Unit 9 Probability

Unit 9: Probability
Level 1 & Level 2
Level 3 (≈ Grade G/F)
Level 4 (Grade E)
Use, understand and apply the
language of likelihood in a variety of
real life contexts.
Level 5 (≈ Grade D)
Understand and use the probability
scale from 0 to 1.
Find and justify probabilities, and
approximations to these, by selecting
and using methods based on equally
likely outcomes and experimental
evidence as appropriate. e.g sample
space diagrams
Understand that different outcomes
may result from repeating an
Unit 9: Probability
Level 7 (≈ Grade B)
Level 8 and E.P. (≈ Grade A/A*)
To know that if the probability of an
event is p then the probability of the
event not occurring is 1 – p.
Enumerate sets and
unions/intersections of sets
systematically, using tables, grids
and Venn diagrams. Use this to
calculate probabilities.
Recognise when and how to work with
probabilities associated with independent
mutually exclusive events.
Enumerate sets and
unions/intersections of sets
systematically, using tables, grids
and Venn diagrams.
Generate theoretical sample spaces
for single and combined events with
equally likely, mutually exclusive
outcomes and use these to calculate
theoretical probabilities.
Enumerate sets and
unions/intersections of sets
systematically, using tables, grids
and Venn diagrams. Use this to
calculate probabilities.
Use probability to predict the theoretical
results from a repeated experiment.
Understand relative frequency as an
estimate of probability and use this to
compare outcomes of experiments. This
includes calculating expected outcomes.
Level 5 (≈ Grade D)
Level 6 (≈ Grade C)
To find and record all possible mutually
exclusive outcomes for single events and
two successive events in a systematic
Understand and use the probability
scale from 0 to 1.
Use the knowledge that the total
probability of all the mutually exclusive
outcomes of an experiment is 1 in solving
Find and justify probabilities, and
approximations to these, by selecting
and using methods based on equally
likely outcomes and experimental
evidence as appropriate. e.g sample
space diagrams, logical lists
Understand that different outcomes
may result from repeating an