Municipal District of Tuam - 14th September 2015

ON MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 2015 AT 2.30 P.M.
Cllr Donagh Mark Killilea
Cllr Mary Hoade
Cllr Shaun Cunniffe
Cllr Des Joyce
Cllr. Peter Roche
Cllr Tom McHugh
Cllr Karey McHugh
Cllr Peter Keaveney
Cllr Sean Canney
Mr Liam Gavin, Director of Services, Road, Transportation, Marine and General Services
Mr John Leahy, Senior Engineer, Roads, Transportation, Marine and General Services
Mr Sean Langan, A/Executive Engineer, Municipal District of Tuam
Mr John Flesk, Executive Engineer, Municipal District of Tuam
Ms Nuala Heffernan, Administrative Officer, Roads, Transportation, Marine and General
Ms Jennifer O’Neill, Assistant Staff Officer, Municipal District of Tuam
Ms Catherine McConnell, A/Director of Services, Planning Unit.
Ms Saoirse Kennedy, Senior Executive Planner, Planning Unit
Ms Eimear O’Doherty, Executive Planner, Planning Unit
Mr Brendan Dunne, Assisstant Planner, Planning Unit
Ms Marian Donohue, Senior Staff Officer, Planning Unit
Mr Alan Farrell, Senior Executive Officer, Community and Enterprise Unit
Ms Valerie Kavanagh, Staff Officer, Community and Enterprise Unit
Mr Conor Skehan, CAAS Environmental Consultant
An Cathaoirleach welcomed the officials, the members and the press to the meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes of Municipal District of Tuam meeting of 8th June 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on 08th June 2015 were proposed by Cllr T. McHugh,
seconded by Cllr K McHugh and agreed.
Confirmation of Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Municipal District of Tuam of
19th June 2015
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 19th June 2015 were proposed by Cllr T.
McHugh, seconded by Cllr K McHugh and agreed.
Matters arising from Minutes
Cllr Cunniffe queried the powers of the Municipal District and the difference between it and
the Council and asked for a presentation on it. Mr Gavin said that a presentation regarding
the functions of the Municipal Districts would be prepared.
Declaration of Roads to be public roads – Section 11 of Roads Act 1993 – details as
Road commencing at junction with local road L-2135 (E143,382; N251,620)in the
townland of Vicarschoral Land/Tirboy and extending south for a distance of 181
meters in the townland of Tirboy and finishing at the entrance to Tuam Stadium
(E143,459; N251,459) in the town land of Tirboy.
Municipal District: Tuam
Cllr K McHugh proposed the taking in charge of this road. Cllr T McHugh seconded the
proposal and it was agreed to take it in charge.
Cllr Killilea thanked the staff in the Roads Section for the progression of this proposal and
said that the development of the Gael Scoil hinges on the taking in charge of this road. This
decision to take it in charge is very welcome and will allow the Department of Education to
Amendment of Municipal District of Tuam Standing orders – Proposal to hold monthly
Cllr Cunniffe said that he is of the opinion that it is vital for Municipal District meetings to be
held monthly to allow business to progress. Cllr K McHugh said she is fully supportive of
the proposal also. Cllr Roche said that he had suggested holding monthly meetings when he
was Cathaoirleach of the Municipal District of Tuam and is in favour of it. Cllr T McHugh
said he would be delighted to have monthly Municipal District meetings. It was suggested
that there was a possibility of Council meetings being held bi-monthly. Mr Gavin proposed
that clarification was sought on the proposed schedule of Council meetings. Cllr Canney
advised that the matter should be discussed at the Corporate Policy Group meeting to ensure
that the same arrangement was in place for all Municipal District meetings. It was agreed to
bring the matter to the CPG and the whips of all parties to come to agreement.
Material Alterations to the Draft Headford Local Area Plan.
An Cathaoirleach, Cllr Killilea invited Ms Kennedy to make her presentation on the Draft
Headford Local Area Plan 2015-2021.
Ms Kennedy advised that the Draft Headford LAP, including a Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) Screening, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening and a Stage 2
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report (SFRA) initially went on public display from 30 th
January to 13th March 2015. She said that a very well attended public drop-in consultation
session was held in the Headford Library on March 5th. She advised the Meeting that a total
of 38 submissions were received within the public consultation period. She said that the Chief
Executive’s (CE) report was circulated to members and considered at the May meeting of the
full Council on 27th May 2015. She said that the Executive expressed concern at this Meeting
that the proposed Material Alterations were contrary to national guidelines especially to the
Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines.
