minutes 17102013 - Bishop`s Tachbrook

OCTOBER 2013 AT 7.30PM
PRESENT: Councillors: S. Deely (Chairman), L. Balzaretti, R. Bullen, A. Day, C. Gabbitas,
A. Harrison, G. Leeke, R. Loveday, County Councillor L. Caborn and Councillor M. Symes
from Bubbenhall Parish Council (for item 2 only)
Apologies for absence
Cllr. R. Brookes (business commitment).
Cllr. M. Symes, Bubbenhall Parish Council re. Coventry and Warwickshire
Gateway Public Enquiry
Cllr. Symes briefly explained the background to the public enquiry and that he represented
the Community Group which is made up of 3 parishes. They object to the designation of 900
acres of green belt land as employment land in the north of the District. He said that he
would be meeting with 14 town and parish councils in the district to seek endorsement for the
Community Group. The enquiry will take place on 8th April 2014 at Leamington Town Hall
and will last for 3 weeks. The Chairman asked if councillors could see the statement from the
Community Group. Cllr. Symes explained that the statement is currently being prepared and
he is unsure as to whether he is able to pass that statement to councils prior to the enquiry. If
he is able to then he will send the statement to the Clerk.
The Chairman thanked Cllr. Symes for updating the meeting. Cllr. Symes left the meeting.
Public Session
There were no questions from the public.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Gabbitas declared a personal interest in items 6(iv) and 12(v) as a St. Chad’s Centre
trustee. Cllr. Loveday declared a pecuniary interest in item 6(iv) as a recipient and personal
interests in items 6(iv) and 12(v) as a member of his family is a St. Chad’s Centre trustee.
Cllr. Bullen declared a personal interest in item 10(iv) as a nearby landowner. Cllr. Leeke
declared a pecuniary interest in item 6(iv) as a recipient. Cllr. Day declared pecuniary
interests in items 6(iv) and 12(v) as Chairman of the St. Chad’s Centre Trust. The Chairman
declared a personal interest in item 10(i) as a nearby landowner.
Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September)
The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Day proposed that the
minutes be adopted, seconded Cllr. Leeke and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed
the minutes.
Financial Administration
(i) Bank reconciliation up to 30th September 2013
The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a bank reconciliation up to 30th September
2013, which is attached to these minutes, together with a copy of the income and expenditure
sheets showing the actual expenditure against the budget. Cllr. Gabbitas reported that the
section 137 grant for the school bus assistant was no longer needed and the Parish Council
would be receiving a cheque shortly. The Clerk said that there is funding left in the section
137 account and she would be putting a notice in the December edition of the magazine and
on the noticeboards letting community groups know how to apply for this.
21st November 2013
(ii) To appoint a councillor to check payments/receipts against bank statement for one month
Cllr. Gabbitas agreed to do this.
ACTION: November agenda item.
(iii) To receive external auditor’s recommendations.
The Clerk reported that the external auditor had given us an unqualified audit with no
recommendations. This means that we have been charged the lowest fee which is based on
our income and expenditure.
7.55pm Cllrs. Day, Leeke and Loveday leave the meeting.
(iv) Passing of following accounts for payment:
RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr.
Gabbitas, seconded Cllr. Harrison and carried unanimously).
Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; October - £461.64
Mr. R. Morton - play area inspections (October) - £20.00
Mr. R. Loveday - paint for play area - £26.13
Mr. G. Leeke - reimbursement for the cost of labour for painting the play equipment £400.00
Bishops Tachbrook Primary School - room hire (Oct) - £25.00
Mr. P. Sankey - purchasing and installing posts on meadow - £128.53
Grant Thornton UK LLP - external auditor’s fee - £240.00
St. Chad’s Centre Trust Company - reimbursement as part of the WDC grant £1807.11
Warwickshire County Council matters
(i) To receive report from County Council
Cllr. Caborn reported that Warwickshire’s fire service is planning to merge with Hereford
and Worchester fire service. Firefighters will be striking on Saturday, 19th October from 6pm
to midnight. The fire service is looking at bringing the rural response times down to 10
minutes. Winter gritting routes are the same as last year. The County will be starting to
prepare the minerals strategy and also the 2014/15 budget.
(ii) Flooding on Oakley Wood Road
Cllr. Caborn confirmed that all gullies along Oakley Wood Road have been jetted and
cleaned. The Flooding Department has been asked to look into the flooding on this road.
(iii) Tendering for services
An email was circulated by the Clerk relating to the process for this.
