1 2 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3 Supporting Information for 4 Phosphorites, Co-rich Mn nodules, and Fe-Mn crusts from Galicia Bank, NE 5 Atlantic: Reflections of Cenozoic tectonics and paleoceanography 6 1 7 2 8 Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), C/ Ríos Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid, Spain U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa 9 10 Cruz, CA, United States 3 Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Rúa 11 da Ribeira 1–4 (A Graña), 15590 Ferrol, Spain 12 13 *Corresponding Author: F.J. González, Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), C/Ríos 14 Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid, Spain. (fj.gonzalez@igme.es) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Contents of this file Text S1 to S5 Figures S1 to S3 Tables S1 to S3 23 24 Introduction 25 This supporting information provides a general description of samples recovered and Lab 26 methods (geophysics, mineralogy and geochemistry); supplementary information of 27 geological setting and additional figures of seismic profiles in the studied area; XRD 28 mineralogical data and diffractograms and EPMA geochemical analysis of mineral phases 29 in phosphorites and ferromanganese deposits. 30 31 Text S1. 32 1. Data and methods 33 34 1.1. Bathymetry and seismic reflection data 35 36 MHRS profiles were collected using an array of five GI-guns© (two of 45 ci, 37 two of 13 ci, and one of 24 ci) with a total volume of 140 ci. The GI-guns© were 38 fired at a shot-spacing of 25 m, corresponding approximately every 10 s and 39 recording 8 s. Data were received using a high-resolution seismic data acquisition 40 system. The total active streamer was 600 m, consisting of 72 channels. The 41 average penetration reached by the acoustic signal was about 2.5 s two-way travel 42 time (TWTT). The MBES data were collected with the hull-mounted Simrad EM- 43 12 dual echosounder system, which collected bathymetric and backscatter data. 44 The MBES operated at a frequency of 12/13 kHz at a ping rate of 10 s. It has a fan 45 width of 150º consisting of 162 beams of 1.8°/3.5° each. Our bathymetric data were 46 combined with those obtained for the mapping of the Exclusive Economic Zone 47 (ZEEE) of Spain in the area of the Galicia margin, collected from 2001 to 2005. 48 In order to constrain the age of episodes of mineralization that occurred in 49 the region of Galicia Bank, we carried out a seismo-stratigraphic analysis of high- 50 resolution multichannel seismic data to identify major regional discontinuities. 51 This task ties in to previous studies on Mesozoic-Cenozoic stratigraphy, magnetic 52 anomalies, and seismo-stratigraphic architecture determined for Galicia Bank and 53 along the adjacent continental margins of the northern Iberian Peninsula (Groupe 54 Galicia, 1979; Mauffret and Montadert, 1988; Murillas et al., 1990; Cande and 55 Kent, 1992; Sibuet, 1992; Thinon, 1999; Vázquez et al., 2008; Ercilla et al., 2011). 56 57 1.2. Sample analyses techniques 58 59 Dredge (2 m by 0.8 m) hauls recovered slabs of white phosphorite 60 impregnated with black Fe-Mn oxides, black Mn nodules, Fe-rich reddish nodules, 61 and several fragments of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks from 62 basement outcrops and ice-rafted drop stones. In addition, a large collection of 63 living and dead cold-water Scleractinia corals (Lophelia Pertusa, Madrepora 64 Occulata) and other encrusting organisms was recovered (Somoza et al., 2014). 