Unsatisfactory - Lewiston Independent School District #1

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NOTE: Domains 1-4 combine for 50% of the Teacher’s Ranking, Domain 5 determines the other 50%
1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
 Teacher makes content errors or does not correct
content errors students make
 Teacher displays little understanding of prerequisite
 Teacher displays little understanding of pedagogical
1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
 Teacher displays minimal knowledge of developmental
characteristics of age group
 Teacher is unfamiliar with multiple approaches to
student learning (learning styles, modalities, and
different “intelligences”)
 Teacher does not recognize or value students’ skills,
knowledge, interests, or cultural heritage
1c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes
 Instructional outcomes are unsuitable for students
 Instructional outcomes represent trivial or low-level
learning or are stated only as activities
 Instructional outcomes do not permit viable methods of
1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
 Teacher has no awareness of available resources
within the school/district for teachers and/or students
1e. Designing Coherent Instruction
 Learning activities are not suitable or correlated to
ongoing learning, nor are they reflective of recent
professional research
 Resources/materials do not support instructional goals
or engage students in meaningful learning
 There is no variance in instructional groups and no
correlation to instructional goals
 The unit or lesson has no clear structure, and time
allocations are unrealistic
1f. Designing Student Assessment
 Content and methods of assessment lack congruence
with instructional outcomes
 Criteria and standards of assessment are unclear
 Correlation between assessment results and planning
is minimal
For Reference Only
 Teacher displays basic content knowledge that is not
connected with other parts of discipline(s)
 Teacher has some awareness of prerequisite learning
(may be incomplete or inaccurate)
 Teacher displays basic pedagogical knowledge, but
does not anticipate student misconceptions
 Teacher displays solid content knowledge, with
connections between content and other discipline(s)
 Plans reflect an understanding of prerequisite
relationships among topics and concepts
 A reflection of current best practices is evident, but
teacher does not anticipate student misconceptions
 Teacher displays extensive content knowledge, with
evidence of continuing pursuit of such knowledge
 Teacher builds on knowledge of prerequisite
 Continual search for best practices is evident, and
teacher anticipates student misconceptions
 Teachers displays general accurate knowledge of
developmental characteristics
 Teacher displays general understanding of multiple
approaches to student learning
 Teacher recognizes value of students’ skills,
knowledge, interests, or cultural heritage for the class
as a whole
 Teacher displays thorough understanding of
developmental characteristics, including exceptions
 Teacher displays solid understanding of different
approaches to learning exhibited by each student
 Teacher displays knowledge of and values students’
skills, knowledge, interests, or cultural heritage
 Teacher displays knowledge of developmental
characteristics and the extent to which individual
students follow patterns
 Knowledge of students’ varied approaches to learning
is reflected in instructional planning
 Teacher knows and values ALL students’ skills,
knowledge, interests, and cultural heritage
 Instructional outcomes are of moderate rigor and are
suitable for some students
 Instructional outcomes consist of a combination of
activities and goals, but only some permit viable
 Instructional outcomes represent more than one type
of learning but the teacher makes no attempt at
coordination or integration.
 Instructional outcomes are stated as goals reflecting
high level learning and curriculum standards.
 Instructional goals are suitable for most students in the
class, represent different types of learning and can be
 The outcomes reflect opportunities for coordination.
