Guiding Questions for Unit 3 B

Unit 3 B Guiding Questions and Study Guide.
1. What is DNA?
2. What are the three parts of a DNA molecule?
3. Which two parts make up the nucleoside?(The sides of the helix)
4. What is the structure of DNA?
5. Name the sugar found in DNA.
6. Identify the two categories of Nitrogen Bases found in DNA.
7. Explain the complementary base pairing rule.
8. Who is the scientist responsible for this rule?
9. What would be the complementary strand for the following template strand of DNA?
10. Who are the scientists responsible for creating the first model of a DNA molecule?
11. What was Rosalind Franklin’s contribution to the study of DNA?
12. From where do cells arise?
13. Why does the body constantly make new cells?
14. Copying DNA is known as _______ ___________________.
15. DNA replication begins with which enzyme?
16. What is the function of this enzyme?
17. Which enzyme is responsible for adding the correct complementary nucleotide onto the existing DNA
18. What is meant by the term semi-conservative?
19. When does DNA replication take place?
20. Where does DNA replication take place?
21. Why does DNA need to be copied before mitosis?
22. Name the 3 stages of the cell cycle.
23. In which of these stages does the cell spend most of its life? ~how much time is spent here?
24. What are the 3 phases of Interphase?
25. Explain what goes on in each of the 3 phases. G1, S, G2.
26. What makes up each chromosome?
27. Working DNA or the uncoiled chromosomes are called
28. What is the duplicated coiled up DNA called?
29. What is the structure that holds together the chromatids called?
30. What produces the spindle fibers in the animal cell?
31. Do plant cells have centrioles?
32. Sketch and label all the parts of a chromosome.
33. What is the longest phase of the cell cycle?
The shortest?
34. What is visible during Interphase?
35. What divides during Mitosis?
36. What are the 4 phases of Mitosis?
37. What occurs during Prophase?
38. What form does the DNA take during prophase?
39. What happens to the nucleus and nucleolus during prophase?
40. What occurs during Metaphase?
41. What form does the DNA take during metaphase?
42. What occurs during Anaphase?
43. What happens to the sister chromatids?
44. What form does the DNA take during anaphase?
45. What occurs during Telophase?
46. What form does the DNA take during telophase?
47. What happens to the nucleus and the nucleolus during telophase?
48. What divides during cytokinesis?
49. Label these mitosis diagrams.
50. What is the ultimate result of cell division (Mitosis and cytokinesis?)
51. How does the chromosome number of the parent cell compare to the chromosome number of the
daughter cells after mitosis?
52. If a parent cell has a chromosome number of 2n = 6, what will the chromosome number be for the
daughter cells?
53. What is the purpose of Meiosis?
54. How many divisions occur in meiosis?
55. Do chromosomes replicate or double before meiosis?
56. The original cell that divides by meiosis is a _________________ cell or 2n.
57. How many daughter cells can be produced by meiosis?
58. What is the chromosome number of the final daughter cells produced by meiosis?
59. How does this final chromosome number compare to the original cell?
60. Name the 2 types of meiosis?
61. What does spermatogenesis produce and where does it occur?
62. What does Oogenesis produce and where does it occur?
63. What types of cells are generated by meiosis?
64. What is the function of these cells produced by meiosis?
65. After the first division, meiosis I, how many chromosomes are in the cells? Are they single or double
66. After the second division, meiosis II, how many chromosomes are in the daughter cells? Are they
single or double stranded?
67. Is meiosis sexual or asexual reproduction?
68. Are the eggs and sperm haploid cells or diploid cells?
69. What process joins the egg & sperm to restore the original chromosome number of the organism?
70. In meiosis I, what separates?
71. In meiosis II, what separates?
72. Identify these stages of meiosis; is this meiosis I or II?
Name 2 things that occur in Prophase I.
74. What is a tetrad?
75. What is a homologous chromosome pair?
76. What happens when homologous tetrads are formed in Prophase I?
77. Crossing over results in genetic ________________ in the offspring.
78. What happens during Metaphase I?
79. Name 2 things that happen during Anaphase I.
80. Name 2 things that occur in Telophase I?
81. What happens in Prophase II?
82. Where are the sister chromatids in Metaphase II?
83. What happens to the sister chromatids during AnaphaseII?
84. Name 2 things that occur in Telophase II?
Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis
85. Complete the following table comparing mitosis & meiosis.
Number of divisions
Number of daughter cells
Genetically Identical?
Final Chromosome Number
Where does it occur?
When does it occur?