65 Large slabs of phosphorite (<1m in maximum dimension) were collected at four 66 stations: DRR36, DRR38, DRR47 and DRR81 (Fig. 2). Individual samples range 67 from a few grams for nodules to ≈100 kg for large pavement-like slabs. Fe-Mn 68 nodules and crusts were collected at nine stations: DRR-20, DRR21, DRR25, 69 DRR36, DRR37, DRR38, DRR41, DRR47, DRR81 and DRR91 (Fig. 2). Thin Fe- 70 Mn crusts coat all the hard substrates present in the area (basement rocks, drop 71 stones, phosphorite slabs and nodules, and Fe-Mn deposits). Fe-Mn patinas, 72 impregnations, and breccias of variable centimetre thicknesses occur on the 73 surface and underside surface of many phosphorite slabs from stations DRR47 and 74 DRR81 (Fig. 2). Previously MBES backscatter data and MHRS profiles indicated 75 the presence of these deposits. 76 Analyses were carried out in the Central Labs of the Geological Survey of 77 Spain (IGME), the Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center of the United States 78 Geological Survey (USGS), the “CAI de Geocronología y Geoquímica Isotópica”, 79 and the “Centro Nacional de Microscopía Electrónica” at the Complutense 80 University of Madrid (UCM). 81 Thin and polished sections of phosphorite and Fe-Mn nodules and crusts 82 were prepared and studied under the petrographic and electron (SEM-EPMA) 83 microscopes. Bulk mineralogical X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) profiles from 2θ 84 2–60° in 0.005 steps were obtained for 21 sub-samples using XPERT PRO of 85 PANalytical, Cu-Kα radiation (40 kV and 40 mA) with graphite monochromator, 86 High Score software and ICDD data base. Samples for EPMA analysis were 87 selected based on the microscopic observations to represent all the mineral deposit 88 types. Analyses were conducted using a JEOL Superprobe JXA-8900 M, operating 89 at 15–20 kV and 50 mA, fitted with wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS). 90 Back-scattered electron images were also obtained with this instrument. Profiles 91 across nodular samples were obtained to check the presence of compositional 92 zoning. Standards included pure metals, synthetic and natural minerals, all from 93 international suppliers. Sub-millimetre ferromanganese laminae of vernadite that 94 encrusts phosphorite slabs and nodules were analysed using EPMA for samples 95 DRR38-2 and DRR81-5. In addition, the external margin (vernadite patina) of Co- 96 rich manganese nodule DRR81-1 and Fe-rich nodule DRR38-8 were studied by 97 EPMA. 98 The Fe-Mn crusts and phosphorite slabs were separated into distinct layers 99 and textural types (massive, laminated and brecciated) for chemical and 100 mineralogical analyses. Major and trace elements contents of bulk samples were 101 analysed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) using a MagiX of PANalytical instrument 102 with Rh radiation, and by induction coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 103 (ICP-AES) respectively. Au and Na were measured using a VARIAN FS-220 104 atomic absorption spectrometre. Accuracy of the data was checked by using 105 international standard reference materials, and precision based on duplicate 106 samples was found to be better than ±5%. 