Graduate Council Minutes January 10, 2014 Richards Hall, VPAA Conference Room 12:00PM Members Present: Kimberly Gill, Chair, Dr. Ellen Roberts, Dr. Cheryl Smith, Dr. Sallie Miller, Dr. Margie Yates, Dr. John Elliott, Dr. Andrew Zohn, Dr. Radhouane Chouchane Guest: Dr. Tina Butcher, VPAA Office Item 1. Topics Welcome and Lunch Presenters Dr. Kimberly Gill Chair Meeting Notes Kimberly opened the meeting. Thanks to Graduate School and Ellen for providing lunch Ellen: No recruitment fairs in spring from CSU recruitment. One event planned by Graduate School. Feb. 20th, Founders Hall, Turner Center, 5:30 – 7:00 PM Grad. Assistant in Graduate School may be available to do some community recruitment SON has hired MSN recruiter stated Cheryl 2. News from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Ellen Roberts 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes Dr. Kimberly Gill Minutes-motion to approve by Cheryl Second by Margie. All approved. 4. Old Business Dr. Kimberly Gill Dr. Ellen Roberts Graduate Council Standing Committees-Some discussion about the need for the Graduate Faculty Nominations committee. Sallie and Kimberly will bring proposal to be considered at next graduate faculty meeting regarding standing committees Summer Meeting Dates: June 19th and August 15th (if needed) Revision of the Graduate Assistant Handbook- many changes need to be made. Kimberly will update the handbook using tract changes. She will send it out to members of the council for email discussion and vote will be taken at February meeting to approve the amended handbook. Revision to Graduate Assistant policies- the policies will then be changed to reflect the changes to the handbook. Student admission issue-George Maxwell appealing Columbia Southern. All voted to deny appeal and to uphold decision of the chair and dean to deny admission to MPA program. Graduate Faculty Status-One Application to review Seon Jeon from COLS-denied in previous review. Appeal received from the Dean of COLS. Motion to approve by Cheryl. Second by John. All approved Seon Jeon for graduate faculty status. Deans were notified that supervisors are only approved for supervision. Part time faculty have provisional status for a specific course. May not be placed in other courses without further examination of credentials and qualifications. 5. New Business Dr. Ellen Roberts Discussion of Graduate Exclusion Policy- New policies needed. Dean’s council and VPAA will work on new policy to replace current policy that is not complete. Discussion of MPA Graduate With Distinction. Kimberly explained that previous registrar allowed MPA students to graduate with Distinction when identified by faculty as being exceptional. The council suggests that the students be honored by the program in another way such as a certificate. The transcripts will no longer indicate such. Move to adjourn by Cheryl Second by Sallie Meeting adjourned at 1:50 PM