Warwick District Council Matters
(i) To receive report from District Council
In the absence of Cllr. Brookes, Cllr. Caborn reported that the Leader of the Council has
resigned and will be stepping down on 3rd December. The final copy of the Draft Local Plan
will be produced in Spring 2014. There will be no interim consultation following the
completion of the Joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment. On gypsy and traveller sites,
due to the number of responses to the Sites consultation, this is likely to be progressed on a
separate timeline to the Local Plan. There will be a further consultation on the Local Plan
when the final draft is produced.
(ii) District Housing strategy; feedback from workshop
Cllr. Bullen attended the way the council runs its housing stock workshop, which covered the
empty homes strategy and was very interesting.
(iii) Oakley Wood Crematorium; improvements to facilities
The Chairman said that he could meet with the officer. Cllrs. Day and Gabbitas said that they
could assist.
21st November 2013
ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the Chairman to meet with the District Council
Planning Matters
(i) Neighbourhood Plan - update from the Urban Vision workshop
The Chairman reported that Urban Vision explained the process and the methodology for
producing a Neighbourhood Plan which was very helpful. There have been 2 subsequent
meetings of the NP working party and the working party is expanding. The Aims and Issues
document has been reviewed with a few minor changes. There will be a further meeting at
the School next Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. There will be a 4 page spread in the
November edition of the magazine updating residents. The Chairman said that the earliest
date for a draft plan would be February.
Cllrs. Bullen and Leeke reported on their meeting with Stephen Hay from the District
Council. They raised concerns that it appears that Mr. Hay was deciding which sites would
be suitable for housing instead of the Neighbourhood Plan process deciding this through
consultation with residents. They have asked him for a copy of his assessment of the sites as
this will assist the NP working party.
ACTION: Cllr. Caborn said that he will ask for the assessment of the sites data to be
sent to Cllrs. Leeke and Bullen.
(ii) Update on professional resource to help to deliver the NP
The Chairman said that Urban Vision have quoted £7000 (excludes photos and graphics) for
the analysis and the writing of the plan.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to prepare grant application forms and submit.
(iii) To agree to a housing needs survey
The Chairman explained that we need a new survey for the neighbourhood plan. If we agree
to a survey being conducted before Christmas we will have the results for the January
meeting. There will be no cost to the parish. The Chairman further explained that the
questions would be the same questions as last time. It was agreed that a new housing needs
survey should be conducted. Cllr. Caborn said that a housing mix is available from the
ACTION: The Chairman to ask WRCC to start the Housing Needs Survey process.
The Chairman to forward the questions to Cllr. Day. Cllr. Bullen to ask Cllr. Brookes
for a copy of the housing mix.
(iv) Meetings with developers; update
Councillors agreed that there was no need for a meeting to be set up again with this developer
since a consultation was taking place next week and time for a meeting had been allocated at
the beginning of the event. Cllrs. Balzaretti and Gabbitas said that they would attend the
meeting with the developer: Cllr. Bullen said that he would attend if he could. Cllr. Day
explained that he was on holiday and the developer has agreed to send him a presentation
which he could forward to councillors.
ACTION: The Clerk to let the developer know that Cllrs. Balzaretti and Gabbitas
would be attending.
(v) Rural Councils Group Meeting; update
Cllr. Leeke said that councils are being advised to budget for the potential joint legal review
of the Draft Local Plan.
(vi) Planning application no: 13/0130 - The Asps, Banbury Road
Cllr. Bullen explained that this is for a scoping opinion and there is no need for us to respond
at this stage.
(vii) Planning appeal notification: 13/0776 - Woodside Farm
21st November 2013
ACTION: The Clerk to find out the date of the appeal and whether the Parish can be
(viii) Planning application no: 13/1207 - Woodside Farm
This application was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would object.
ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to draft objection, circulate to councillors for comments and
forward to the District Council.
(ix) To note: Planning notice: 13/1025 - 6 Launce Grove - refused.
(x) Planning application no: 13/1290 - 81 Mallory Road
The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond.
(xi) Planning application no: 13/1293 - 11 Court Close
This application was discussed in detail. 7 councillors agreed to object to this application
with 1 councillor abstaining. Councillors agreed to object because of the projection of the
rear extension and the proposed first floor windows which will overlook neighbouring
properties. The Parish Council agreed that they do not object, in principle, to the idea of an
ACTION: The Clerk to respond.
(xii) To approve the Chairman’s letter to the Courier
It was agreed unanimously to approve the Chairman’s letter to the Courier. Councillors
thanked the Chairman for taking this action.
(xiii) Notification of a tree preservation order: Brickyard Barn, Mallory Road
(xiv) Planning application no: 13/1008 - Unit 1, Highdown Farm, Harbury Lane
The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections to this application.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond.
