2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number DOMAIN 1 – FABLES & STORIES CCLS: RL.1.1, RL,1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, W1.1,1.3,1.6 Lesson 1 Skills Demonstrate familiarity with various fables and stories Describe the characters, plot, and setting of a specific fable or story The Maid and Milk Pail Identify specific stories as a fable or folktales The Goose and the Golden Eggs Identify characteristics of fables: short, moral, Explain in their own words the moral of a specific fable 2 3 4 5 6 ELA The Boy Who Cried Wolf Publisher Picture Window Books Beth-Ann O’Halloran Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, MN 56003 Picture Window Books Beth-Ann O’Halloran Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, MN 56003 The Dog in the Manger Spanish Book Title El pastorcito mentiroso ISBN Number 1-4048-1616-X Fábula de Esopo** 84-316-7164-5 La gansa de los huevos de oro 1-4048-1622-4 Fabula de Esopo 84-316-7164-5 The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Picture Window Books Beth-Ann O’Halloran Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, MN 56003 El lobo con piel de oveja 1-4048-1625-9 The Fox and the Grapes Picture Window Books Beth-Ann O’Halloran Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, MN 56003 La zorra y las uvas 1-4048-1621-6 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 7 The Little Half Chick (Medio Pollito) Picture Window Books Beth-Ann O’Halloran Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, MN 56003 La pollita pequeñita 1-4048-1646-1 8 The Crowded, Noisy House Farrar, Straus & Giroux 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Siempre puedes ser peor 0374464596 9 The Tale of Peter Rabbit Scholastic El cuento de Pedrito el Conejo 0590464752 10 All Stories are Anansi’s Anansi and Good Year Books La cinturita de Anansi 067336294-9 Spanish Book Title Un libro sobre el esqueleto Ruth Belov Gross My Lungs/ Los pulmones ISBN Number 0-439-18308-1 DOMAIN 2 – THE HUMAN BODY CCLS: RL.1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7,1.9; W1.8; SL1.1,1.1b,1.2 Lesson 1 2 Skills Identify the five body systems: skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, and nervous ELA Everybody Has a Body Scholastic, Inc. Publisher The Body’s Framework Marshall Cavendish 99 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591-9001 978-0-7614-2483-3 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills 3 4 Identify the skeletal system Recall basic facts about the skeletal system Identify the muscular system Recall basic facts about the muscular system 5 Define the heart as a muscle that never stops working Explain the importance of a balanced diet. 6 Identify the component food groups in a balanced diet Identify the digestive system 7 8 9 Recall the basic facts about the digestive system Identify the circulatory system ELA Publisher Marvelous Moving Muscles Marshall Cavendish 99 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591-9001 Chew, Swallow, Squeeze, and Chum Marshall Cavendish 99 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591-9001 The Body’s Superhighway Marshall Cavendish 99 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591-9001 Control Central: The Brain Marshall Cavendish 99 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591-9001 Dr. Welbody’s Heroes Five Keys to Health The Pyramid Pantry Heineman Library, Chicago, IL TIME For KIDS Spanish Book Title ISBN Number My Bones and Muscles/ Huesos y músculos Author: Dana Meachen Rau My Stomach/ El estomago Author: Dana Meachen Rau My Heart and Blood/ El corazón y la sangre Author: Dana Meachen Rau My Brain/ El cerebro Author: Dana Meachen Rau 978-0-7614-2479-6 Mantenerse Sano Author: A.R.Schaefer ¡Cuenta conmigo! ¿Qué hay de almuerzo? Autor: Lisa Greathouse 978-1-4329-4450-6 1-4329-4450-9 978-0-7614-2485-7 978-0-7614-2482-6 978-0-7614-2480-2 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Recall basic facts about the circulatory system Explain the importance of exercise and a balanced diet for a healthy heart 10 Identify the nervous system Recall basic facts about the nervous system Identify the brain as the body’s control center Explain the importance of exercise, cleanliness, a balanced diet, and rest for ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number What a Complicated Network! DOMAIN 3 – DIFFERENT LANDS, SIMILAR STORIES CCLS: RL.1.1, RL,1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7,1.9; W1.3; SL.1.1a,1.1b,1.1c Lesson 1 Skills ELA Cinderella Publisher Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 2 Skills ELA 4 (Option 1): The Girl with the Red Slippers (Option 2): Billy Explain that stories have Beg a beginning, middle, and Thumbelina 5 6 3 Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Identify