107 Loss on ignition (LOI) was determined by calcination at 950 °C and S was 108 measured using ELTRA CS-800 equipment. REY concentrations of selected 109 samples were determined by ICP mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) using an Agilent 110 7500 ce instrument. The standard reference materials SO-1 (CCMET), GSP-1 111 (USGS) and BCR-1 (USGS) were used to test the analytical procedure for REY 112 determinations. The accuracy and precision obtained were better than 10% for all 113 REY. REY were normalised to shale (Post-Archean Australian Shale, PAAS; 114 McLennan, 1989) for plotting. The Ce anomaly (Ce*) was calculated as Ce* = Log 115 (Ce/(2/3La+1/3Nd)), all values normalised to PAAS. The Pearson product moment 116 correlation coefficient was used to produce correlation matrices. 117 Sr isotopic analyses are used to constraint the timing of phosphogenesis and 118 the history of mineralization fluids in the Galicia Bank region. Nd isotopes were 119 also measured to determine the source of the mineralization fluids. The isotopic 120 analyses were based on bulk mineralized samples, micro-drilling of selected parts, 121 and leaching experiments (Table 3). All samples were dried to constant weight and 122 ground to 160 mesh. The bulk samples were digested in HCl–HNO3–HF mixture to 123 allow analysis of the bulk sample. Details of protocols of sample preparation are 124 given in Galindo et al. (1994) and Darbyshire and Shepherd (1994). The leaching 125 procedure uses 5 ml of 2.5N HCl for 20 min to obtain the carbonate fraction. After 126 leaching, the dissolutions were centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min, and then the 127 supernatant was decanted and evaporated. 128 For Sr isotope ratio analyses, Sr was separated from the samples using 129 standard ion exchange techniques detailed in Galindo et al. (1994). Sr isotope ratio 130 measurements were made on a automate collector Phoenix TIMS mass 131 spectrometer with 9 collectors at the Center of Geochronology and Isotopic 132 Geochemistry of the Complutense University of Madrid. Reproducibility and 133 accuracy of Sr isotope runs were checked periodically by running the Standard 134 Reference Material NBS 987 along with the samples, with a mean 87Sr/86Sr value of 135 0.710240 ±0.00001 (2σ external standard deviation, n=14). The Sr isotopic ratios 136 were normalized to 86Sr/88Sr=0.1194. 137 Reproducibility and accuracy of Nd isotope runs were checked periodically 138 by running the Standard Reference Material LaJolla along with the samples, with 139 a mean 140 n=27). 141 Reproducibility of Sr and Nd isotopic measurements was determined by repeat 142 analysis of samples and standards, which show analytical errors of 0.01% for 143 87Sr/86Sr 144 ((143Nd/144Nd)sample/(143Nd/144Nd)CHUR - 1) * 10,000, where CHUR (Chondritic 145 Uniform Reservoir) is equivalent to the bulk Earth 146 (DePaolo and Wasserburg, 1976). ƐNd(t) was calculated using 147 0.115. 143Nd/144Nd value of 0.511848 ± 0.000003 (2σ external standard deviation, The Nd isotopic ratios were normalized to and 0.006% for 148 149 Text S2. 150 2. Geological setting 143Nd/144Nd 146Nd/144Nd=0.7219. of the standard deviation. Nd(0) = 143Nd/144Nd ratio or ~0.512638 147Sm/144Nd/ CHUR(0) = 151 Galicia Bank is bordered by two different margins (e.g. Boilllot et al., 1989): 152 (1) to the west, a passive rifted margin that resulted from the extension and 153 breakup between America and Iberia during the Early Cretaceous. Samples 154 recovered from the basement of the Galicia margin, especially at the fault scarps 155 where basement crops out, reveal the nature of that margin. Metamorphic and 156 plutonic rocks belong to two Variscan zones defined