 Instructional outcomes are stated as goals that can be
assessed, reflecting rigorous learning and curriculum
 Instructional outcomes represent different types of
content, offer opportunities for both coordination and
 Instructional outcomes take into account the needs of
individual students
 Teacher has limited awareness of available resources
within the school/district for teachers and/or students
 Teacher has full awareness of available resources
within the school/district for teachers and/or students
 The teacher seeks resources for students and to
enhance instruction (such as community resources), in
addition to school/district resources
 Some learning activities are suitable, with some
correlation to ongoing learning and some reflection of
professional research
 Some resources/materials support instructional goals
and engage students in meaningful learning
 The instructional group’s suitability to instructional
goals is inconsistent, and goals have minimal variety
 Some structure to the lesson or unit is evident, but not
consistent, and most time allocations are reasonable
 Most learning activities are suitable, with consistent
correlation to ongoing learning, and reflect recent
professional research
 All resources/materials support instructional goals and
engage most students in meaningful learning
 Instructional groups are varied, as appropriate to
different instructional goals
 The lesson or unit has clear structure, and time
allocations are reasonable
 Learning activities are highly relevant to students and
instructional goals and reflect recent research
 All resources/materials support instructional goals,
meaningfully engage students, and show evidence of
student participation in selection and adaptation
 Instructional groups are varied appropriately, and
students exercise choice in selection of groups
 The lesson’s/unit’s structure is clear, and time
allocations are flexible to meet individual needs
 There is some congruence of assessment with
instructional outcomes
 Goals and assessments are unclear and/or are not
clearly communicated to students
 Assessment results are used to plan for the class as a
 Assessment is aligned with instructional outcomes, but
the approach is more suitable to some than others
 Assessment criteria and standards are clear and are
clearly communicated to students
 There is correlation between assessments and
planning for individuals and groups
 Assessment is congruent with instructional outcomes
 Clear criteria/standards are clearly communicated to
students, with evidence of students’ contribution
 Students are aware of how they are meeting standards
and participate in planning the next steps
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2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
 Teacher interaction with some students is negative,
demeaning, sarcastic, or inappropriate. Students
exhibit disrespect for the teacher
 Student interactions demonstrate conflict, sarcasm, or
2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning
 Teacher or students convey a negative attitude toward
content, suggesting that content is not important
 Students demonstrate little or no pride in their work
 Classroom environment conveys only modest
expectations for student achievement
2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
 Groups of students not working with the teacher are
not productively engaged in learning
 Classroom procedures, routines, and transitions are
nonexistent or inefficient, resulting in the loss of much
instructional time
 Paraprofessionals and volunteers have no clearly
defined duties or have nothing to do
2d. Managing Student Behavior
 No standards of conduct appear to have been
established, or students are confused regarding
expected behavior
 Student behavior is not monitored, and teacher is
unaware of misbehavior
 Teacher does not respond to misbehavior, or the
response is inconsistent, or teacher does not respect
the student’s dignity
2e. Organizing Physical Space
 The classroom is unsafe and/or furniture arrangement
is not suited to the lesson’s activities
 Teacher uses physical resources poorly, or learning is
not accessible to some students
3a. Communicating with Students
 Teacher’s directions and procedures are confusing
 Teacher’s spoken language is inaudible, or written
language is illegible, and may contain many grammar
and syntax errors. Vocabulary may be inappropriate,
vague, or used incorrectly, leaving students confused
For Reference Only
 Teacher-student interactions are generally appropriate,
but may reflect inconsistencies, favoritism, or disregard
for students’ cultures. Students exhibit only minimal
respect for the teacher
 Students do not behave negatively toward one another
 Teacher-student interactions are friendly and
demonstrate warmth, caring, and respect. Students
exhibit respect for the teacher
 Student interactions are generally respectful
 Teacher demonstrates genuine caring and respect for
individual students. Students exhibit respect for the
teacher as an individual, beyond that for the role
 Students demonstrate genuine caring for one another,
as individuals and as students
 Teacher communicates importance of the work, but
with minimal buy-in by the students
 Students invest little of their energy in the quality of the
 Classroom environment conveys inconsistent
expectations for student achievement
 Teacher conveys genuine enthusiasm for the subject,
and students are consistently committed to its value
 Students accept teacher insistence on work of highest
quality and demonstrate pride in that work
 Classroom environment conveys high expectations for
student achievement
 Students demonstrate, through their active
participation, curiosity, and attention to detail, that they
value the content’s importance
 Students take obvious pride in their work and initiate
improvements in it
 Both students and the teacher establish a classroom
of high expectations for the learning of all students
 Tasks for group work are partially organized, resulting