Amenities Matters
(i) Fly tipping on private land; update
The Chairman reported that the officer at the District Council has not responded. It was
noted that this area is adjacent to the conservation area.
ACTION: November agenda item.
(ii) Mallory Road Crossing Point and Traffic Speed Survey meeting update
Cllr. Gabbitas said that the drawing would be available at the next meeting. Cllr. Gabbitas to
find out the cost for this work.
ACTION: November agenda item.
(iii) Kingsley Road; verge damage update following meeting with Highways
The Chairman met with David Cross from Highways. It was agreed that painting lines in the
entrance to the Club, to establish an in and out system, might encourage drivers to turn
correctly which would help ensure the verges are not mounted by exiting vehicles leading to
damage. Also, painting lines in some areas of Kingsley Road would stop parking on bends
and by junctions. Crushed stone would be added to the areas where the verge is already
damaged. The zig zag lines by the school could be extended to discourage parking close to
the school; this is subject to a further meeting with a different team. It was suggested that the
Sports and Social Club be asked if parents could park at the Club whilst collecting or
dropping their children at school.
ACTION: The Chairman will contact the Sports & Social Club
(iv) Oakley Wood Road bus stop; to agree a maximum cost of £350.00 for improving the area
Cllr. Leeke explained that because the bus stop is on the highway we must use an approved
County contractor. Councillors agreed this expenditure.
ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to instruct the contractor.
(v) BMX track; approve commencement of works in November
21st November 2013
It was agreed that this work should be carried out as soon as possible.
ACTION: The Chairman to instruct the contractor.
(vi) Dog fouling; update
Cllr. Leeke reported that a new officer, Martyn Stacey, has been assigned to us. He is aware
of the issues and has said that he will be monitoring the situation.
ACTION: The Clerk to invite Martyn Stacey to the November meeting.
(vii) Meadow security; to note replacement posts now installed.
(viii) Allotments water meter; update
Cllr. Leeke said that the meter has been turned off and a reading taken. He will be looking at
the meter before the next meeting to see if the reading has changed.
ACTION: November agenda item.
(ix) Village Green planting: to agree a cost of £150.00 for 3 specimen trees
This was approved. Cllr. Leeke said that bulb planting would take place next year because of
the works to the St. Chad’s Centre.
ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to order the trees.
(x) Meadow play area upgrade and maintenance
ACTION: November agenda item.
(i) Update on website
The Chairman said that this is moving forward.
(ii) Broadband update
No new update.
Police/Community Matters
(i) To note report from Police
No new report.
(ii) Community speed watch; update
ACTION: November agenda item.
(iii) Community Forum; 26th September (feedback)
Cllr. Balzaretti reported that we have received a grant for £2000 towards a bench on
Bolingbroke Drive. It was agreed that this should be ordered and installed as soon as
ACTION: Cllr. Harrison to order bench.
(iv) Request for a memorial plaque on the Village Green; update
ACTION: November agenda item.
9.45pm Cllr. Day leaves the meeting.
(v) Request for access over the Village Green in respect of the St. Chad’s Centre
Cllr. Gabbitas had circulated the details prior to the meeting. Cllr. Bullen commented that he
was concerned that the proposed area of 200m2 took too much out of the green and with the
vehicle causeway from Church Lees to the compound and from the compound to the site it
would take a large area of the green out of use for the period of the contract, some six months
or so. He thought that the area should be smaller and that any compound and causeways
should be fenced so as to reduce the impact on the green and the nuisance to the neighbouring
properties. The Chairman asked for the Trust to make residents of Church Lees aware of this
access for contractors. 6 councillors voted in favour of allowing access, one councillor voted
against. It was agreed that access would be granted but subject to councillors meeting with
the contractor to finalise the details. It was further noted that the Trust has said that the
Green will be reinstated to its condition prior to works taking place once works have finished.
ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the St. Chad’s Centre Trustees
21st November 2013
9.55pm Cllr Day returns to the meeting.
(vi) Parking at School
Cllr. Balzaretti informed the meeting that the Police had been involved with a number of
complaints regarding parking at the School. The operators of the school bus have
complained to the County Council regarding access to the school. On several occasions
children have had to leave the bus and walk up Kingsley Road to the school because the bus
is unable to get past the parked cars. The Police have requested a meeting with the school.
Cllr. Caborn said that Jo Edwards from the County Council should be involved in the meeting
with the Police and school. The Parish Council will continue to liaise with all parties to
improve the current situation.
ACTION: The Clerk to pass Jo Edwards details to the school and the Police.
(i) Email from PCC thanking us for the grant for the churchyard.
Date of next meeting
Thursday, 21st November, 2013 at 7.30pm at Bishops Tachbrook Primary School.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.05pm.
21st November 2013