folktales as a type of fiction Scholastic Pulgarcita Luz Orihuela Pulgarcito Por Eric Blair 978-0-439-87196-9 Chronicle Books, LLC 85 Second Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Little Red Riding Hood Caperucita Roja By The Brothers Grimm 0-8118-2562-0 Intermon Oxfam La pequeña caperucita Africana Niki Daly 84-8452-414-0 end. Describe the characters, plot, and setting of a given story 7 Explain that people from 8 9 Publisher different lands and cultures tell similar stories (option 1): Tom Thumb option 2): Issun Boshi: One-Inch Boy Little Red Riding Hood Picture Window Books 1-4048-1643-7 Hu Gu Po Pretty Salma DOMAIN 4 – EARLY WORLD CIVILIZATIONS CCLS: RL,1.2, 1.3, 1.5,1.6, 1.7,1.9; W1.5,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 1 Skills Locate the area known as Mesopotamia on a world map or globe, and identify it as part of Asia Explain the importance of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the use of canals to support farming and the development of the city of Babylon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Describe the city of Babylon and the Hanging Gardens Identify cuneiform as the system of writing used in Mesopotamia Explain why a written language is important to the development of a civilization ELA A Father and His Son in Mesopotamia Writing in Mesopotamia The Religion of Babylon The Hanging Gardens of Babylon People of the Nile Writing in Ancient Egypt Amon-Ra and the Gods of Ancient Egypt Approaching the Great Pyramid The Sphinx The Story of Hatshepsut Tutankhamun, The Golden Pharaoh, Part I . Tutankhamun, The Golden Pharaoh, Part II . Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Civilizaciones Antiguas por Tom Fuller (NG) Weekly WR Reader Early Learning Library Chronicle Books LLc. La vida en el pasado El Antiguo Egipto La gran Piramide(NG) Piramides y Momias By Seymour Simon Quien fue el Rey Tut Roberta Edwards Cómo Vivian los faraones(s)c 978-8368-8032-8 978-0-8118-5496-2 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 13 Skills ELA Three World Religions Judaism: Explain why rules and Christianity and Islam laws are important to Explain the significance of the Code of Hammurabi the development of a civilization Explain the ways in which a leader is important to the development of a civilization Explain the significance of gods/goddesses, ziggurats, temples, and priests in Mesopotamia Describe key components of a civilization Identify Mesopotamia as the “Cradle of Civilization” Publisher Spanish Book Title De muchas maneras Shelley Rotner Sheila M. Kelly, Ed.D ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Describe how a civilization evolves and changes over time Locate Egypt on a world map or globe, and identify it as a part of Africa Explain the importance of the Nile River and how its floods were important for farming ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Identify hieroglyphics as the system of writing used in ancient Egypt DOMAIN 5 – EARLY AMERICAN CIVILIZATIONS CCLS: RL,1.2, 1.3, 1.4 1.5,1.6, 1.7,1.9; W1.5,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c,1.3,1.4 Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Skills ELA Publisher Editorial Evergráficas, The Maya: A S.L. Harvest and a Hurricane The Mayas: Journey to Baakal The Mayas: King Pakal’s Tomb The Maya: The Festival of the First Explain the Star importance of The Aztec: The extended family to the Legend of the Eagle Maya and the Serpent. . Identify the areas in The Aztec: The which the Floating Gardens of Maya/Aztec/Inca lived Xochimilco. The Aztec: In the Explain that the Maya/Aztec/Inca Palace of an farmed Emperor The Aztec: Cortés’s Explain that the Letter Maya/Aztec/Inca developed large cities The Inca: Who or population centers, Were the Inca? or empires, many, The Inca: The many years ago Runner Explain that a shift occurred from hunting and gathering to farming among early peoples; compare and contrast hunter- gatherer societies and Mayan society Spanish Book Title El Regalo De Los Mayas by Silvia Dubovoy Los Mayas (NG) Los Aztecas por Meredith Costain (NG) La ciudad Perdida de Machu Picchu (NG) ISBN Number 84-241-7999-4 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Explain that the Maya/Aztec/Inca had leaders (kings or emperors); identify by name the emperor of the Aztec, Moctezuma Explain that the Maya/Aztec/Inca each had a religion Describe the significance of the stars and planets to the Maya Explain the significance of the Mayan calendar Identify the Aztec capital as Tenochtitlan; identify that Machu Picchu is an Incan city Explain that much of what we know about the Inca is because of the work of archaeologists ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number DOMAIN 6 – ASTRONOMY CCLS: RL 1.3, 1.4 1.5,1.6, 