for on-land deposits 157 (Capdevila and Mougenot, 1988). Tonalites and granodiorites, commonly found in 158 the Ossa Morena zone, have been collected from Galicia Bank, Vasco de Gama and 159 Vigo seamounts. Amphibolite, eclogite, gneiss, high-pressure granulite, and granite 160 sampled along the northern Galicia margin belong to the Central Iberian Zone; (2) 161 north of Galicia Bank occurs a Paleogene active margin. There, short-duration, 162 latest Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic convergence between the Iberian and European 163 plates transformed a Cretaceous passive margin into an active margin related to 164 the southward subduction of the ocean lithosphere (Boillot and Mallod, 1988). The 165 accretionary prism produced by this subduction appears to have been actively 166 forming at least during Lutetian (middle Eocene) to Burdigalian (early Miocene) 167 times (Alvarez-Marrón et al. 1997). Thus, the northwestern slope of Galicia Bank 168 is composed of outcrops of mafic igneous rocks (basalts and gabbros) and 169 peridotites (lherzolites, metasomatized peridotites, harzburgites) (Boillot et al., 170 1980; Cornen et al., 1999; Chazot et al., 2005). This zone has been interpreted as 171 the margin of oceanic lithosphere accreted to the Iberian plate as a result of 172 Cenozoic subduction. (Malod et al., 1993) and exhumed sub-continental 173 lithospheric mantle respectively (e.g. Boillot et al., 1988). Syn- and post-rift 174 hydrothermal activity at shallow levels of the lithosphere has been proposed to 175 explain the serpentinization of peridotite (e.g. Boillot et al., 1989). 176 177 178 179 180 Figure S1. NW-SE A04 multichannel seismic profile across the base and the Sancho 181 Seamount. Vertical exaggeration is x8 (V= 2.0Km/s). Upper left is the location of seismic 182 profile and dredge station. A large suite of phosphorite slabs were collected from the top 183 of the seamount linked to the D1 discontinuity. Below on the right, phosphorite slab 184 showing a set of parallel fractures and partially replaced by Mn oxides (black) around the 185 margins and along fractures; pale-brown carbonate sediments fill cavities that were first 186 lined by Mn oxide. 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Figure S2. W-E A24 multichannel seismic profile across southern Galicia Bank (see Fig. 195 2). Vertical exaggeration is x32 (V= 2.0Km/s). Mineral deposition can be associated with 196 the seismic stratigraphy: Type 1, phosphorite hardground marks the D1 discontinuity; 197 Type 2, hydrogenetic Fe-Mn crusts are associated with the U2 contourite unit; Type 3, Co- 198 rich Mn nodules and Fe-Mn replaced phosphorite are linked to acoustic blanking related 199 to upflow zones of fluids and sediment; Type 4, Fe-rich nodules are associated with 200 contourites formed by the MOW. 201 202 Text S3. 203 3. Mineralogy 204 The XRD patterns of bulk samples and EPMA analyses show fluorapatite 205 as the primary mineral and carbonate CFA as accessory (Figs.S3A and B). 206 Fluorapatite has three main X-ray reflections at 2.79 Å, 2.69 Å and 2.77 Å. The 207 crystallite size must be large as indicated by the sharp X-ray reflections on the 208 XRD patterns. We cannot distinguish crystal morphologies, but the XRD patterns 209 show resolved peaks reflecting moderate to high crystallinity of the phosphate 210 mineral phases. Pyrite was not detected in the phosphate slabs or nodules. 