How to Retrieve and Decrypt Support Bundle in ACS 5.X for troubleshooting authentication, accounting and authorization issues. Introduction: This document describes the process of retrieving the support bundle using GUI followed by decrypting the same bundle using CLI. Requirement: Support bundle is same as file of 4.X acs code, however in 5.x, we get support bundle in encrypted format and hence we need to decrypt the bundle to get the actual logs required for troubleshooting issues like, authentication, authorization and accounting. Prerequisites: 1. ACS appliance running software versions 5.X 2. Putty software Procedure: Step 1 Login to ACS using GUI, to retrieve the support bundle for decryption Step 2 Enter the credentials to login and you will see the following GUI main page-- Step 3: Now to retrieve the support bundle, select Monitoring and Reports > Troubleshooting > ACS Support Bundle. Step 4 Ftp the support bundle to a local ftp, i-e, Copy paste the collected support bundle to a local ftp server ( in our example). Step 5: Now SSH to the ACS 5.1 server – Step 6: Now login into ACS using CLI to create a local repository name as FTP(where FTP is just a name of repository) , please refer the following commands once you logged in-Configure terminal repository FTP url (where is the ip address of ftp server) user cisco password plain cisco123 (this username is the one you define on FTP server to authenticate) exit Please refer the screenshot for the same--- Step 6.5: Now once the repository (FTP) is created, then we need to decrypt the bundle. To decrypt the bundle, Enter acs-config mode by entering acs-config and entering the acs admin credentials acs51/acsadmin(config-acs)# decrypt-support-bundle ftp acs.tar.gzDecrypting Support Bundle... Repository: ftp Support Bundle: acs.tar.gz Decryption completed successfully - decrypted bundle: dec_38134.tar.gz is located on your repository. Refer the following screenshot for the same---- Once the file is decrypted then please log back to FTP server to retrieve the decrypted file. The decrypted file in our case is dec_38134.tar.gz (You will get the name of file in “Decryption completed successfully - decrypted bundle: <Name of decrypted bundle>”) dec_38134.tar.gz is the decrypted support bundle .Just use winzip to open its contents. You may use the decrypted support bundle for own troubleshooting, or provide the same to Support Community or TAC to get the speedy response on the issues.