Ms Kennedy advised that a number of changes were made to the Draft Plan at the May
County Council meeting and these changes were deemed to be Material Alterations. She said
that these proposed Material Alterations were then screened for AA and SEA and the
screening concluded that one or more of the Material Alterations required full SEA/AA. She
said that eight weeks was required to complete these assessments and the Material Alterations
and SEA/AA screenings and relevant full assessments were placed on display from 24th July
to 21st August 2015.
Ms Kennedy advised that 11 submissions were received during that public consultation
period and these are summarised in the Chief Executive’s (CE) report which was circulated to
the Elected Members last week.
Ms Kennedy advised that having considered all of the submissions in detail, the
recommendation of the Planning Authority is to revert to the original Draft Plan presented to
the Elected Members at the County Council meeting of May 27th.
Ms Kennedy advised that the Planning Authority’s reasoning behind this is that the
Department of Environment, Community and Local Government’s (DoECLG) submission
was very strongly worded and the Department has expressed serious concerns regarding a
number of the proposed Material Alterations. She said that the Department’s concerns relate
in particular to the large quantum of Residential Phase 2 (R2) lands proposed and the number
of flood risk sites proposed to be zoned for flood vulnerable uses, which are contrary to the
2009 Planning System and Flood Risk Management Guidelines and the Department’s
Circular Pl2/2014.
Ms Kennedy advised that the Department have expressly highlighted that the statutory and
policy responsibilities of the Elected Members be applied and the Department clearly state
that the Minister of the Environment will consider the use of the powers available to him
under the Planning Acts (taken to be a Ministerial Direction) to ensure that the relevant
statutory and policy requirements are upheld.
Ms Kennedy advised the Meeting that the Department’s submission also heavily criticises the
Planning Authority for allocating additional Residential Phase 2 (R2) lands to the Draft Plan.
She said that the Department have stated that there were already 24ha of Residential Phase 2
lands in the original Draft Plan and that a further 16ha were added at the County Council
meeting. She said that the Department recommend that the Material Alterations should not be
made and that the Local Area Plan (LAP) should revert back to the Draft Plan.
Ms Kennedy advised that the Department also highlighted the fact that a substantial amount
of the lands proposed as Residential Phase 2 are located in Flood Zones A and /or B.
Ms. Kennedy explained to the Meeting that it was determined at an early stage that a Full
SEA/AA was required on a number of Material Alterations MA1-MA7. She said that the
SEA report recommends that a number of Material Alterations would have significant effects
on the Environment and they should not be made and recommends that the Local Area Plan
(LAP) should revert back to the Draft Plan.
Ms Kennedy advised the Meeting that it was unprecedented for the Department of the
Environment to come down so heavily on these issues and a Ministerial Direction could be
issued due to the large amount of zoning in flood risk areas and Residential Phase 2 zonings.
Ms McConnell advised that an extensive SEA was undertaken and CAAS, Environmental
Consultants, had examined the Flood Risk maps again. She said that the Planning Authority,
the Department of Environment, the OPW and EPA’s position was set out in the Chief
Executive’s report. She said that it was recommended that the Plan moved back to the
original Draft Plan due to concerns regarding substantial overzoning and zoning within flood
risk areas.
Cllr T McHugh said that there was a lot of flood risk identified in the Plan without levels
being provided on the flood maps. He said that some of the houses which were built up to 12
years ago are now identified as being in a flood risk area. He said that there has been no
evidence of flooding on said lands as the floor levels are quite high in these houses and the
Council would be doing the house owners a disservice as the owners could now have
difficulties selling their house and /or obtaining house insurance. He asked how the OPW
compound and Waste Water Treatment Plant were not identified as being in a flood risk area
when the areas around them were identified as flood risk.
Cllr Roche said that as the flood risk is very limited, could the flood implementation
measures implemented in areas be reflected on the flood maps. He advised the meeting that
he had sent a submission to the DoECLG requesting that flood maps should accurately reflect
areas where flood mitigation measures was undertaken and ‘unlock’ these areas which were
previously at risk of flooding but no response was received. He said that the DoECLG was
now considering issuing a Ministerial Direction on local persons where local expertise which
was always considered is not been taken into account.