in some off-task behavior
 Classroom procedures, routines, and transitions are
fairly efficient, resulting in little loss of instructional time
 Paraprofessionals and volunteers are productively
engaged some of the time, but require frequent
 Tasks for group work are organized, and most
students are engaged at all times
 Classroom procedures, routines, and transitions occur
smoothly, resulting in little loss of instructional time
 Paraprofessionals and volunteers are productively and
independently engaged during the entire class
 Groups working independently are productively
engaged at all times, with students assuming
responsibility for productivity
 Classroom procedures, routines, and transitions are
seamless, with students assuming considerable
responsibility for efficient operation
 Paraprofessionals and volunteers contribute
substantially to the classroom environment
 Standards of conduct appear to have been
established, and most students seem to understand
 Teacher is aware of student behavior, but may miss
some misbehavior
 Teacher is inconsistent in response to misbehavior, or
no serious disruptive behavior occurs
 Standards of conduct are clear to all students
 Teacher is alert to student behavior at all times
 Teacher’s response to misbehavior is consistent and
appropriate and respects the student’s dignity, or
student behavior is generally appropriate
 Standards of conduct are clear to all students and
have been created with student input
 Teacher monitors behavior in a subtle way, while
students respectfully monitor their peer’s behavior
 Teacher’s response to misbehavior is highly effective
and sensitive to students’ individual needs, or student
behavior is entirely appropriate
 The classroom is safe and furniture arrangement is
adjusted for a lesson, but with limited effectiveness
 Teacher uses physical resources adequately, and
essential learning is accessible to all students
 The classroom is safe, and furniture arrangement is a
resource for learning activities
 Teacher uses physical resources skillfully, and
learning is equally accessible to all students
 The classroom is safe, and students adjust the
furniture to benefit their own learning
 Teacher and students use physical resources optimally
to ensure learning is equally accessible to all students
 Teacher’s directions and procedures are clarified after
initial confusion, or are excessively detailed
 Teacher’s spoken language is audible, written
language is legible, and both are used correctly.
Vocabulary is correct, but limited or not appropriate to
students’ ages or backgrounds
 Teacher’s directions and procedures are clear and
contain an appropriate level of detail
 Teacher’s spoken and written language is clear and
correct. Vocabulary is appropriate to students’ ages or
 Teacher’s directions and procedures are clear and
anticipate possible student misunderstanding
 Teacher’s spoken and written language is correct and
expressive, with well-chosen vocabulary that enriches
the lesson
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3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
 Teacher’s questions are of poor quality
 Teacher-student interaction is predominantly recitation
style, with few students participating and the teacher
mediating all questions and answers
 Teacher’s questions are a combination of high and low
quality, with few inviting a response
 Teacher makes some attempt to engage all students in
a true discussion, with limited success
 Teacher’s questions are mostly of high quality, and
teacher gives adequate time to respond
 Classroom interaction engages all students in a true
discussion, with teacher stepping to the side, when
 Teacher’s questions are of uniformly high quality, with
adequate time for students to respond. Students
formulate many questions
 Students assume considerable responsibility for the
success of the discussion, initiating topics, making
unsolicited contributions, and ensuring all voices are
3c. Engaging Students in Learning
 Representation of content is inappropriate and unclear
or uses poor examples and analogies
 Activities and assignments are not age- and/or
background- appropriate and do not mentally engage
 Instructional groups are not appropriate to students or
the instructional goals
 Instructional materials and resources are not suitable
to meeting the instructional goals or do not engage
students mentally
 The lesson has no clearly defined structure and/or the
pacing is too slow or too rushed
 Representation of content is inconsistent in quality
 Some activities and/or assignments are appropriate to
students and engage them mentally, but others do not
 Instructional groups are partially appropriate to
students or only moderately successful in advancing
the instructional goals
 Instructional materials and resources are partially
suitable to the instructional goals, or students’ level of
mental engagement is moderate
 The lesson has a recognizable structure, although not
uniformly maintained throughout the lesson. Pacing of
the lesson is inconsistent
 Representation of content is appropriate and links well
with students’ knowledge and experience
 Most activities and assignments are appropriate to
students and engage them cognitively
 Instructional groups are productive and appropriate to
students and instructional goals
 Instructional materials and resources are suitable to
the instructional goals and engage students mentally
 The lesson has a clearly defined structure around
which the activities are organized. Pacing of the lesson
is consistent
 Students contribute to representation of content, which
is appropriate and links well with their knowledge and
 Students initiate or adapt activities and projects to
enhance understanding, and are cognitively engaged
 Instructional groups are productive and appropriate to
students and instructional goals. Students influence
instructional groups to advance their learning
 Instructional materials and resources are suitable to
instructional goals and fully engage students mentally.
