Flat Stanley Day 1 Time: 30 minutes This third grade class consists of 23 students. 19 of the students are typical chatty third graders with an eagerness to learn. 3 of the students are in the gifted program and require a little more work to keep them on task. 1 of the students is ESLL but his understanding of the language is exceptional. CCGPS: ELACC3R12 determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. ELACC3RL3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Objectives: The students will be able to answer comprehension questions about the chapters. Students will be able to define the words: marvel, altered, tailor, grating, limber and fragile. Students will be able to tell how they relate to Stanley. Materials: Flat Stanley Book Crayons/Markers Drawing Paper Story map Introduction: Discuss the title of the book, the author and the illustrator. Talk about the parts of the book. Take a picture walk through the book and let the children discuss what the book will be about. Read the first 2 chapters of the book. Procedure/Content Development: 1. Students will keep a list of characters 2. Students will sketch and cut our their own Flat Stanley 3. Students will complete a story map Closure: Children will return to the reading area and share their story maps. One large story map will be drawn on the smart board and the teacher will add the children’s ideas as they are given. Evaluation/Assessment: Students will complete their drawing of Stanley and they will turn in their completed story map for the teacher to evaluate their understanding of the first two chapters. The students will comprehend what the chapter was about. Students will be able to share what happened in the chapters. Flat Stanley Day 2 Time: 30 minutes CCGPS: ELACC3RF4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension ELACC3W4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3). ELACC3SL1d Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. Materials: Class set of Flat Stanley Books Lined writing paper Sharpened pencils Objectives: The students will be able to re-tell the chapters from the day before. Students will be able to tell the parts of the book. Students will be able to write a letter to a friend about Flat Stanley. Students will review correct way to write a letter and how to address an envelope. Students will understand the meaning of the words: jostled, parcel, spool, wedged, cross. Procedure/Content Development: 1. Students will be broken up into small groups. 2. Students will read chapter 3 aloud. Students will be evenly divided among weak and strong readers. 3. Teacher will monitor their reading and help where needed. 4. Students will return to their seats and write a letter to a friend. 5. Students will use proper letter writing formats. 6. Students will need to share what the story is about and what they need the recipient to do. 7. Teacher will proof letters and return to students on the next day. 8. Homework will be for students to bring in a self-addressed stamped envelope to mail the letter to their friend. Closure: Students will meet in reading circle to discuss what they read. Any words that they did not understand will be discussed at this time. Students will discuss who they have selected to send their Flat Stanley to. Evaluation/Assessment: Students will be evaluated and notes will be made by the teacher, while they are discussing what they read. Assessment will be taken when proof reading the letters that the students wrote in class. Flat Stanley Day 3 Time: 30 minutes CCGPS: ELACC3R16 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text. Materials: Flat Stanley Book Lined Writing Paper Sharpened Pencils Objectives: Students will be able to answer comprehensive questions about the chapters that they have read up until this point. Students will understand the words: civilized, quivery. Procedure/Content Development: 1. Students will correct and prepare the letters that they wrote. 2. Students will mail the letters that they wrote. 3. Students will write an adventure for themselves. 4. Students will start by telling how they became flat and write about an adventure that they will go on. 5. Students will solve the problems that they encounter while they are flat. 6. Proper writing procedures will be expected from the children since this has already been taught and mastered by most of the class. Closure: Students will return to the reading area and discuss what their ideas were for their writing adventure. Students will ask questions about anything that is unclear about the chapter or about the adventure that they wrote about. Evaluation/Assessment: Teacher will collect the stories that the students have written. Teacher will evaluate what the students wrote and this will give an understanding as to whether or not the students understand the point of the story. Flat Stanley Day 4 Time: 30 minutes CCGPS: ELACC4L3a Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely ELACC7L3a Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating wordiness and redundancy. Materials: Flat Stanley Book Stories written by class Lined Writing Paper Sharpened Pencils Objectives: Students will be able to define all of the words that have been given throughout the week. Students will have a clear understanding of the words used in context. Students will be able to make predictions about how the story will end. Procedures/Content Development: 1. Students will be broken up into small groups where they will read chapter 5. 2. Teacher will monitor and answer any questions that the students may have about words or meanings of words. 3. Students will then break up into pairs and read their corrected stories to one another. 4. Students will return to their seats to re-write their stories. 5. Students will draw a picture of the adventure that they have gone on in their story. Closure: Students will return to the reading circle where they will review with the teacher for the assessment that will be given tomorrow. The assessment will be an end of the book test that will give the teacher a clear understanding as to whether or not the students understood the story. Evaluation/Assessment: Teacher will have each student take the AR test for the book, Flat Stanley. At the end of the day the teacher will check the student’s scores to see if they had any difficulties. Teacher will address problem areas before giving end of the book test. Flat Stanley Day 5 Time: 30 minutes CCGPS: ELACC3RL2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Materials: Sharpened pencils Flat Stanley Test Objectives: Students will be able to recount and give details about what they have heard and read during the week. Students will be able to answer questions from the text. Procedure/Content Development: 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will be able to answer questions from Flat Stanley Teacher will guide the students if they need assistance Students will manage their time to complete the test in the given time-frame Students will check their work when they are finished Closure: Children will be invited to read a book at their desk until everyone is finished with their test. Teacher will then have students meet in the reading area to unwind and discuss the test. Students will be given the opportunity to share their feelings about the book. At this point the students will have the opportunity to come up with ideas for what another adventure would be for Stanley. Students will be challenged to write their ideas on paper and share at a later time. Evaluation/Assessment: Teacher will grade the tests and see whether or not the students had a true understanding of the book, Flat Stanley.