangements for the Parish Council to join the YLCA. The Clerk confirmed that the Parish
Council were now members and this years’ fee had been paid.
Highways England Presentation, 13 November 2015 (item 8.3, minutes of 22 October 2015) – Cllr
Coventry and the Chairman attended this meeting. The Chairman noted that the presentation was
mainly regarding Scurragh Lane, although he was alarmed to learn that at the end of
January/beginning of February 2016 A1L2B intend to close the current Northbound A1, presumably
from Catterick Central Junction to Scotch Corner, and move everything onto the new southbound
carriageway. At this stage there may not be any link from Gatherley Road onto the A1 on a
temporary basis. The Chairman asked if the Councillors who were attending the A1L2B Liaison
meeting on 15 December could ask for further information.
5.1 Report from Cllr Carl Les
Cllr Les mentioned capital expenditure on Scorton Road and Honeypot Road, carriageway surface
treatment, which is scheduled for next financial year. Carriageway reconstruction and resurfacing
works is scheduled for Parkgate Lane, also in the next financial year.
Cllr les mentioned Junction 52 on the A1 (Catterick Central) which is up and running and flowing well.
The A6136 improvement works through to the Garrison will be starting in January and must be
completed by the end of March. There is a concern from the residents of Catterick Village about the
improvements to the junction near the Catterick Great Bridge. Two road safety audits have taken
place and the engineers have confirmed the new design is safe.
The Police are responsible for dealing with speeding concerns in the Richmondshire Area.
Cllr Les reminded Councillors that faults regarding lighting, flooding issues, loose grates and many
more issues can be reported online to NYCC. There is a direct link for this service on the Parish
Council website.
Cllr Coventry raised the issue of flooding in Gatherley Road. Cllr Les will arrange a site visit with NYCC
and Cllr Coventry to discuss the issue.
Action – Carl Les and Cllr
Cllr Coventry has reported to Yorkshire Water a drain that has water pouring out in bad weather.
This should be dealt with during the coming weekend and Cllr Coventry should receive an update in
5.2 Report from Cllr Ian Threlfall
The Chairman mentioned RDC recycling collections in the village. He asked Cllr Threlfall why only
certain recycled items were collected from the roadside, waxed drink cartons for instance were not
collected. Cllr Threlfall said that at present RDC do not have a licence to collect other items. In the
New Year RDC will renegotiate their licence which will enable additional items of recycling will be
collected at the roadside.
Cllr Threlfall asked whether North Yorkshire Timber have contacted the Chairman regarding
provision of trees around the village. Cllr Barber asked whether one of these could be a replacement
for the damaged/removed tree in St Pauls Drive and Cllr Sharpe mentioned a replacement tree in
Augustus Gardens. The Councillors will email the Clerk with locations they would like to see new
trees planted. NYT will contact the Chairman direct to discuss.
Cllr Threlfall said that RDC have frozen their Council Tax this year and intend to do so for the
following 3 years. Savings will be made internally. This was raised with the Chancellor and in the
comprehensive spending review. It was said that if necessary an extra council tax of 2% can be
raised. Cllr Les said NYCC is concerned about rising costs of looking after elderly people and have
projected a gap of £15 million on adult social care. The living wage is going to cost the county £3
million in direct payroll £3 million to schools for their payroll and £10 to £12 million for the
independent care sector. NYCC will also consider whether to increase the council tax by a further 2%.
In their financial strategy NYCC decided to raise the council tax by 2% per annum over these next 4
5.3 Report from the Police
A report had been received from PCSO Jordan Wallace by email. This had been circulated to the
Councillors prior to the meeting.
Current Issues
Care of Grass Verges – During the 2015 cutting season the contractor charged £410 + VAT per cut.
We have received 2 quotes for cutting the grass verges/areas in the village. One quote was for £350
+ VAT per quote and the second £320 + VAT per cut. It is estimated that 10 cuts for the growing
season will be necessary. The Councillors agreed to accept the lower quote for the 2016 season for a
period of 12 months.
Cllr Barber
Cllr Coventry
The Parish Council have agreed to carry out urban visibility grass cutting in our Parish area in
2016/2017 and accept the payment offered by NYCC. The information had been circulated to
Councillors for their comments/decision prior to the meeting as a response was required by 30
November 2015. NYCC have said the minimum funding for grass cutting of urban highway visibility
splays for 2016/2017 will be £927.70.