211 With respect to ferromanganese oxides, vernadite has two X-ray reflections at 2.45 212 Å and 1.41 Å in Fe-Mn crusts. Asbolane has X-ray reflections at 4.81Å, 2.45 Å, 9.6 213 Å, 1.71 Å and 1.41 Å (Fig. S3D). The XRD patterns of bulk Co-rich nodules show 214 10 Å manganates as predominant: romanechite as the primary Mn mineral and 215 coronadite and todorokite as accessories (Figs. S3C and E ). Goethite has two X- 216 ray reflections at 2.47 Å and 4.20 Å being the principal mineral in Fe-rich nodules 217 followed by lepidocrocite (Fig. S3F). 218 219 Figure S3. XRD profiles for (A) phosphorite; (B) brecciated and Fe-Mn replaced 220 phosphorite that replaced limestone; (C, E) Co-rich Mn nodule; (D) hydrogenetic Fe-Mn 221 crust; (F) Fe-rich nodule. ca=calcite, CFA=carbonate fluorapatite, to=todorokite, 222 bi=birnesite, 223 goe=goethite, lep=lepidocrocite. rom=romanechite, ver=vernadite, asb=asbolane, cor=coronadite, 224 225 Text S4. 226 4. Electron Micro Probe Analysis and Pearson correlation Index 227 228 For six samples of phosphorites, P has a positive correlation with F (0.82) 229 and Na (0.8) (Table S1). The terrigenous elements Si, Al, Mg, K and Ti show 230 positive correlations among members of that group (0.8-0.9). Fe exhibits a positive 231 correlation with Mn (0.86) and a negative correlation with Ca (-0.93). Ca shows a 232 negative correlation with Mn (-0.96) and Mg (-0.86). 233 Microprobe analyses of phosphate minerals in slabs and nodules show that 234 CFA in slabs significantly concentrates F (up to 4.1 wt%), CaO (48.2 to 53.2 wt%), 235 P2O5 (29.8 to 34.3 wt%), and SO3 (up to 1.4 wt%; Table S2). Phosphorite slabs 236 showing replacement by Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides have characteristic geochemical 237 zonations: Fe and Mn are strongly enriched in the replaced margins compared to 238 the unaltered phosphorite slabs (up to 49.7 wt% MnO and 7.8 wt% FeO); Sr, Ba, 239 Ni, Co and Pb are also enriched along with the Mn and Fe, but P2O5 contents are 240 lower (Table S2, analyses DRR47-2-(3, 4, 12)). Phosphate nodules have P2O5 241 contents that are slightly lower than the phosphorite slabs (from 27.2 to 30.3 wt%), 242 and the nodules show higher contents in FeO (up to 5.3 wt%) and MnO (up to 5.8 243 wt%). 244 Elements in the Fe-Mn deposits are associated with different mineral 245 phases: vernadite, goethite, 7 Å and 10 Å manganates, aluminosilicates, biogenic 246 carbonate clasts or carbonates filling porosity, Mn-carbonates, and CFA. 247 Microprobe point analyses of vernadite, which encrusts the surface of Fe-Mn 248 nodules and phosphates, show variable contents of major, minor and trace metals 249 among different samples but also among laminations in the same sample (Table 250 S3). For vernadite, Mn/Fe ratios are close to 1 with high Co contents (up to 1.3 251 wt%) and Pb (up to 0.67 wt%) and minor Ni. In other samples, Mn/Fe ratios are 252 higher (up to 500) accompanied by Ni contents (up to 3 wt%) and Cu contents (up 253 to 0.3 wt%). The 7 Å and 10 Å manganates in the Co-rich Mn nodules, such as 254 DRR81-1, concentrate Mn (up to 60.7 wt% MnO), with high contents in Mg, Ca, 255 Na, and K, and also elements of potential economic interest: Co (up to 5.6 wt%), 256 Ba (up to 6.6 wt%), Ni (up to 1.2 wt%), and Cu (up to 0.2 wt%). Mn-carbonate 257 laminae in these nodules concentrate Ca, Mn, Mg, Co and P. The goethite in Fe- 258 rich nodules concentrates only Fe (up to 75 wt% FeO), with low concentrations of 259 other metals. Detrital phyllosilicates host Al, Si and K and frequently also Fe and 260 Mg, whereas bioclasts in phosphorite and Fe-Mn nodule content show high Ca, Mg 261 and Sr. 262 263 Text S5. 