The Feudalistic Society Publication Directions

The Feudalist Society Publication
During the Middle Ages, the social system was based off of a feudal hierarchy, which ranged from the King being at the
top down to the peasants at the bottom. In order to understand Chaucer’s character’s at a deeper level, it is first
necessary to understand the social system that they were based in. Keep in mind that the rising merchant class and the
ecclesiastical class had their places in the old feudal order as well.
The following list of social standings will be placed in a basket for you to draw a medieval occupation from. You will
research about that occupation online and extract as much information as you can about it. Then, you will write a
journal entry from a day in the life of your occupation. It needs to be a realistic interpretation of what a person from the
medieval middle ages would have experienced.
The following is a list of things that you can consider while crafting your journal entry:
Where do you live?
Where do you work? Do you work?
What challenges do you face on a daily basis? Or do you face any at all?
What is your family life like?
How do you feel about the world around you?
Do you have military training?
What do you value? Describe your morals if you have any.
What plans do you have for the future? If you have any at all…
Write your journal entry from a first person point of view and as one living in England during the Middle Ages from the
class that you selected. Your aim is to accurately depict daily life.
Life in a feudal society wasn’t fair and neither is this assignment. You will base the length of your journal on the
following guide:
King: Min. 5 sentences
Church Official: Min. 6 sentences
Knight/Sir: Min. 7 sentences
Wife of Knight: Min 7 Sentences
Squire: Min. 8 sentences
Wife of Squire: Min 8 sentences
Yeoman: Min 9 sentences
Wife of Yeoman: Min 9 sentences
Members of merchant class: Min 9 sentences
Peasant: Min 10 sentences
Wife of peasant: Min 10 sentences