Chapter 17 and 18 Open Book Quiz

Chapter 17 Quiz
Name ____________________________________ Date _________ Period _________ Score _______
17.1 Section: Energy Resources and Fossil Fuels
MATCHING: Write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches the description.
a. fossil fuels
b. electric generator
c. acid precipitation
d. methane hydrates
e. oil refinery
ab. Coal
______ 1. fossil fuel that looks like ice
______ 2. converts motion into electrical energy
______ 3. most abundant fossil fuel in the world
______ 4. coal, oil, and natural gas
______ 5. converts petroleum into fuels
______ 6. results from burning high-sulfur coal
MULTIPLE CHOICE: In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that
best completes each statement or best answers each question.
______ 7. Oil and natural gas are formed from the
a. migration of complex carbohydrate molecules to nonporous rock formations.
b. decay of tiny marine organisms that accumulated on the bottom of the ocean millions
of years ago.
c. burning of high-sulfur, low-grade uranium.
d. decay of plants that lived in swamps hundreds of thousands of years ago.
______ 8. Inside the combustion chamber of a coal-fired power plant
a. steam is directed against turbine blades and causes the blades to turn.
b. the turbine sets the generator in motion.
c. electricity is generated.
d. burning fossil fuels releases energy in the form of heat.
______ 9. Most of the energy consumed in the United States is used for
a. residential electrical needs.
c. transportation.
b. commercial electrical needs.
d. industrial purposes.
______10. The energy needs of the United States in the 1990s have
a. risen dramatically.
c. risen slightly.
b. fallen dramatically.
d. fallen slightly.
Chapter 17 Quiz
Name ____________________________________ Date _________ Period _________ Score _______
17.2Section: Nuclear Energy
MATCHING: Write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches the description.
a. nuclear energy
d. Three Mile Island
b. nuclear fission
e. Chernobyl
c. nuclear fusion
ab. nuclear power plant
______ 11. the splitting of atomic nuclei
______ 12. site of the worst nuclear accident in the United States
______ 13. costs more than $3,000 per kilowatt of electrical capacity
______ 14. contained in the nuclei of atoms
______ 15. site of the worst nuclear accident in the world
______ 16. the combining of atomic nuclei
MULTIPLE CHOICE: In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that
best completes each statement or best answers each question.
______ 17. A nuclear reactor is
a. powered by a combustion chamber in which uranium is burned.
b. surrounded by a thick pressure vessel filled with a cooling fluid.
c. superheated by water until the control rods are set into motion.
d. constructed from thick aluminum walls to control nuclear reactions.
______1 8. New nuclei and neutrons result from
a. nuclear fusion.
b. the release of electrons from a positively charged atom.
c. the splitting of an atom’s nucleus.
d. the splitting of an atom’s neutron.
______1 9. Nuclear fusion
a. must take place at extremely high temperatures.
b. does not release a great amount of energy.
c. must take place in low-density containers.
d. results in nuclei that are lighter in weight than the nuclei that existed before the
______20. Storage sites for nuclear wastes
a. can only be located in mountain ranges.
b. will always leak lethal amounts of radioactivity.
c. must be located in areas that are extremely geologically stable.
d. should be able to undergo the process of transmutation.
Chapter 18 Quiz
Name __________________________________ Date _______ Period _______ Score ________
18.1 Section: Renewable Energy Today
MATCHING: Write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches the description.
a. passive solar
d. hydroelectric
b. active solar
e. geothermal
c. photovoltaic cell
______ 21. uses collectors on roof
______2 2. uses moving water
______ 23. uses heat from Earth’s interior
______ 24. uses large windows facing the sun
______ 25. uses a semiconductor
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each
statement or best answers each question.
______ 26. Habitat loss, soil erosion, and air pollution are disadvantages of which renewable energy
a. solar
c. biomass fuel
b. wind
d. moving water
______2 7. Which of the following describes new wind turbines?
a. New wind turbines are cost-effective.
b. New wind turbines take up a lot of space.
c. New wind turbines take a year to build.
d. New wind turbines cannot generate much electricity.
______ 28. Renewable energy is energy from sources that
a. are constantly being formed.
c. humans can manufacture.
b. will take years to deplete.
d. were once living organisms.
______ 29. Which of the following is an example of how biomass fuel is currently being used?
a. Biogas digesters ferment manure and produce methane.
b. Dung-fired power stations produce electricity.
c. Ethanol from fermenting corn is added to gasoline.
d. all of the above
______30. A geothermal power plant can be used to generate electricity
a. anywhere in the U.S.
b. in areas where deposits of water are heated inside Earth.
c. in areas where the ground stays warm throughout the year.
d. Both (a) and (c)
Chapter 18 Quiz
Name __________________________________ Date _______ Period _______ Score ________
18.2 Section: Alternative Energy and Conservation
MATCHING: Write the letter of the term or phrase that best matches the numbered
a. alternative energy
b. fuel cell
c. energy efficiency
d. energy conservation
e. ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)
______ 31. produces electricity chemically
______ 32. energy sources that are still in development
______33. includes lifestyle changes
______ 34. produces electricity using the temperature difference between two layers of water
______35. percentage of energy that does useful work
MULTIPLE CHOICE: In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best
completes each statement or best answers each question.
______ 36. A hybrid car uses
a. an efficient gasoline engine and an electric motor.
b. an efficient gasoline engine and a fuel cell.
c. a fuel cell and a solar cell.
d. a photovoltaic cell and an electric motor.
______37. Compared to washing clothes in warm water, washing clothes in cold water uses
a. much more energy.
c. much less energy.
b. the same amount of energy.
d. a little more energy.
______38. Hydrogen could be used as a fuel source in the future because it
a. is abundant.
c. is used in fuel cells.
b. can be burned as fuel.
d. All of the above
______ 39. OTEC works because water boils at low temperatures when
a. in a high-pressure chamber.
b. cooled in a vacuum chamber.
c. under low pressure in a vacuum chamber.
d. pumped from the ocean.
______40. Which of the following is an example of cogeneration?
a. driving a fuel-efficient car
b. using the waste heat from a furnace to power a steam turbine
c. using ocean thermal energy conversion to run a turbine
d. using tidal power to generate electricity