DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS AWARD for GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH 2015-16 The Distinguished Professors Fund was created by generous donors dedicated to advancing graduate education and scholarship at The College at Brockport. Purpose: This competitive, merit-based award is for matriculated graduate students enrolled in a Master’s program at The College at Brockport. The award supports student efforts to produce a substantial and original scholarly project—research and/or creative endeavor— that fulfills program requirements. Preference is given to students working on their Master’s thesis or capstone research/creative projects. Eligibility: Any student who is matriculated and enrolled (full-time or part-time) in a Master’s program at The College at Brockport is eligible. Students can only win this award once. Funding: Awards up to $1,000 are available to cover eligible expenses that directly support students’ scholarly projects: Travel (to archive, field study site, etc.) Laboratory supplies or performance equipment Essential software, printing expenses, books (those not available from library or inter-library loan) Research assistance Award Requirements: If your project involves conducting research with human subjects, you will need Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to receiving the award. Post Award Requirements: A Post-Grant Summary must be submitted utilizing the link available on the Grants Development page as “Post-Grant Summary.” (This links you to a Qualtrics survey tool.) Please complete the summary prior to the expiration of the award. It should include a brief but detailed account of specific scholarly activities and outcomes, and a brief but detailed account of how you used the award money and the total amount used. Awardees are expected to present their work at Brockport’s Scholars Day, Scholars Night and/or an off-campus academic conference. Awardees may be asked to be featured on the college webpages or publications. Application Deadlines: Submit complete applications for review by a faculty committee by 5:00 pm February 18, 2016. You will submit via a link on the Grants Development website. Questions? Contact Jules Oyer at 395-2905 or joyer@brockport.edu 01/15/2016 jmo DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS AWARD for GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH APPLICATION GUIDELINES 2015-16 NEW in 2015-16 – ALL APPLICATIONS ARE SUBMITTED VIA THE “SUBMIT” LINK ON THE GRANTS DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE. Follow the link to enroll yourself in the DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR AWARD organization so that you may access the Blackboard Dropbox. Complete cover sheet (see attached page) Project Description Provide 1-2 single-spaced pages that are clear and compelling to reviewers who may not be specialists in your discipline. Describe a rigorous scholarly project (independent or group research and/or creative endeavor) in your own words: Identify the current stage of the stage of the project. Explain how it fits into your graduate Plan of Study (preference given to students working on Master’s thesis or capstone research or creative projects). o Identify other sources of funding for this project (if there are any), and explain how this award would enable you to complete the project. o Include a timeline for completion of the scholarly project. o o APPLICATION CHECKLIST: Cover Sheet Project Description Budget Form Academic Resume Letter(s) of Recommendation Graduate Transcript Budget Form (see attached page) Provide details of anticipated costs up to $1,000 directly associated with your scholarly project. This can include travel, materials or supplies, publications, printing expenses, software not available on campus, research assistance, etc. Academic Resume Provide a 1-2 page academic resume (including your undergraduate degree and GPA, graduate program, coursework completed, and cumulative GPA; research and/or creative academic endeavors; scholarly presentations; related work experience). Letter(s) of Recommendation Please provide at least one letter of recommendation from a Brockport faculty member who is overseeing your scholarly project. This letter must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY as part of your application and is due by the February 18, 2016 deadline. Graduate Transcript Please provide a copy of your unofficial Brockport Graduate transcript. 01/15/2016 jmo DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS AWARD for GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH COVER SHEET 2015-16 Applicant Name: Click here to enter text. Graduate Program: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text. Mailing Address: Click here to enter text. Scholarly Project Title: Click here to enter text. Project Start Date: Click here to enter a date. Project End Date: Click here to enter a date. Faculty Recommender: Click here to enter text. Faculty Email: Click here to enter text. Single Sentence Summary of Project: Click here to enter text. 01/15/2016 jmo DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS AWARD for GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH BUDGET FORM 2015-16 Category Expenses Details/Explanation Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Total Expenses Please include a brief explanation how you developed the budget amounts. Budget clarification/explanation: Click here to enter text. 01/15/2016 jmo