Student Workbook Activity

A2 TECTONICS – Holiday Work
Complete the exercises then save a copy and email to me
I’ll mark and then print it off for your files.
A. The structure of the Earth.
Exercise 1: Import a diagram that shows the Earth’s structure. Annotate it to explain the
characteristic features of each of the layers. (Remember to consider structure according the physical
and chemical characteristics)
Exercise 2: Complete the table to summarise the differences between the two types of crust.
Oceanic Crust
Continental Crust
Why is knowledge of the crustal characteristics important to your understanding of what happens at
plate boundaries? Explain.
B. Continental Drift
Exercise 3: Define what the theory of continental drift is and explain why the theory was not initially
Exercise 4: Describe and explain the evidence for the movement of continents over time
using the following 4 categories:
a) Continental jigsaw puzzle
b) Geological evidence
c) Biological evidence
d) Climatological evidence
c. Theory of plate tectonics
Exercise 5: What is the theory of plate tectonics? Describe and explain the key elements
associated with the theory of plate tectonics.
a) Define ‘Plate tectonic theory’
b) Label the major tectonic plates on the map below.
c) Import a map of the world which shows a record of known earthquake and volcanic
eruptions. Describe and explain the relationship between the occurrence of
earthquakes and volcanoes and tectonic plate boundaries.
d) Using a diagram, explain the theory behind the mechanism that causes crustal plates
to move.
Exercise 6: Describe and explain (using annotated diagrams) how the discovery of sea-floor
spreading and Palaeomagnetism provided evidence to support the theory of continental
drift, subsequently termed plate tectonics.
(Hint: include a diagram showing the magnetic stripes in oceanic crust and explain how
magnetism is recorded in the rocks)
Exercise 7: What are the physical processes that occur at plate boundaries?
a) Constructive plate boundaries
Define the movement of plates at this boundary
Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary at
a. On a landmass
b. In the ocean
Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary e.g. rifting
Name the landforms that are produced
Give a named example (Include the plate names)
b) Destructive plate boundaries
a. Define the movement of plates at this boundary
b. Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary
c. Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary e.g.
d. Name the landforms that are produced
e. Give a named example (Include the plate names)
c) Conservative plate boundaries
a. Define the movement of plates at this boundary
b. Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary
c. Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary
d. Name the landforms that are produced
e. Give a named example (Include the plate names)
d) Collision plate boundaries
a. Define the movement of plates at this boundary
b. Import and annotate a diagram to explain what happens at this boundary
c. Describe and explain the processes that occur at this boundary e.g. rifting
d. Name the landforms that are produced
e. Give a named example (Include the plate names)
NB: Causes of plate movement at a divergent/constructive plate boundary
One possible cause of plate movement is convection in the mantle. We know that part of
the mantle is ductile so it can flow slowly. Convection currents may carry the rigid plates
along. There are other possible causes however. Ridge push is a mechanism in which the
weight of the oceanic crust at the ridge pushes it downwards so it moves sideways. The
other suggested mechanism is slab pull. The edge of the subducting plate is heavy and pulls
the rest of the plate along behind it.
Exercise 8: Explain the formation the of Hawaiian islands. Use a diagram to support your
Exercise 9: Without looking try and complete this table to summarise your understanding of
plate boundaries.
Plate margin
Hot spots
Movement of plates
Tectonic features
Exercise 10: Vulcanicity
a) Complete the table (without looking at a resource) to summarise the differences
between lava at different plate boundaries:
Constructive plate margin
Destructive plate margin
Plate margin
Type of magma
Lava characteristics
Type of eruption
Materials erupted
Frequency of eruption
Form of volcano
b) Describe and explain the distribution of volcanoes (AQA page 11 will help)
c) What is the type of magma formed at destructive (convergent) plate boundaries?
d) Why is it different from the magma created at constructive (divergent) plate
e) Why do oceanic plates move down below continental plates?
f) Volcanic activity can be classified by type of plate boundary, violence of eruption,
frequency of eruption and by shape of the volcano. Research these different ways
and produce a summary table for each of these.
Exercise 11: Describe and explain the formation of minor extrustive landforms; solfatara,
hot springs, geysers, fumaroles, boiling mud. Include diagrams and annotate their key
features. Include named examples in your descriptions.
Exercise 12: Intrusive landforms associate with volcanic activity
a) Define the term intrusive activity
b) Find a diagram which shows the features of intrusive activity e.g. it includes the
following features; dykes, sills, laccoliths, batholiths.
c) Describe and explain the formation and features of these intrusive landforms.
Include diagrams of each with annotations to support.