Student initiate choice, adaptation or creation of
materials to enhance their own purposes
 The lesson’s structure allows for reflection and closure.
Pacing of the lesson is appropriate for all students
 Teacher uses targets but relies heavily on textbook or
prepackaged materials. Recognizes need to relate
targets to adopted curriculum and Common Core
Standards. Some use of formative assessment.
 Tends to use the same type of assessment method.
Some analysis/redesign of prepackaged assessments.
 Most students can demonstrate mastery of
achievement standards, course objectives, curriculum
standards, and/or grade level expectations.
 Clearly articulates targets and how they relate to
adopted curriculum and Common Core Standards.
Regular use of formative assessment.
 Uses several types of assessments. Can articulate
when to use each assessment method. Involves
students in assessment design.
 Most students can demonstrate mastery of
achievement standards, course objectives, curriculum
standards, and/or grade level expectations.
 Designs & articulates targets to adopted curriculum
and Common Core Standards. Uses formative
assessment with students to increase student
 Uses all types of assessment methods and matches
method to purpose, target and instruction. Regular
involvement in assessment design and
 All students can demonstrate mastery of achievement
standards, course objectives, curriculum standards,
and/or grade level expectations. Teacher can show
evidence of interventions provided to students when
they are necessary.
 Teacher attempts to adjust a lesson, with mixed results
 Teacher attempts to accommodate students’
questions. The effects on the coherence of a lesson
are uneven
 Teacher accepts responsibility for the success of all
students, but has only a limited repertoire of
instructional strategies to use
 Teacher makes a minor adjustment to a lesson, and
the lesson occurs smoothly
 Teacher successfully accommodates students’
 Teacher persists in seeking approaches for students
who have difficulty learning, possessing a moderate
repertoire of strategies
 Teacher successfully makes a major adjustment to a
 Teacher seizes a major opportunity to enhance
learning, building on a spontaneous event
 Teacher persists in seeking effective approaches for
students who need help, using an extensive repertoire
of strategies and soliciting additional resources from
the school
3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
 The teacher does not have clear learning targets nor
are they aligned with the adopted curriculum and
Common Core Standards. Students cannot articulate
why they received their grades or self-assess. Does
not use formative assessment.
 Only uses assessments that come with instructional
 Few students can demonstrate mastery of
achievement standards, course objectives, curriculum
standards, and/or grade level expectations.
3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
 Teacher adheres rigidly to an instructional plan, even
when a change will clearly improve a lesson
 Teacher ignores or brushes aside students’ questions
 Teacher either gives up or blames the student or the
environment for student’s difficulty learning
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4a. Reflecting on Teaching
 Teacher does not know if a lesson was effective or
achieved its goals, or profoundly misjudges the
success of a lesson
 Teacher has no suggestions for how a lesson may be
improved another time
4b. Maintaining Accurate Records
 Teacher’s system for maintaining accurate records for
students’ completion of assignments, progress in
learning, and non-instructional activities is nonexistent
or in disarray, resulting in errors and confusion
 Teacher has a generally accurate impression of a
lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which
instructional goals were met
 Teacher makes general suggestions about how a
lesson may be improved
 Teacher makes an accurate assessment of a lesson’s
effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its
goals, and he/she can support the judgment
 Teacher makes a few specific suggestions that he/she
may try another time
 Teacher makes a thorough and accurate assessment
of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it
achieved its goals, citing specific examples
 Teacher offers specific alternative actions, complete
with probable successes of different approaches
 Teacher’s system for maintaining accurate records for
students’ completion of assignments, progress in
learning, and non-instructional activities is rudimentary
and partially effective
 Teacher’s system for maintaining accurate records for
students’ completion of assignments, progress in
learning, and non-instructional activities is fully
 Teacher’s system for maintaining accurate records for
students’ completion of assignments, progress in
learning, and non-instructional activities is highly
effective, with students participating in the
maintenance and interpretation of records
 Teacher participates in the school’s activities and
follows the required procedures for communicating to
parents, but makes modest and inconsistent efforts to
engage families in the instructional program
 Teacher provides frequent information to parents
about the instructional program and individual
students’ progress, and efforts to engage families are