1.7,1.9; W1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c,1.2 Lesson 1 2 Skills Recognize the sun in the sky Explain that the sun, moon, and stars are located in outer space 3 ELA Publisher Introduction to the Sun and Space The Earth and the Sun Stars Teacher Created Materials Teacher Created Materials Teacher Created Materials 4 Explain that the sun is a source of energy, light, and heat Stargazing and Constellations Teacher Created Materials 5 Classify the sun as a star The Moon Teacher Created Materials 6 7 History of Space Exploration and Astronauts Identify the earth’s Exploration of the rotation, or spin, as the Moon Children’s Press Identify Earth as a planet and our home Grolier Publishing cause of day and night 8 Explain that other parts of the world The Solar System, Part I Teacher Created Materials Spanish Book Title El Sol William B. Rice La Tierra William B. Rice Las Estrellas William B. Rice Los asteroides y los cometas William B. Rice Las Lunas William B. Rice Astronautas Carmen Bredeson ISBN Number 978-1-4333-2599-1 978-1-4333-2594-6 978-1-4333-2598-4 978-1-4333-2597-7 978-1-4333-2596-0 0-516-24699-2 Los estupendos0-531-15997-3 Dime porque cambia de forma la luna Shirley Willis Los planetas 978-1-4333-2595-3 William B. Rice 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills experience nighttime while we have daytime 9 Explain sunrise and sunset Explain that Earth orbits the sun Describe stars as large, although they appear small in the night sky Describe stars as hot, distant, and made of gas Explain that astronomers study the moon and stars using telescopes Describe how people sometimes tell stories about the moon and stars Explain what a constellation is ELA The Solar System, Part 2 Publisher Charles bridge Publishing Spanish Book Title Brilla, brilla, linda EstrellaIza Trapani ISBN Number 1-58089-092-X 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Identify the Big Dipper and the North Star Identify the four phases of the moon— new, crescent, half full ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Explain that the moon orbits the earth DOMAIN 7 – THE HISTORY OF THE EARTH CCLS: RL 1.1,1.3, 1.4, 1.7,1.9,1.10; W1.1, 1.2,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c,1.2,1.3,1.4; L1.5c,1.6 Lesson 1 2 Skills Identify geographical features of the earth’s surface: oceans and continents Locate the North Pole, the South Pole, and the equator on a globe 3 4 Describe the shape of the earth ELA Publisher Our Home, Earth Teacher Created Materials 5301 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 926491030 The Earth InsideOut, Part I Scholastic The Earth InsideOut, Part II The Earth InsideOut, Part III Spanish Book Title Nuestra Tierra Kenneth Walsh ISBN Number 978-1-4333-4452-7 La Tierra Christine TaylorButler 0-439-87091-7 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 5 Skills 6 7 8 Explain that much of our knowledge of the earth and its history is the result of the work of many scientists the earth: crust, mantle, and core (outer and inner) 9 Describe the crust Describe the mantle and core inside the earth 10 Describe volcanoes and geysers Describe how heat, pressure, and time cause many changes inside the earth Identify common minerals in the earth Explain how minerals are used by people ELA Minerals The Three Types of Rocks Fossils Dinosaurs Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Wayland Publishers Ciencia simple Rocas y tierra 9-788426-332721 QEB Publishing 3 Wrigley Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 Mi pequeño libro de dinosaurios Dogal Dixon Hay un T. Rex en mi barrio There’s a T.Rex in town Aleksei Bitskoff y Ruth Symons Hay un diplodocus en la puerta There’s a diplodocus at the door Hay un triceratops en el árbol There’s a Triceratops in the Tree House Hay un stegosaurus en las escaleras There’s a Stegosaurus on the Stairs 978-1-60992-752-3 Dinosaurs QEB Publishing 3 Wrigley Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 Dinosaurs QEB Publishing 3 Wrigley Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 QEB Publishing 3 Wrigley Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 QEB Publishing 3 Wrigley Suite A Irvine, CA 92618 978-1-60992-564-2 978-1-60992-567-3 978-1-60992-5645-9 978-1-60992-566-6 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Identify the three types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic Describe how heat, pressure, and time cause the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks Describe fossils Explain how fossils provide information about the history of the earth Explain how we know about dinosaurs ELA Publisher Describe various dinosaurs DOMAIN 8 – ANIMALS & HABITATS Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number CCLS: RL 1.1,1.3, 1.4, 1.7,1.9,1.10; W1.1, 