DSA Exec Group Meeting Minutes 18 06 2014

Meeting title:
DV Exec Group Meeting
Date and time:
18th June 2013
Reception Room
Gedling Borough Council
Suzanne Littlehales (SL)
Alice Grice(AG)
Yvonne Dales (YD)
Vicky Cropley (VC)
Nigel Hill (NH)
Nicki Richards (NR)
Mark Taylor (MT)
Rachel Adams (RA)
Barbara Brady (BB)
Julie Gardner (JG)
Jane Lewis (JL)
Dave Jayne (DJ)
Mandy Green (MG)
Leah Sareen (LS)
Steve Edwards (SE)
Christine Cutland (CC)
Val Lunn (VL)
John Robinson (JR)
Abi Betts (AB)
Nottinghamshire County Council
Nottinghamshire County Council
Nottinghamshire Police
Nottinghamshire County Council
National Probation Service
Bassetlaw District Council
Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community
Rehabilitation Company
Nottinghamshire County Council Public Health
Nottinghamshire County Council Public Health
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust
Nottingham CDP
Gedling Borough Council
Notts Women’s Aid
Nottinghamshire County Council Community Safety
Nottinghamshire County Council Children’s Social Care
Police and Crime Commissioning Unit
Women’s Aid Integrated Services
Gedling Borough Council (Chair)
Nottinghamshire County Council Public Health (Minutes)
Nick Romilly (NR)
Gary Hutson (GH)
Gerald Connor (GC)
Wendy Green (WG)
Elaine Moss (EM)
Nottinghamshire County Council Public Health
Nottinghamshire Strategic Analytical Unit
Bassetlaw District Council
Rushcliffe Borough Council
Newark and Sherwood CCG
Welcomes, Introductions and Apologies
The group were welcomed by the chair, and any known apologies given. Individuals then introduced
Previous Minutes
The previous minutes were agreed as accurate.
Matters Arising
Safer Nottinghamshire Board DV Champions funding has been allocated to the following:
 Chronolater IT solution for Homicide Reviews
 Equation young people at risk programme and evaluation
 Contribution to White Ribbon campaign in Nottingham Rugby Club
Some concern that schools are not making time for teacher training re DV. Report is being
written by NIDAS and concerns will be raised with Safeguarding Children’s Board
National Centre for Domestic Violence – this is no longer going to be promoted by the Police
New Police lead for Domestic Abuse and Violence is ACC Jupp
Nottinghamshire Domestic Violence Review
PDF version will be available online from later this week
Views from all areas of DV and captured by a common questionnaire. Focus groups with
survivors commissioned by external consultant and the survivor views also included
 Recommendations clear to support future development and commissioning
 Mainly positive comments about services
 Positive and negative comments about police
 Consensus is that a lot of ‘people’ are trying to do something about DV but it’s not currently
done in a coherent/ coordinated way
 Partners liked that both north/ south services work closely together. Relationships between
some services have suffered since the last tender
 Early intervention – very important.
 Clients would like to have one single point of contact
 Issues with lack of information sharing between services
 Need more focus on honour based violence through next tender
 Perpetrators courses – currently no evidence to suggest these work – the college of policing
are currently doing some national research on what works with perpetrators
 IRIS project should continue
 North/ South separation should continue – however some things should be commissioned
county wide i.e. Helpline
 Need collective understanding of the concept of ‘risk’
 Differences between self-identified/ agency-identified survivors – longer term working with
standard risk cases might be beneficial?
 Early intervention through children’s centres – increase in reporting
 City and County need to work together and share outcomes framework
 Other stakeholder groups need to have sight of this document i.e. Health and Wellbeing
Board, CSPs, Safer Nottingham Board
Meeting agreed that a small task and finish group is now needed to create a new strategy and
Action Plan based on these Review Recommendations
RA to co-ordinate this Task and Finish group:
Police (TD), PCC (CC), CDP (JL), CSP rep, Provider Rep
Procurement/ Commissioning Plan – see paper form BB
Currently 1 million provided by NCC (PH Grant) and £800k by PCC
Permission to re-procure is being sought at the July NCC Public Health Committee
What is it we want to strategically commission?
There will be two groups – the DA Integrated Commissioning Group chaired by AG and the DV
Procurement Steering Group Chaired by BB
The following recommendations were agreed:
 DSA Exec endorses the commissioning work
 DSA Exec agrees to the establishment of the DV Integrated Commissioning Group with
membership as outlined
 DSA Exec supports a collaborative approach to commissioning with colleagues in the
SL informed the meeting that new census data has just been released and will be used in
future analysis.
2014-15 performance table was introduced and supported with one amendment to include all
SV offences as well as those where victim 19 or under
SL and GH will be able to align key reducing re-offending data with domestic violence data in
the future
Service User Feedback
See documents circulated from Mandy Green from older women focus group
Chris Cutland to do summary of Women’s Feedback for the DV Review for next meeting
Val Lunn to bring feedback from survivors garden party consultation for next meeting
Encompass Update
Report from NCC Children’s Services- previously circulated
 Encompass bridges the communication gap between Police/ Social Care/ schools to support
children and young people affected by domestic abuse
 Implementation starts in Newark and Sherwood and Rushcliffe from September 30th 2014
 Pathway development in progress
 School briefings and Children’s Centre briefings early September
 Encompass staff to be invited back to a future meeting to update on progress
Sexual Abuse Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
This agenda item is to be brought back to the next meeting
Domestic Violence Conference Report
CC reported on the recent PCC Conference which was well attended and generally
appreciated. Feedback received about the need for foster carers to have access to Domestic
Violence training – since they could at any time be fostering children from abusive
Training Review
Review of training has been conducted which showed good coverage of DA Awareness
Training across the partnership. Reasonable alignment was found with NICE Guidance.
Internal training initiatives are valuable but best evidence shows outcomes will come from
using multi-agency training such as that provided free by Equation.
DJ reported that S Notts CSP have had 2 DHRs returned and marked “Adequate” by the Home
Office Scrutiny panel – this is the Home Office’s best mark so an excellent result!
Date of Next meetings
20th August 2014
2.00 pm
Gedling Civic Centre
26th November 2014
9.30 am
Gedling Civic Centre