* Dinner Meeting Announcement * Baltimore Washington Chapter of the Health Physics Society Presents: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 John Boice, Ph.D., CHP President, National Council for Radiation Protection and Measurements “Radiation Protection Guidance for the Lens of the Eye” Location 4935 Bar and Kitchen 4935 Cordell Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 951-4935 http://4935barandkitchen.com Agenda 6:00 pm: 7:00 pm: 8:00 pm: Social hour, cash bar Dinner Speaker: John Boice Cost: Members: $30.00, Non-Members: $35.00 Menu: Hors d’Ouevre, Salad, Choice of Seared Cauliflower Steak with Date Puree (Vegan), Seared Chicken Breast with Lemon Herb Pan Sauce, or Pan Seared Seasonal Fish Filet, Dessert, Cash Bar RSVP Deadline: 6 p.m. on January 6th, 2015 Speaker: John Boice is professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University and President of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. He is an international authority on radiation effects and serves on the Main Commission of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, and the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Boice was the first chief of the Radiation Epidemiology Branch at the National Cancer Institute. His seminal discoveries and over 470 publications have been used to formulate public health measures to prevent radiation-associated diseases. He has visited Fukushima after the earthquake, tsunami and reactor accident and subsequently testified before the US House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Boice received the Harvard School of Public Health Alumni Award of Merit; the E.O. Lawrence Award from the Department of Energy; the Gorgas Medal from the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States; the outstanding alumnus award from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP); and the Distinguished Service Medal from the US Public Health Service. Boice has a bachelor’s degree in Physics from UTEP; a master’s in Nuclear Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; a master’s in Medical Physics at Harvard; and a doctoral degree in Epidemiology at Harvard. Boice studies atomic veterans that participated in nuclear weapons tests and over a million other radiation workers to examine the lifetime risk of cancer. He studies the children of cancer survivors to assess possible genetic risks from curative radiation treatments. Since become a member of the Health Physics Society in 1971, Boice’s accomplishments have been recognized by the Society. For example in: 2002 he presented the RS Landauer Memorial Lecture at the 47th Annual Meeting in Tampa 2007 he received the Failla Memorial Lecturer Award presented by the Greater New York Chapter of the Health Physics Society 2007 he also received the Health Physics Society Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award at the 52nd Annual Meeting in Portland 2012 he received the Dade Moeller Lectureship Award at the 57th Annual Meeting in Sacramento 2014 the local BWCHP nominated Boice and he was selected to be Fellow of the Health Physics Society 2014 Boice was nominated by the Health Physics Society as a candidate for the International Radiological Protection Association (IRPA) 2016 Rolf M. Sievert Award. He was selected and will speak at the 2016 meeting in Cape Town. Description: There is convincing evidence that exposure to ionizing radiation is correlated with the lenticular opacity we call “cataract”. The field has been confounded however by issues regarding whether or not a dose threshold exists for this endpoint that was previously considered a classic deterministic effect. This talk will provide an updated overview of the problems in the field, describe the emerging biological and epidemiological considerations, detail the increasing involvement of medical exposures, and summarize conclusions and identify missing research gaps. Specifically, the recent deliberations of NCRP Scientific Committee 1-23 will be presented. SC 1-23 is addressing the radiation protection issues related to exposure to the lens of the eye, along with the scientific evidence for opacities to occur at relatively low doses. Specific questions being looked at are: (1) Is the mechanism for cataract formation stochastic or deterministic? (2) Does protraction matter? (3) What about severity? Should cataract be given the same prominence as cancer in detriment equations? (4) How low to go if changes are to be recommended in protection guidance? ******************************************************** RSVP Contact: Register online at bwchps.wildapricot.org or email Stephen Luke at stpt2003@yahoo.com. If you must cancel your reservation, please do so by the RSVP deadline. NOTE: Please consider personally inviting a friend or colleague that either is not a member (or perhaps a not-so-active member) to join us for this meeting. Thanks! PARKING: On-street and garage parking are available near the restaurant. METRO: The Bethesda station (Red Line) is approximately 5 blocks from the restaurant. FUTURE MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS: February Meeting: TBA March Meeting: Monthly Meeting, Dr. Jerry Falo and Brian Livingston, Stanford Grill, Columbia, MD. *******************************************************