Revolution Newspaper

Group Requirements:
Groups of 2 or 3
Edit articles (size 12 font, black ink)
Catchy titles (bold) and pictures
Headline and byline
Use web resources for references
Meet due date ~ Oct. 18th
Set up articles utilizing template
Each team member responsible for one main article
Required elements:
War Battle Story
Choose one of the major battles of the Revolutionary War and write a summary that includes
 Answers to the 5 W questions (who, what, why, when, where)
 Description of action
 American and British key participants
 Date and specific battle location
 Battle winner
 Locate a photo/illustration and write a caption describing that battle
Major battle suggestions: Lexington, Concord, Fort Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Long Island,
Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Saratoga, Monmouth, Savannah, Yorktown, Charlestown, King’s
Mountain, Camden
War Leader Story
Choose one of the leaders of the Revolutionary War and write a summary that includes
 Leader’s allegiance
 Summary of major accomplishments
 Description of leader’s demise
 Locate a photo/illustration and write a caption describing the leader
Suggested leaders: George Washington, John Burgoyne, Benedict Arnold, Charles Cornwallis,
King George III, Samuel Adams, Nathan Hale, Ethan Allen, John Adams, John Paul Jones,
Marquis de Lafayette, Francis Marion, Nathanael Greene, Henry Knox, Patrick Henry, Benjamin
Franklin, Baron von Steuben, George Clark
3 Revolutionary War Unsung Hero Story
Choose a group or individual that played a key role during the American Revolution that may
not have received the attention they deserved. Describe the key people that were involved
and any accomplishments for which they are remembered.
Suggested topics: Women, Native Americans, African Americans, Writers, Children, French
soldiers, mercenaries during the American Revolution
4 Revolutionary War Facts
Select ten facts from your research of the American Revolution from which others may learn
and find interesting. These facts should be written in complete sentences and provide
specific details that carefully describe this fact.
5 Revolutionary War Quotation
Choose two quotations and their authors that represent the American Revolutionary period.
6 Free Choice Option
Choose one self-selected option. Write a summary about this topic or include a
photo/illustration with a caption describing this choice.
Suggested topics: music, uniforms, flags, weapons, food, espionage, diseases, medicine
The History Place ~
Little Known Facts about the American Revolution War ~
List of Obituaries of Famous Early Americans ~
Chronicle of the American Revolution ~
Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolution ~
The American Revolution ~
The American Revolutionary War~