Quarter 2 DBR Form

3rd Grade Detailed Book Report (DBR)
Second Quarter Form
Due: December 7, 2015
Name: ____________________________Date: ______________
Book Title:___________________________________________
Author: ______________________________________________
Circle - Fiction or Non Fiction
Genre: __________________
Author’s Purpose–entertain inform persuade
serve a function
Point of View and Who? (EX.3rd person/Narrator or 1st Person/ Alexander the terrible,
horrible) ___________________________________________
Who’s Perspective- (Who is wearing the video camera on their head through the entire story)
# of pages: _______
Parent Signature:____________________
Directions: This report will be written in paragraph form and you must
answer the questions below using details from the book. The questions
help to guide how each paragraph is written and what it should include.
You will have to use your creative thought process to draw conclusions
and make connections to real life experiences. Your report will need to
be 3 paragraphs in length. You will need to create a visual presentation
(see.. ways to share books) that will enhance the book and make your
peers want to read the book. **For full credit, the draft of the report
must be attached.**
Second quarter book report focus: Characters Analysis and Comparisons
Paragraph One: Identify two important characters from the story. Describe three
ways that the characters are SIMILAR to each other. These should be similarities
in personality traits. (Avoid physical traits like they are both boys, they are both
animals – we are looking for deeper connections.) Find evidence from the story to
support your comparisons.
Paragraph Two: Use the same two characters from paragraph one. Describe
three ways that the characters are DIFFERENT from each other. These should be
differences in personality traits. (Avoid physical traits like, one is tall and one is
short – we are looking for deeper connections.) Find evidence from the story to
support your comparisons.
Paragraph Three: Choose one character from your previous paragraph.
Compare yourself and this character. Are you more alike or different? Give at
least three details to support your opinion. Be sure to use examples from your life
and personality as well as evidence from the book.