Cllr Hoade sought clarity on the DoECLG concern re excessive Residential Phase 2 lands and
if this referred to all the proposed Material Alterations. She expressed her concern with
regard to the flood maps and said that house owners in those areas have lived there for many
years and there was never flooding in those areas. She said that she was aware of one
homeowner who cannot sell their house and one homeowner who has difficulties with house
insurance. She said that local knowledge of persons living in the area should have been
obtained and that the Consultants only engaged with local authority officials. She said that it
was very hard for Elected Members to accept this information when no local knowledge was
considered. She said that she and her family were natives to the area and they have never seen
flooding in those areas.
Cllr Canney said that he felt strongly on the issue and forwarded a submission to the Planning
Authority on same but the submission could not be accepted as it did not relate to one of the
proposed Material Alterations. He said that he proposed at the July County Council Meeting
that the Stage 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for the Headford Draft Local Area Plan be
reviewed. He said that in respect of Deerpark Demesne that 10 of these houses are at risk of
flooding and said that from his experience that these houses will have at least an additional
house insurance premium added to their bill. He said that he has no confidence in the Flood
Risk map as it is not accurate as local knowledge was not taken into account.
Cll. Cunniffe concurred and said that the identification of flood risk areas was merely
transferring the risk to lands and landowners and a disclaimer is being used by the
Consultants. He said local knowledge and histories were being ignored and unless detailed
scientific proof was provided that would clearly explain to people, that he would not be in
support of these flood maps.
Cllr K McHugh referred to the DoECLG’s concerns regarding additional lands zoned
Business & Enterprise and said that the Elected Members of the Municipal District have the
opportunity during the local area plan process to help local business and boost the economy
to the town. She said that the Members need to do what they can to bring life into this town
and other towns and villages and the Department are undermining their role as Elected
The Cathaoirleach, Cllr Killillea, said that the Elected Members of the Municipal District
have to make decisions on behalf of the residents of the area and like the other Members he
has no confidence in the flood risk maps.
Ms McConnell advised the Meeting that with regard to local submissions that no local person
contacted the Forward Planning Office and if they had done so, they would have been
Mr Conor Skehan, CAAS Environmental Consultants, advised the Meeting that the Stage 2
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA), was reviewed following the July County Council
Meeting. He explained that the lands that were dezoned because of flood risk was less than
5% of the total land in the Plan and said that the DoECLG have the power, and does exercise
this power with considerable force, to issue a Ministerial Direction. He said the Department
issued a Ministerial Direction in Mayo County Council in the past.
Mr Skehan said that with regard to the zoning of lands in flood risk areas, that the Elected
Members are correct in that this zoning does do a disservice of landowners but areas have
flooded that did not flood for 70 years, citing Ballinasloe as an example in Galway. He said
that the flood events are deemed 1/100 year flood events as they are so rare when they
happen. He explained that when undertaking the Stage 2 SFRA, that historic studies,
modelled mapped flood risk areas indicators, very detailed levels, soils, and repeat patterns
over thousands of years were examined. He said that extensive groundtruthing was carried
out with topography and vegetation indicative of flood risk, been examined. He said that the
land was walked and walls, ditches, drains and backlands examined. He said that he was
acutely aware of the hardship and anger and pain of the landowner but that the reality of
flooding on a house is a very serious matter and said that he has seen first hand in Clifden the
damage of flooding on a house and explained that it was not just water that floods the house
but sewage, oil, waste detergent etc. He also cited Gort in the discussion.
Mr Skehan said that while he was aware the making of a Local Area Plan is a Reserved
Function but he can only advise the Elected Members of this Municipal District that the lands
identified as flood risk on the flood maps are at risk of flooding and he asked that the Elected
Members reconsider their proposed zonings based on the evidence provided.
Ms McConnell advised the members that Mr Skehan, CAAS, was the expert on flooding and
the Planning Authority trusts this evidence and explained that during the Clifden LAP
process, the Elected Members also had high opposition to the flood risk areas identified, but
that the information provided by CAAS and the Council’s trust in the evidence proved to be
Ms McConnell advised the meeting that there was also a considerable amount of over zoned
lands. She said that elected members had shown restraint in other Local Area Plans and
referred to the Core Strategy which sets out zoning targets for each town. She explained that
in Headford there was 10ha of Residential Phase 1 zoned lands and an additional 24ha of
Residential Phase 2 lands, which gave a total of 34ha of residential zoned land in Headford,
prior to the proposed Material Alterations which was requesting an additional 16ha of zoned
land which is very hard to justify. She said that the Planning Authority never had this strong
a submission from the DoECLG and advised that the DoECLG have issued Ministerial
Directions in the past both to Mayo County Council and Limerick County Council in respect
of the Adare Local Area Plan in relation to the zoning of Residential Phase 2 lands in a flood
zone. She said that based on their Submission the Department feel very strongly on the excess
residential zoning and flooding issues and could issue a Direction to Galway County Council
also. She clarified to the Members that this zoning is only anticipated to accommodate
population only and is not related to zoning for economic reasons.