1.2,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c,1.2,1.3,1.4; L1.5c,1.6 Lesson 1 Skills Explain what a habitat is Explain why living things live in habitats to which they are particularly suited 2 3 Identify the characteristics of the Arctic Ocean habitat Explain how Arctic animals have adapted to the Arctic tundra and Arctic Ocean habitats 4 5 Identify the characteristics of the Arctic tundra habitat Identify the characteristics of the desert habitat ELA What Is a Habitat? Publisher Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 __________________ ________ Spanish Book Title Los seres vivos necesitan agua Bobbie Kalman _________________ ____ ISBN Number 978-0-7787-8678-8 978-07787-8681-8 Animals of the Arctic Habitat Animals of the Sonoran Desert Habitat Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat Animals of the Temperate Deciduous Forest Habitat Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 Hogares de los seres vivos El hábitat del ártico Bobbie Kalman 978-0-7787-8330-5 Un habitat de desierto Bobbie Kalman 978-0-7787-8326-8 Un hábitat de bosque Bobbie Kalman 978-0-7787-8327-5 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 6 Skills Explain how desert animals have adapted to the desert habitat Classify animals on the basis of the types of food that they eat (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore) 7 8 9 10 Identify the characteristics of the grassland habitat Explain how grassland animals have adapted to the grassland habitat Match specific plants and animals to their habitats Identify the characteristics of the temperate deciduous forest habitat Explain how temperate deciduous forest animals have adapted to the ELA Animals of the Tropical Rainforest Habitat Animals of the Freshwater Habitat Animals of the Saltwater Habitat Habitat Destruction and Endangered Species Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Picture Window Books 5115 Excelsior Blvd Suite 232 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Crabtree Publishing Company 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 3308 New York, NY 10118 Picture Window Books 5115 Excelsior Blvd Suite 232 Minneapolis, MN 55416 ----------------------------Troll Associates 100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 Charles bridge Publishing 85 Main Street Watertown, MA 02174 Selvas Tropicales mundos verdes Laura Purdie Salas 978-1-4048-3865-9 Hábitats acuáticos Molly Aloian Bobbie Kalman 978-0-7787-8325-1 Océanos mundos submarinos Laura Purdie Salas -----------------------Ahora sé Que es un pez David Eastman 978-1-4048-3864-2 ¿Les echaremos de menos? Alexander Wright 0-88106-420-3 (soft) 0-88106-640-0 Scholastic INC. ¿Quién come que? By Patricia Lauber 0-439-12006-3 ----------------------0-8167-3260-4 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number temperate deciduous forest habitat Identify the characteristics of the tropical rainforest habitat Explain how tropical rainforest animals have adapted to the tropical rainforest habitat Classify water habitats as either freshwater or saltwater habitats DOMAIN 9 – FAIRY TALES CCLS: RL 1.1,1.3, 1.4, 1.7,1.9,1.10; W1.1, 1.2,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c,1.2,1.3,1.4; L1.5c,1.6 Lesson 1 2 3 Skills Demonstrate familiarity with specific fairy tales ELA Sleeping Beauty Rumpelstiltskin Rapunzel Publisher Picture window books Picture window books Spanish Book Title Rumpelstiltskin Eric Blair Rapunzel Por Christianne C.Jones ISBN Number 1-4048-1637-2 1-4048-1636-4 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills 4 5 6 ELA The Frog and the Prince, Part I The Frog and the Prince, Part II Identify fairy tales as a Hansel and Gretel, Part I 7 8 9 Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Identify the fairy tale elements of specific fairy tales type of fiction Publisher Identify common characteristics of fairy tales, such as“ once upon a time” beginnings, royal characters, elements of fantasy, problems and solutions, and happy endings Teacher Created Materials 5301 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030 Hansel y Gretel By Dona Herweck Rice 978-1-4333-1007-2 Hansel and Gretel, Part II Jack and The Beanstalk, Part I Jack and The Beanstalk, Part II Compare and contrast different adaptations of fairy tales DOMAIN 10 – A NEW NATION: AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE CCLS: RL 1.1,1.3, 1.4, 1.7,1.9,1.10; W1.1, 1.5,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c 1.1 c; SL1.2,1.4,1.5; L1.5, 1.5a,1.6 Lesson 1 2 Skills Identify the early English settlements on Roanoke Island and at Jamestown as colonies ELA The New World A Taxing Time: The Boston Tea Party Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Skills ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number