2-page proposal file

Achievement Motivation and Emotional Intelligence in assessing the student-teacher learning
T.S.Reena Ruby*, Dr.V.Rajeswari**, Department of Education, Mother Teresa Women’s University,
Kodaikanal, India
Abstract: The aim of the present study is to find the relationship between achievement motivation, emotional
intelligence and learning outcomes of the students. The present study was conducted under survey method.
Sample of the study were selected using purposive cluster sampling technique which includes 350 special
education student teachers from 12 Special Education Teacher Training Colleges and institutes from 7 districts
of Tamil Nadu, India .Data from the selected sample was collected using Achievement Motivation questionnaire
developed by the researcher which consisted of 25 items with each having two alternatives “a” and “b” with
score of 1 for the positive alternative and 0 score for negative alternative and Emotional Intelligence Inventory
by Cyberia Shrink (2010) has been adopted by the investigator for the present study. The original tool consisted
of 75 items. This tool consisted of 35 items under five dimensions as emotion, understanding, intelligence,
behavior and motivation which was modified and validated. The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.67.
This tool is also a five point scale with the options always/often/sometimes/rarely/never with scoring 5,4,3,2,1
respectively for positive items and 1,2,3,4,5 for negative items. The tool includes 11 positive items and 24 are
negative items. Quantitative analysis of data revealed that majority of the selected sample had moderate level of
Achievement motivation. The result of the present study indicates that there is a strong relationship between
achievement motivation and emotional intelligence which enhanced the learning of special education student
teachers to a higher level.
Special Education is the special educational arrangements given to the children with special needs so as to help
them develop their potentials and make them function as normal members of the society. Teacher training in
special education develops teachers with special skills to deal with severely disabled children. Special education
teachers are courageously facing the challenge of working with students with disabilities and the opportunity to
establish meaningful relationships with them. Although helping these students can be highly rewarding, the
work also can be emotionally demanding and physically draining. Many special education student teachers are
under considerable emotional swings and less Achievement Motivation due to lack of awareness regarding their
legal provisions and job opportunities. Seebaluck, Ashley Keshwas, Seegum, Trisha Devi (2013) integrated
cognitive motivational model for the study of teachers professional motivation and stated that school teachers
develop high level of motivation if motivated at appropriate times in their profession. Cheng, Rebecca Wing-yi
Lam, Shuifong (2013) found the interaction between social goals and self-construal on Achievement Motivation
and found that social goals predicted the Achievement Motivation of students with different self-construal.
Darsana (2007) found the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and certain achievement facilitating
variables of higher secondary school students and found that the relationship between achievement motivation
and emotional intelligence was strong and facilitated the learning of higher secondary school students.
The present study was conducted under survey method. Sample of the study were selected using purposive
cluster sampling technique which includes 350 special education student teachers from 12 Special Education
Teacher Training Colleges and institutes from 7 districts of Tamil Nadu, India .Data from the selected sample
was collected using Achievement Motivation questionnaire developed by the researcher consisted of 25 items
with each having two alternatives “a” and “b” with score of 1 for the positive alternative and 0 score for
negative alternative and it was validated. The reliability co-efficient for the above tool was found to be 0.75
using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Emotional Intelligence Inventory by Cyberia Shrink
(2010) has been adopted by the investigator for the present study. The original tool consisted of 75 items. This
tool consisted of 35 items under five dimensions as emotion, understanding, intelligence, behavior and
motivation which was modified and validated. The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.67. This tool is also
a five point scale which includes the options always/often/sometimes/rarely/never with scoring 5,4,3,2,1
respectively for positive items and 1,2,3,4,5 for negative items. The tool includes 11 positive items and 24
negative items.
Results and Discussion
Quantitative analysis of data revealed that majority of the selected sample had moderate level of Achievement
motivation and emotional intelligence when compared to others who had high level of achievement motivation
and emotional intelligence.
Level of Achievement Motivation and Emotional Intelligence
It was also found that the student teachers did significantly differ in their level of Achievement Motivation
based on their age. The findings revealed that students with age above 27 have high Achievement Motivation
and the student teachers with age less than 21 had high emotional intelligence than their counterparts. Similarly
significant association was also noted between the level of Achievement Motivation and locality of the special
education student teachers where urban based sample showed high level of motivation which was reflected on
their learning outcomes but no significant association was noted between Emotional Intelligence and locality of
the student teachers.
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence
and Achievement Motivation
Locality Mean
Dimensions/Variable Achievement
Value Value
17.09ab 4.25
18.15b 3.83
16.00a 4.12
Based on regression analysis it is found that the relationship between the Achievement Motivation, Emotional
Intelligence and the learning outcomes is quite strong and positive. Hence it indicated that relationship between
achievement motivation and emotional intelligence was strong which enhanced the learning of special education
student teachers to a higher level. Path analysis indicates that the structural equation model on Achievement
Motivation is perfectly fit.
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