Ms McConnell said that if the Elected Members do not wish to accept the advice given, that
they have the option to abandon the Local Area Plan process. She explained, however, that
that neither the planning officials nor Elected Members can change flood risk areas as
identified by the OPW on their maps. She said that it is these maps that Insurance companies
use for insurance purposes. She advised that the OPW maps are in the public domain and can
be referred to whether or not a LAP is made or but if the local area plan process is not
finalised then Headford will have no Local Area Plan. She said that not a single person came
to the Forward Planning team to speak to them regarding the flood maps.
In reply to Cllr Canney, Ms McConnell said that it was not appropriate for a Stage 3 Site
Specific Flood Risk assessment to be undertaken as part of the local area plan process due to
the level of funding and work involved. She said that the Plan must be made on the basis of
proper planning and development of the area and submissions that are made on the local area
plan inform the Plan preparation.
Cllr Hoade again expressed her disappointment that the Consultants did not seek the
comments of the local persons in the year during the days they visited the area.
Cllr Canney said that landowners should have been consulted if the zoning of their lands
changed. In reply, Mr Skehan advised that the Plan and maps were already on public display
and submissions invited at the Draft Plan and Material Alteration stage. He further advised
that the OPW maps are in the public domain already and would be used regardless of the
adoption of the LAP. He explained that a more detailed Stage 3 Flood Risk Assessment may
result in slight changes to the outer edges of flood zones. He said that while one could err
on the side of compassion, one cannot vote away flood pluvial soils, vegetation etc. He
referred to one landowner who submitted a Stage 3 site specific very detailed flood risk
assessment in Clifden, and said while the boundary changed; it only changed very marginally
and said from experience that this is normally the case.
In reply to Cllr T McHugh regarding levels, Mr Skehan said that a very detailed flood risk
assessment report including large contour maps is available to the OPW and the SFRA has
been informed by the mapping produced by the OPW.
In reply to Cllr T McHugh regarding the OPW lands not being in a flood risk area while the
yard on the left is in a flood risk area, Mr Skehan said that this area of land was examined and
photographic evidence at the time of flood events showed that there was flooding on one side
and not on the OPW site and said that the maps were compiled without regard to land
In reply to Cllr T McHugh, Mr Skehan said that by raising the floor level, it only passes the
problem onto someone else, and that is the reason why one is not allowed to change floor
levels due to previous bad experiences.
In reply to Cllr Canney, Mr Skehan said that the planning permission for the affected houses
in Deerpark Demesne was granted approx. 12 years ago, prior to the Flood Risk Management
Guidelines being put in place.
Ms. McConnell advised the Meeting that prior to 2009 that mapping was based on adhoc
knowledge in many cases and old 6” maps and the local engineers knowledge. She said that
in 2009 this was formalised by the introduction of the flood Guidelines.
Mr Skehan explained that it is hard to comprehend the incredulity of speed and depth of
water when it floods. He said that Headford Town sits upon a small catchment with a stream
flowing through it and said that by the stream being relatively minor in nature this can be an
advantage or a disadvantage when heavy localised downfalls of rain occur. He said that the
zoning of the area at Deerpark will remain as existing residential but will have a ‘constrained
land use’ zoning applied.
In reply to Cllr K McHugh, Mr Skehan said that the planning permission for these houses
was granted before the requirement to undertake a flood risk assessment. He said that in the
past Headford developed naturally and development happened westward from the low lying
area. He referred to a flood event in Carrick-On-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, where the flood
event images can be viewed online. He said the images show the difference in flood levels in
a house 1910 and 1960. He said that in Headford, seven houses are affected but this could be
much worse. He said that these houseowners could continue to live in the houses but with
climate change flood events are happening at a faster rate and flooding that could happen will
happen within the next 50/60 years.