that were established before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock The Shot Heard Round the World Declaring Independence The Legend of Explain that the first Africans in the English Betsy Ross colonies came to George Jamestown as indentured Washington, servants, not slaves Commander in Chief Locate the thirteen Will This War original colonies Never End? Describe how the A Young Nation Is thirteen colonies in Born America evolved from Never Leave Until dependence on Great Britain to independence Tomorrow What You Can Do as a nation Today Describe the Boston Tea Building a Nation Party with Words and Explain the significance Ideas of Paul Revere’s ride Liberty and Justice for ALL? Ediciones Lerner 241First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 EUA Botones para el general Washington 978-0-8225-6261-0 Lectorum Publishing 205 Chubb Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 El día de la independencia Mir Tamim Ansary 978-1-4329-1942-9 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 12 Skills Identify “one, if by land, and two, if by sea” Identify Minutemen, Redcoats, and “the shot heard round the world” Describe the contributions of George Washington as Patriot and military commander Describe the contributions of Thomas Jefferson as Patriot, inventor, writer, author of the Declaration of Independence, and the third president of the United States Describe the contributions of Benjamin Franklin as Patriot, inventor, and writer Explain the significance of the Declaration of Independence ELA What Do a Flag, a Bell, and an Eagle Have in Common? Publisher Ediciones Lerner 241First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 EUA Spanish Book Title Salva la campana de la libertad by Marty Rhodes Figley ___________________ _____ ISBN Number 978-0-8225-3094-7 978-0-8225-3141-8 La campana de la libertad by Judith Jango- Cohen 978-0-8225-3137-1 La Estatua de la Libertad By Jill Braithwaite 978-0-8225-3143-2 El monumento a Lincoln By Kristin L. Nelson 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Identify “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal . . .” as a part of the Declaration of Independence Explain the significance of The Fourth of July Retell the legend of Betsy Ross and the flag Identify Martha Washington as the wife of George Washington Describe the contributions of George Washington as first president of the United States Identify Washington, D.C., as the nation’s capital Explain that the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., was named after George Washington ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Describe the roles of African Americans, Native Americans, and women during the evolution from thirteen colonies in America to independence as a nation Identify the U.S. flag, the Liberty Bell, and the bald eagle ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Book Title ISBN Number Explain the significance of the flag, the Liberty Bell, and the bald eagle as U.S. symbols DOMAIN 11 – FRONTIER EXPLORERS CCLS: RL 1.1,1.3, 1.4, 1.7,1.9,1.10; W1.1, 1.2,1.8; SL.1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5c; 1.6 Lesson 1 2 Skills Locate the Appalachian Mountains on a map Recall basic facts about Daniel Boone ELA Daniel Boone and the Opening of the West Crossing the Appalachian Mountains Publisher 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson 3 4 5 6 Skills Describe Daniel Boone as a trailblazer Identify what the Wilderness Road refers to Locate the Mississippi River on a map 7 8 9 10 11 Jefferson and Monroe The Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Lewis and Clark: The Journey Locate the Rocky Begins Mountains on a map Discovery and Danger on the Explain why Thomas Prairie Jefferson wanted to purchase New Orleans Sacagawea Red Cedars and Identify and locate the Grizzly Bears Louisiana Territory on Rivers and a map Mountains Explain the To the Pacific and significance of the Back Louisiana Territory and Purchase ELA Explain the reasons that Lewis and Clark went on their expedition Publisher Rourke Publishing LLC Spanish Book Title La compra de Louisiana by Linda Thompson ISBN Number 1-59515-662-3 2015-2020 Plan of Effective Support of Students in Language Acquisition Programs Aligned to Vision 2020 ELA & HLA Framework for ELLs Instruction – First Grade Lesson Skills Explain that there were many, many Native American tribes living in the Louisiana Territory before the Lewis and Clark expedition Recall basic facts about Lewis and Clark’s encounters with Native Americans ELA Publisher Spanish Book Title ISBN Number Explain why and how Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark Other Resources: Scholastic LFO, Safari Montage, Teacher pay Teacher, Reading A-Z, and Brain pop Junior Español