264 5. References 265 Boillot, G., Grimaud, S., Mauffret, A., Mougenot, D., Kornprobst, J., Mergoil- 266 Daniel, J., and G. Torrent (1980), Ocean-Continent Boundary Off the Iberian 267 Margin: a Serpentinite Diapir West of the Galicia Bank. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 268 48(1), 23-34. 269 Boillot, G., Mougenot, D., Girardeau, J., and E. L. Winterer (1989), Rifting 270 Processes on the West Galicia Margin, Spain. In: A.J. Tankard and H.R. Balkwill 271 (Eds.) Extensional Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Margins. 272 AAPG Memoir 46, 363-377. 273 Chazot, G., Charpentier, S., Kornprobst, J., Vannucci, R., and B. Luais (2005), 274 Lithospheric Mantle Evolution during continental Break-Up: The Wes Iberia Non- 275 Volcanic Passive Margin. J. Petrol., 46 (12), 2527-2568. 276 Cornen, G., Girardeau, J., and C. Monnier (1999), Basalts, underplated gabbros 277 and pyroxenites record the rifting process of the West Iberian margin. Min. and 278 Petrol., 67, 111-142 279 Darbyshire, D. P. F., and T. J. Shepherd (1985), Nd and Sr isotope constraints on 280 the origin of the Cornubian Batholith, SW England. J. Geol. Soc. London, 142, 281 1159-1177. 282 DePaolo, D.J., and G.J. Wasserburg (1976), Nd isotopic variations and 283 petrogenetic models, Geophys. Res. Lett., 3, 249-252. 284 Ercilla, G., Casas, D., Vázquez, J.T., Iglesias, J., Somoza, L., Juan, C., Medialdea, 285 T., León, R., Estrada, F., García-Gil, S., Farrán, M., Bohoyo, F., García, M., and 286 A. Maestro (2011), Imaging the recent sediment dynamics of the Galicia Bank 287 region (Atlantic, NW Iberian Peninsula). Mar. Geoph. Res., 32 I, 1–2, 99–126. 288 Galindo, C., Tornos, F., Darbyshire, D. P. F., and C. Casquet (1994), Sm/Nd dating 289 and isotope constraints for the origin of the barite-fluorite (Pb-Zn) veins of the 290 Sierra del Guadarrama (Spanish Central System, Spain). Chem. Geol., 112 (3-4), 291 351-364. 292 Groupe Galicia (1979), The continental margin off Galicia and Portugal: acoustical 293 stratigraphy, dredge stratigraphy and structural evolution. In: Sibuet JC, et al. 294 (Ed.), Init. Rep. DSDP 47. U.S. Goverment printing Office, Washington D.C., 633– 295 662 296 Malod, J. A., Murillas, J., Kornprobst ,J., 297 lithosphere at the edge of a Cenozoic active continental margin (northwestern 298 slope of Galicia Bank, Spain). Tectonophysics, 221, 195-206. 299 Mauffret, A., and L. Montadert (1988), Seismic stratigraphy off Galicia. In: 300 Boillot, G., Winterer, E.L., et al. (Eds). Proc. ODP. Sci. Results, 103: 13–30. 301 Murillas, J., Mougenot, D., Boillot, G., Comas, M. C., Banda E., and A. Mauffret 302 (1990), Structure and evolution of the Galicia Interior Basin (Atlantic western 303 Iberian continental margin). Tectonophysics, 184, 297-319. 304 Cande, S. and D. Kent (1992), A new geomagnetic polarity time scale for the late 305 Cretaceous and Cenozoic, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 13917-13951. 306 Somoza, L., Ercilla, G., Urgorri, V., León, R., Medialdea, T., Paredes, M., 307 González, F. J., and M. A. Nombela (2014), Detection and mapping of cold-water 308 coral mounds and living Lophelia reefs in the Galicia Bank, Atlantic NW Iberia 309 margin. Mar. Geol., 349, 73-90. 310 Sibuet, J. C. (1992), New Constraints on the formation of the nonvolcanic 311 continental Galicia-Flemish Cap conjugate margins. J. Geol. Soc., 149, 829-840. 