frequent and successful
 Teacher provides frequent information to parents
about the instructional program and student progress,
and efforts to engage families are frequent and
successful. Students contribute ideas for family
 Teacher maintains cordial relationships with
colleagues to fulfill duties required by the school or
 Teacher participates in school events and/or school
and district projects when specifically asked
 Support and cooperation characterize relationships
with colleagues
 Teacher volunteers to participate in, and makes a
substantial contribution to, school events and/or school
and district projects
 Support and cooperation characterize relationships
with colleagues, with the teacher taking initiative in
assuming leadership among the faculty
 Teacher volunteers to participate in, makes a
substantial contribution to, and assumes a leadership
role in school and/or district projects
4e. Growing and Developing Professionally
 Teacher engages in no professional development
activities to enhance knowledge or skill
 Teacher makes no effort to share knowledge with
others or contribute to the profession
 Teacher participates in professional activities to a
limited extent when they are convenient
 Teacher finds limited ways to contribute to the
 Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional
development to enhance content knowledge and
pedagogical skill,
 Teacher actively assists other educators
 Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional
development and makes a systematic attempt to
conduct action research in his/her classroom
 Teacher initiates activities to contribute to the
profession, such as mentoring new teachers, writing
articles for publication, and making presentations
4f. Showing Professionalism
 Teacher is not alert to students’ needs
 Teacher contributes to school practices that result in
some students being ill served by the school
 Teacher makes decisions based on self-serving
 Teacher’s attempts to serve students are inconsistent
 Teacher does not knowingly contribute to some
students being ill served by the school
 Teacher’s decisions are based on limited, though
genuinely professional, considerations
 Teacher is moderately active in serving students
 Teacher works within the context of a particular team
or department to ensure that all students receive a fair
opportunity to succeed
 Teacher maintains an open mind and participates in
team or departmental decision making
 Teacher is highly proactive in serving students,
seeking out resources when necessary
 Teacher makes a particular effort to advocate for all
students, particularly those traditionally underserved
 Teacher takes a leadership role in team or department
decision making, ensuring that decisions reflect the
highest professional standards
4c. Communicating with Families
 Teacher provides minimal information to families about
the instructional program or individual students, or
makes either no attempt or inappropriate attempts to
engage families
4d. Participating in a Professional Learning Community
 Teacher’s relationships with colleagues are negative
or self-serving
 Teacher avoids becoming involved in school events
and/or school and district projects
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5. Student Achievement
5a. Proficiency on State Assessments
Building level percent of students scoring proficient or advanced on state assessments
 Evidence indicates little to no student
learning gains.
 Expectations are not met.
 Results are well-below expectations.
 Expectations are nearly met.
 The educator may have demonstrated an
impact on student learning, but overall
results are below expectations.
 Evidence indicates significant student
learning, including special populations.
 Meets State Goals
 Evidence indicates exceptional student
learning gains, including special
 Exceeds State Expectations by 3% in at
least one area (ISAT)
 Evidence indicates significant student
learning gains, including special
 The proficiency rate of all cohort groups
(matching students) is the same as the
previous year.
 Evidence indicates exceptional student
learning gains, including special
 The proficiency rate of all cohort groups
(matching students) exceeds the rate of the
previous year.
5b. Growth on State Assessments
Building level growth determined by district data
 Evidence indicates little to no student
learning gains.
 Expectations are not met.
 Results are well-below expectations.
 Expectations are nearly met.
 The educator may have demonstrated an
impact on student learning, but overall
results are below expectations.
5c. Grade Level or Content Area Measures
Measures and targets identified at the beginning of school year. May include: essential learning, proficiency, course grades, graduation rate, end of course assessments,
common assessments other measures mutually selected by the teacher and administrator.
 Evidence indicates little to no student
learning gains.
 Expectations are not met.
 Results are well-below expectations.
For Reference Only
 Expectations are nearly met.
 The educator may have demonstrated an
impact on student learning, but overall
results are below expectations.
 Evidence indicates significant student
learning gains, including special
 Evidence indicates exceptional student
learning gains, including special