Cllr Roche said that M. Skehan made a compelling case to act safely and it was hard to
dispute the facts given. He said, however, that in some cases flooding was caused by a
chronic absence of drainage due to neglect by the OPW and said that even though flood relief
works, flood mitigation measures were put in place, their flood maps were not amended. In
reply, Mr Skehan said that there have been instances were the boundary line has changed on
sites that are zoned flood risk following the landowner undertaking a more site specific
detailed Stage 3 Flood Risk Assessment. He said also that some lands may not all be within
the flood zones A & B and development could be considered on the portion that was not in
the flood zone.
In reply to Cllr Roche regarding a buffer zone distance, Mr Skehan said that landowners
could undertake a Stage 3 Flood Risk Assessment at the project development stage in order to
determine the exact boundary lines.
Ms McConnell said that a small flood protection scheme might help to alleviate the risk of
flooding to these properties. She said, however, that this would not change the flood maps
but insurance companies may take cognisance of flood remedial works undertaken. In reply
to Cllr. Hoade, Ms McConnell said that the in flood zone areas in the Local Area Plan maps
are taken from the OPW maps. She said that subject to finance becoming available, that if a
flood protection scheme was to go ahead, then the relevant Council Departments could meet
with the residents at that stage, but this is outside the LAP process.
Mr Skehan said that false hope should not be given to the residents as the flood maps cannot
be altered.
Cllr Canney expressed his concern that these flood remedial works were subject to funding
and said that this area is already awaiting to get a footpath installed and said that he was not
happy with the Chief Executive’s report. In reply, Ms McConnell said that the flood
mitigation works would be infrastructural works and they could not be written into the Local
Area Plan as a decision would have to be made regarding funding etc and it may also lead to
legitimate expectation in other areas.
At Cllr Hoade’s request, Ms Kennedy outlined briefly the main issues raised in each of the
eleven Submissions received and the Chief Executive’s Response, as outlined in the Chief
Executive Officers Report.
In reply to Cllr K McHugh’s query on MA 13 (Submission No. 4 from Department of
Education & Skills), Ms McConnell said the subject lands were adjacent to the School and
across from the soccer pitch in Headford.
Cllr Canney referred to MA 11 which refers to land owned by Joyce’s Hardware and which
has a five year temporary planning permission for a garden centre on these subject lands and
wished to ensure zoning was in place to facilitate the development when the application to
renew the application came before the planning authority in the future. He said the removal
of these lands would affect economic development in the area and queried the Council’s
position. In reply, Ms McConnell said that this area was outside the Local Area Plan
boundary so this has not been an impediment to its development to date. She said that the
current business is a successful and thriving business and the Planning Authority would
support further development, subject to proper planning and infrastructure development etc.
She said that be extending the boundary, it would take in a large amount of agricultural zoned
land. She said that it was considered appropriate to rationalise the plan boundary in order to
consolidate the village and said that the proposal in the Draft Plan does not effect the
implementation of any live planning permissions on this site and any future commercial
development on these lands would be assessed on the policies and objectives in the County
Development Plan which supports rural enterprise. She said that the Transport Infrastructure
Authority may make a comment on any development proposals but these lands are currently
within the speed limits and there is an existing enterprise on site.
Cllr Hoade said that the Tuam MD Elected Members should meet to consider and discuss this
report prior to the County Council Meeting on the 28th September. It was agreed the Tuam
Municipal District elected members would meet at 10.30am with a further meeting with
Planning Officials at 11.30am on Monday 21st September 2015.
Local Enterprise Community Plan.
Mr Farrell gave a presentation on the Local Economic and Community Plan - Socio
Economic Statement for County Galway. Under the Local Government Reform Act 2014,
provision is made for establishment of Local Community Development Committees within
each Local Authority area which will oversee the preparation of a 6 year Local Economic and
Community Plan for that Local Authority’s area of jurisdiction. The Act provides that each
Local Authority shall make a 6 year Local Economic and Community plan for :
The promotion of economic development in its functional area
The promotion of local and community development in its functional area.
Cllr Killilea thanked Mr Farrell for his presentation and noted the valuable input given by |Mr
Martin Ward from Tuam. However he questioned the need for the report and said he was
frustrated as he felt a lot of this was duplication of the development plan. He said that if this
had all been looked at in conjunction with the plan a lot of time and effort would have been
Cllr Roche felt some of the goals in the report were asperational and asked how this body
could improve poverty and social inclusion, he noted the absence of any reference to
homelessness which was a huge problem at the moment. He commented that the concept
was good but there were obstacles in the way.