312 Thinon, I. (1999), Structure profonde de la Marge Nord Gascogne et du Bassin 313 Armoricain, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, 327 pp. 314 Vázquez, J.T., Medialdea, T., Ercilla, G., Somoza, L., Estrada, F., Fernández- 315 Puga, M.C., Gallart, J., Gràcia, E., Maestro, A., and M. Sayago (2008), Cenozoic and G. Boillot (1993), Oceanic 316 deformational structures on the Galicia Bank Region (NW Iberian continental 317 margin). Mar. Geol., 249 (1–2), 128–149. Al Pearson Correlation Al 1 .634 .113 K .875* Na .643 Ca -.779 Mg .936** Ti .624 Si Pearson Correlation .634 1 -.086 .904* .120 -.034 .378 P Pearson Correlation .113 -.086 1 .031 .798 -.278 K Pearson Correlation .875* .904* .031 1 .412 Na Pearson Correlation .643 .120 .798 .412 Ca Pearson Correlation -.779 -.034 -.278 324 Mg Pearson Correlation .936** .378 325 Ti Pearson Correlation .624 Fe Pearson Correlation Mn Pearson Correlation 318 319 320 321 Si P Fe .565 Mn .726 .499 -.178 -.041 -.014 .722 .271 .076 -.396 .693 .581 .173 .308 1 -.777 .578 .827* .688 .612 -.396 -.777 1 -.860* -.514 -.931** -.959** -.014 .693 .578 -.860* 1 .389 .655 .882* .499 .722 .581 .827* -.514 .389 1 .416 .308 .565 -.178 .271 .173 .688 -.931** .655 .416 1 .857* .726 -.041 .076 .308 .612 -.959** .882* .308 .857* 1 322 323 326 327 328 329 330 Table S1: Pearson correlation matrix for major elements contained in the phosphorites from Galicia Bank region, n=6. 331 * The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level. ** The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Sample DRR81-5 (N= 3) Mean Max Al2O3 FeO CaO MgO MnO P2O5 K2O Na2O SiO2 TiO2 SO3 F Cl SrO BaO 0.64 0.95 0.44 0.64 50.73 51.74 0.25 0.31 0.16 0.45 31.28 31.85 0.12 0.19 0.86 0.92 1.63 2.48 0.11 0.16 1.35 1.41 3.45 3.59 <DL 0.03 <DL 0.13 0.31 0.92 Min 0.31 0.19 48.80 0.17 <DL 30.43 0.04 0.73 0.58 0.05 1.32 3.29 <DL <DL <DL DRR47-1 (N= 4) Mean Max 0.82 1.05 1.14 3.94 49.82 51.92 0.63 0.88 0.20 0.63 30.28 30.58 0.17 0.23 0.91 1.01 2.94 3.97 <DL 0.12 1.24 1.35 3.31 3.35 <DL 0.02 <DL 0.05 <DL 0.03 Min 0.48 0.11 47.87 0.45 <DL 29.75 0.08 0.86 1.65 <DL 1.12 3.27 <DL <DL <DL DRR47-2 (N= 7) Mean Max 0.87 2.14 0.37 0.89 50.28 53.19 0.29 0.47 0.06 0.39 32.33 34.28 0.07 0.21 0.78 0.85 1.94 4.21 0.33 2.15 1.13 1.21 3.51 4.09 <DL <DL <DL 0.10 <DL 0.09 Min 0.32 0.17 48.17 0.14 <DL 30.73 <DL 0.66 0.55 <DL 1.01 3.05 <DL <DL <DL DRR47-2-3 2.53 7.65 9.07 1.63 15.43 5.02 0.52 0.76 4.46 0.22 0.35 0.53 0.60 <DL 0.30 DRR47-2-4 2.02 5.75 6.90 4.12 49.69 3.67 0.81 1.06 0.52 0.26 0.19 0.24 0.09 0.11 1.47 DRR47-2-12 DRR38-2a (N= 8) Mean Max 0.86 2.60 45.10 1.11 7.57 26.58 0.09 0.93 0.20 <DL 1.00 2.94 0.04 0.20 0.18 0.72 2.38 3.53 5.25 49.65 56.09 0.51 0.66 2.81 5.76 28.39 30.29 0.11 0.36 0.86 0.97 1.09 4.99 nd nd nd nd 3.45 4.15 0.10 0.19 0.19 0.23 0.07 0.14 357 Min 0.10 0.55 47.29 0.14 0.45 27.27 <DL 0.78 0.16 nd nd 3.03 0.02 <DL <DL 358 DRR38-2b (N= 4) Mean Max 0.25 0.51 0.24 0.44 50.69 57.18 0.42 0.56 0.08 0.26 28.51 32.27 0.03 0.13 0.98 1.23 0.37 0.92 nd nd nd nd 3.05 3.44 0.08 0.11 0.26 0.38 <DL <DL Min 0.03 0.08 47.45 0.32 <DL 24.03 <DL 0.61 <DL nd nd 2.52 0.05 0.11 <DL DRR38-2c (N= 2) Fe-Mn ox. layer Max 2.13 47.77 9.49 2.53 37.13 3.12 0.5 1.2 2.95 nd nd 0.23 0.68 0.17 1.73 Min 1.22 16.21 5.33 1.43 13.21 3.1 0.1 0.6 1.33 nd nd 0.18 0.64 <DL 0.32 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 359 360 361 362 363 Table S2: Phosphorite mineralizations using EPMA: DRR81-5 and DRR47-1: CFA in phosphorite slabs. DRR47-2: CFA in phosphorite pebbles. 