Action – The
Budget 2016/2017 – The Chairman talked through the proposed budget for 2016/2017. Various
increases in costs were explained and discussed. The Chairman mentioned the unexpected increase
in costs for grass cutting throughout the parish for 2015/2016. The increase in our costs for the year
is estimated at £3000/£4000, which includes play park maintenance and grass cutting at the sports
field, amongst various other increases. The budget for 2016/2017 was agreed by the Councillors.
Cllr Sharp
Cllr Mason
Precept 2016/2017 – The amount for the precept is to be notified to RDC by 8th January 2016. The
precept for the current year is £9684. An increase of 10% would mean that we would ask for a
precept amount of £10652 for the year and with an increase of 20% the precept would be £11620.
RDC have given a grant towards the current years’ precept of £785. The grant expected in 2016/2017
will be approximately £392. An increase of 20% on the 2015/16 precept was agreed.
Cllr Sharp
Cllr Mason
Action – The Clerk
Meeting Dates 2016 - The proposed dates had been circulated prior to the meeting. The dates were
agreed by the Councillors.
Minerals and Waste Joint Waste Plan – Cllr Coventry stated the document mentions keeping both
the current ‘household waste tip’ at Catterick Bridge and the planned tip at Gatherley Road as
preferred options and that she had not read anything else within the document that would affect
residents of the parish. Cllr Threlfall noted that there was nothing contentious which would affect
this area. Cllr Les noted any extension to mineral extraction would be south of the river. The
Chairman reminded Councillors that if they wished to make any comments they were to inform the
Clerk before the consultation closing date of 16 January 2016.
Action – Parish Councillors
Transparency Code – Cllr Mason asked, since a contractor for the cutting of the grass verges had
been agreed, did we have to note this as part of the Transparency Code on the parish website. Cllr
Threlfall explained that it should be noted how the decision had been made along with the cost. The
Clerk had produced various documents showing the documents produced for the year 2014/2015.
The same documents will be made available under the Transparency Code. The same format of
these documents must be made available no later than 1 July after the end of the accounting
/financial year. Minutes and Agendas are available on the Parish and RDC website.
Cllr Threlfall mentioned the grants available for purchasing of computer equipment, website fees and
training. This matter will be looked into and the Clerk will report back to the Chairman. The clerk will
discuss training requirements with Mrs Barber.
Action – The
Parish Finances – The periodic accounts which had been circulated prior to the meeting were read
out. The Clerk mentioned the website domain fee had been paid - £21.64 but are waiting for an
invoice for the annual fee of £71.22. The YLCA membership has been paid. No further questions were
raised and the accounts were approved.
Cllr Barber
Seconded: Cllr Sharp
A letter was received from the British Red Cross Thanking the Parish Council for their donation to the
Fire & Emergency Support Service Vehicle.
A letter was received from Highways England informing of the next A1 Leeming to Barton
Improvement Scheme meeting. The meeting will take place on 15th December. Cllr Barber and Cllr
Coventry have agreed to attend the meeting. Cllrs’ Barber and Coventry will mention the Northern
access onto the A1 at Gatherley Road and the car parking at the sports field in Honey Pot Road.
The Chairman suggested the Village Society apply for a grant towards provision ofcar parking at the
Community Sports Hall.
Planning Applications
15/00775/FULL - This planning application, No 2 Bridge Road, previously circulated to the councillors
was briefly mentioned to Cllr Mason. There were no objections to this application.
Minor Matters
Cllr Barber said there was a marked increase on the use of the Parish website during the month of
November. He suggested this could be residents checking on road works and road closures
throughout the Parish and further afield. The Chairman thanked Mrs Barber for her continued work
on keeping the website up to date.
The Chairman mentioned it was now possible to report faulty streetlights, blocked drains, potholes
and various other similar issues on the NYCC website.
The Chairman mentioned the latest YLCA Newsletter and the information regarding pension auto
enrolment. We are now informed that if an employer does not have any employees who earn above
£10000pa they will not need to have a qualifying pension scheme in place at that time. The
Councillors confirmed that it would not be necessary at this time to set up a pension scheme.
Date of next meeting – Thursday, 14 January 2015 at 7.00pm
Signed: ………………………………………………………….
Date : ……………………………………………………………