Rice Demo ASSIGNMENT (Dehydration and Rehydration)

Name _______________________________
Table ____ Period ____ Score _____/21 (1/2 point each)
Rice Demo
Use dehydrating and rehydrating in cooking
Tell how to make several kinds of rice.
To cook rice:
In pan put:
_______ part rice
_______ parts water (or a liquid you choose
to add flavor to your rice)
Salt if desired (about ½ t. per cup of rice)
Bring to a boil. When rice boils, stir it just once or twice with a ___________, and cover pan. (Over-stirring
can break off starch and leave your rice __________________________.)
Turn the heat to low, and simmer rice _______ minutes.
When timer rings, turn off the heat, fluff rice with your fork, recover, and let the rice sit ____ to _____ more
minutes. (With a rice cooker, simply follow directions that come with your cooker.)
Water does several important things when cooking rice:
1. It re-______________________ it. As water is absorbed the rice will swell.
Rice will cook to 3 times its dry size; pastas usually double. Cooking rice or pasta in a
microwave is not faster than on the stove, because much of the cooking time is required for
absorbing the water.
2. Water provides a medium for the ___________—it carries the heat to all the
rice, not just the rice at the bottom of pan near the heat element.
It dissolves polar substances and can rinse them off. So should you rinse rice before you
cook it? Some people say yes, some say no. Here are their reasons:
NO. When you rinse rice, you are washing off water-soluable _______________________.
YES: When you rinse rice, you are washing off starch and rice will be less _____________.
(If you want to rinse rice, here’s how to do it:  Pour cool water over your measured rice so that it is at least
an inch above the line of the rice. It's important for the water to be cold to room temperature so that heat does
not begin to soften the rice. Gently stir the rice with your hand. You will see the starch begin to rise from the
rice, making the water cloudy. Stir the rice slowly for 10 to 15 seconds, then drain the water from the pot.
Repeat three to four times.)
For tomorrow’s Rice Pilaf Lab:
We will not make plain rice, we will make these changes:
1. We will start by sautéing chopped vegetables in butter. What are some things that
could be sautéed into you pilaf?
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
2. When vegetables are sautéed, we will add rice and cook until __________________.
3. When rice is gold, we will cook it in ________________ in stead of water. (If you use
bullion podwer to make broth, do not add salt. The bullion powder is mostly salt.)
4. We will follow other steps for making rice: bring to boil, stir once or twice, cover and simmer
14 min on low. After 14 minutes, fluff with fork , turn off heat, and let sit, covered, 5-10 minutes.
Brown rice is _________ ________ rice. It will contain may more nutrients,
but because the rice is surrounded by bran it will take much _______________ to steam.
Why remove water?
1. Micro-organisms can’t live without water, so foods last longer
dried. What are some foods we dehydrate to help them last
Rice & beans, raisins, dried fish, beef jerky, fruit leathers and dried fruit, spices
2. Foods are smaller and lighter without water, which makes them easier to
package, transport and store. What are some foods we remove all/part of the
water from to make them smaller for packaging or transporting?
Condensed soups, frozen juices, dried foods for camping
____________________ ____________________
If you remove enough liquid to make a food dry, you have dehydrated it. If you
remove enough to make a thicker liquid, you have condensed it. Mark each of these
foods D for dehydrated, or C for condensed.
____ Instant mashed potatoes
____ Most Campbell’s soups
____ Powdered oregano
____ Frozen orange juice
____ Powdered milk
____ Evaporated canned milk
____ Raisins
____ A bag of beans
____ A package of pasta
Remember, if you eat foods with the water removed, they would equal a much greater
amount of the food with the water still in it:
If you eat a half-cup of raisins, you get many ______ calories than in a half cup of grapes.
If you use fresh spices, with the water still in them, you need about _____ times as much
spice as if you use dry spices.
Why replace the water? (Rehydrate)
Sometimes we eat dehydrated foods, such as dried fruit, or beef jerky, but
often we want to return the water to a food before we eat it. Tell how you
can rehydrate these foods:
Dried beans: cover with __________ and soak ______________
OR boil ____ minutes and let set ½ hour
Beans before and after soaking
Dried out brown sugar: If your brown sugar has dried out, you can
replace the moisture by putting in something moist such as________
_____________________or ________________________________ and leaving it in a
closed container overnight, while the sugar absorbs the moisture. Do not let the sugar get wet.
Do not expect rehydrated foods to have the same texture as the original food.
(A rehydrated raisin won’t feel like a fresh grape.)