Cllr Canney queried whether some of the property owned by Galway County Council could
be used as an Enterprise Centre with services and support similar to the one in Headford.
He noted it would be a shame to see such a good document finished and then left aside. He
suggested that perhaps some of the properties that were currently in NAMA could be handed
over to the community or the Council rather than communities looking for alternative sites.
He wished Mr Farrell well with the report and said he would support it in every way.
Cllr Cunniffe commented that it was a good report and agreed with the other Councillors that
it was very asperational and queried where we could get the resources. He also added that the
representatives were not making the decisions and would like the Municipal District to be the
drivers of the report instead of the Strategic Policy Committee.
Cllr K. McHugh thanked Mr Farrell for his presentation and noted the high level goals
contained therein, she added that there are 4,000 on the housing list and noted how the report
mentioned health and wellbeing. She added that the finance was not currently available to
act on the proposals in this report.
Cllr Hoade added that she liked the emphasis on item number 6 in the plan for towns and
villages but there was a huge cash injection needed, she welcomed the report but queried how
it would be resourced.
In response Mr Farrell said he appreciated the views of the Councillors and that the Local
Government Reform Act gives them an enhanced role. He said that each theme in the report
was arrived at following a lot of consultation with various stakeyholders. He stated that it
was hoped to reduce the unemployment level to that of 2007 or 2008. He added that the
Municipal District should be the driver in what happens and that he is willing to engage with
the Councillors to discuss any issues.
In reply to Cllr Cunniffes query as to how this would interact with the budget Mr Farrell said
that at budget time the Councillors had an opportunity to allocate resources towards its
progression. Ms McConnell added that this was a very real plan which will be monitored and
the members will be updated on the progress. She also noted that we need to aim high to
make a difference.
Municipal District of Tuam Cathaoirleachs Business
Cllr T. McHugh made reference to the problem of homelessness and said that he wanted to
draw attention to the proposed demolition of a number of houses in Tuam town, close to the
Motorway. He had been informed the reason they were to be knocked was not to make way
for the Motorway but because there was a safety issue with regard to their entrances. He
added that it was a great pity to demolish these houses in view of the scarcity of properties.
He requested this be investigated to see if the problem could be rectified. In response Mr
Gavin clarified that there was a problem with safety at the junction and the demolition of the
houses was required to make the road way safe.
Cllr Canney referred to the Councils plan to involve an architect in the refurbishment of the
Weir Road. He noted that there are 15 homes now boarded up on the Council estate at
Gilmartin Road and asked that in view of this we look at estate management. He referred to
the Cluid housing in the Glebe and suggested we look at this model. Mr Gavin said these
issues would be brought to the attention of the Housing Section.
Municipal District of Tuam Directors Business
Mr Gavin informed the meeting that Mr. Andrew Vogelaar, Head of Regional Business
Development from the IDA will be available to meet the members of the Municipal District
at the Municipal District meeting on October 12th, following the request of the members of
the Municipal District to discuss the IDAs plans for business development in the area.
Mr Gavin said there will be a Council Budget meeting in Áras an Chontae between the 2nd
November and the 27th November. Mr Ger Mullarkey, Finance Officer, will meet the
members of each Municipal District to discuss the Draft Budget for the Municipal District
prior to the Budget meeting of the Council. He advised that the meeting at which Municipal
District members consider the Draft Budget must conclude no later than 10 days before the
Council budget meeting.
Any Other Business
Cllr Killilea queried the appointment of the caretaker for Tuam graveyard. Mr Gavin said
that a person will be appointed to the role shortly.
Cllr Cunniffe referred to the Gilmartin Road being the shop window of Tuam and expressed
his concern regarding future estate management. He would like to see a new range of people
of all society living there.
Cllr Roche thanked Mr. Langan and Mr Leahy for facilitating the residents at Gurraun Park,
and queried the policy on speed ramps on roads. Mr Gavin replied that there is an issue with
liability regarding speed ramps. He advised that there are proposals to introduce special
speed limits for housing estates in the County through the introduction of bye-laws shortly.
Cllr Hoade asked for an update on the dangerous junction on the N84 coming on to the
Shrule Road. She also added that there was an accident at this location since the last meeting.
Mr Leahy advised that Council officials met with the landowner regarding work proposals at
this junction and failed to reach a settlement. He said that the landowner will be approached
again and that he will have an update for the next meeting.
Approved by: ______________________________
Cllr Donagh Killilea
Municipal District of Tuam
Date :