364 DRR47-2-(3, 4, 12): Fragmented phosphorite with replacement by Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides. DRR38-2a: CFA in phosphorite nodule layers. DRR38-2b: 365 CFA in phosphorite nodule nucleus. DRR38-2c: Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides in phosphorite nodule layers. <DL: below detection limit. Nd: not determined. Sample DRR47-1 (N= 4) Mean Max Min DRR47-2 (N= 4) Mean Max Min DRR81-1 (N= 9) Mean Max Min DRR81-1-4 (Co-rich ox) DRR81-1-8 (Mn-carb) DRR38-5 (N= 6) Mean Max Min DRR38-8-5 DRR38-8-6 DRR81-5-5 DRR81-5-4 (ox. movil.) Al2O3 FeO CaO MgO MnO P2O5 K2O Na2O SiO2 TiO2 SO3 F Cl Sr Ba Ni Co Cu Pb Zn Mo 5.32 7.06 2.69 5.92 15.35 0.10 1.79 2.23 1.17 8.33 11.02 4.47 45.86 50.98 41.17 0.32 0.63 0.13 0.41 0.50 0.31 1.22 1.49 1.10 1.13 2.23 0.16 0.24 0.35 0.12 0.24 0.33 0.14 <DL <DL <DL 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.06 0.40 0.98 0.14 1.93 2.97 0.89 0.78 1.31 0.17 0.23 0.27 0.19 0.39 0.67 0.11 0.24 0.29 0.16 0.13 0.18 0.07 151 513 3 3.37 6.54 1.47 30.22 60.43 4.99 1.76 2.80 0.85 2.31 2.88 1.74 22.23 56.81 0.50 1.23 2.36 0.22 0.46 0.92 0.13 0.72 1.18 0.22 2.49 4.00 0.53 0.30 0.47 0.19 0.24 0.30 0.15 <DL <DL <DL 0.33 0.90 0.05 0.37 0.37 0.37 1.53 5.30 0.06 0.38 0.57 0.24 0.12 0.16 0.10 0.16 0.20 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.08 0.19 0.25 0.13 <DL <DL <DL 4 11 0.01 0.81 1.33 0.18 2.48 1.49 0.29 0.57 0.10 0.22 0.14 5.66 26.49 0.86 2.16 38.01 3.10 3.84 2.60 5.87 3.21 53.23 60.73 28.81 50.62 14.48 0.26 0.79 0.05 0.09 1.01 0.91 1.12 0.46 0.90 0.12 1.46 1.91 0.82 1.97 0.75 0.41 1.12 0.08 0.13 0.08 <DL <DL <DL nd nd <DL <DL <DL nd nd 0.10 0.12 0.09 0.18 0.11 0.12 0.20 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.23 0.33 0.17 0.09 0.11 3.29 6.58 1.65 0.56 0.39 0.24 0.40 0.09 1.20 0.53 1.59 2.10 0.57 5.61 2.11 0.15 0.19 0.10 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL nd nd <DL <DL <DL nd nd <DL <DL <DL nd nd 241 637 100 226 103 0.70 1.35 0.09 8.18 4.19 5.44 4.30 69.12 75.37 62.63 14.09 19.99 13.90 0.87 0.80 3.47 0.20 1.01 2.49 2.77 1.12 3.13 4.99 2.30 12.25 6.08 6.53 10.20 0.44 1.02 0.08 33.10 22.24 27.42 53.76 0.75 1.04 0.56 0.78 1.17 0.87 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.02 0.12 0.15 0.23 1.00 0.23 0.40 0.16 0.75 1.17 1.05 1.21 2.38 2.83 1.81 1.42 1.60 1.01 0.28 <DL <DL <DL nd nd 0.73 0.07 <DL <DL <DL nd nd 0.94 0.17 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 0.23 0.55 0.10 0.68 1.72 0.35 0.07 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 <DL 0.10 0.10 0.15 <DL <DL <DL 1.06 0.51 0.83 0.87 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.62 1.12 0.87 0.23 <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL <DL 0.53 <DL <DL <DL nd nd 0.16 0.08 <DL <DL <DL nd nd <DL 0.15 <DL <DL <DL nd nd 0.08 <DL 0.02 0.02 0.01 1 1 2 61 366 367 Table S3: Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides using EPMA: DRR47-1: Transitional hydrothermal-hydrogenetic oxyhydroxides in a partly replaced phosphorite 368 slab. DRR47-2: Replacement by Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides in a fragmented phosphorite. DRR81-1: 10 Å manganates in a Co-rich Mn nodule. DRR81-1- 369 4: Co-Ni fibrous manganate. DRR81-1-8: Mn-rich carbonate layer. DRR38-5: Goethite in a Fe-rich nodule. DRR38-8-(5, 6) and DRR81-5-5: 370 Hydrogenetic oxyhydroxides in Fe-Mn crusts. DRR81-5-4: Mg-rich Mn oxide formed by diagenetic remobilization. <DL: below detection limit. Nd: 371 not determined. Mn/Fe