UFV Upper Level Courses with Minimal Prerequisites
As of March 2014, the courses listed below have either no prerequisites, or the prerequisites are a certain number of university level credits (usually 45 or 60), or the prerequisites include courses that BSc students are required to take (e.g. English 105), or ‘permission of instructor’ is listed.
Adult Education
ADED 345 - 4 credits - Instructional Skills for the Workplace - Prerequisites: 30 credits of university-level courses, including 3 credits of CMNS or ENGL. The Communications department strongly recommends taking, CMNS 251 or CMNS 235.
All the following are listed as: Prerequisites: an Ag prereq, or 30 hours’ university credit, or instructor’s permission
AGRI 311 – 3 credits - Sustainable Soil Management
AGRI 321 – 3 credits - Vegetable Crop Production: Science & Practice
AGRI 323 - 3 credits - Fruit Crop Production: Science & Practice
AGRI 324 - 3 credits - Greenhouse Production: Science & Practice
AGRI 327 - 3 credits - Nursery Production and Propagation: Science & Practice
AGRI 328 - 3 credits - Forage Crop Production: Science & Practice
AGRI 331 - 3 credits - Dairy Production and Management: Science & Practice
AGRI 371 - 3 credits - Sustainable Holistic Agriculture: Planning and Practices
Art History
All the following are listed as:
Prerequisites: 9 credits of 100- or 200-level Art History.
Students who do not meet these prereqs but have completed 45 university-level credits may obtain instructor's permission.
AH 310 - 4 credits - Studies in Medieval Art
AH 311 - 4 credits - Studies in Renaissance Art
AH 312 - 4 credits - Studies in Baroque Art and Architecture
AH 313 - 4 credits - Arts in Context: Romanticism
AH 314 - 4 credits - Arts in Context: Modernism
AH 315 - 4 credits - Arts in Context: Contemporary
AH 316 - 4 credits - Arts in Context: Gender, Art and Society
AH 320 - 4 credits - Art & Culture: Special Topics
AH 321 - 4 credits - Canada Contact Zone
AH 330 - 4 credits - Museum Principles and Practices
ANTH 367 - 4 credits - Culture and Theory of Diaspora - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
ANTH 444 (IPK 444, ANTH 444, and SOC 444) - 4 credits - Indigenous Methodologies -
Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits
BUS 339 - 3 credits - Introductory Financial Statement Analysis - Prerequisites: Prerequisites for MATH 140
BUS 350 - 3 credits - Operations Management - Prerequisites: STAT 106 (formerly MATH
106) and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115)
BUS 404 - 3 credits - Management Science - Prerequisites: STAT 106 and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115)
BUS 457 - 3 credits - Project Management - Prerequisites: STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106)
There are quite a few options depending on your 2 nd year CHEM courses.
Also quite a few options available. Below is a list of those with a 1 st year prereq (required for
BSc students).
CMNS 300 - 3 credits - Introduction to the Practice of Journalism - Prerequisites: One of
CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105
CMNS 301 - 4 credits - Advanced Practice of Journalism - Prerequisites: CMNS 300/JRNL 300 or 45 university-level credits including one of CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105
CMNS 312 - 3 credits - Introduction to Public and Community Relations - Prerequisites: One of CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, ENGL 105, or CMNS 212/MACS 212
CMNS 325 - 3 credits - Writing for the Sciences and Technologies - Prerequisites: One of
CMNS 125, CMNS 145, CMNS 155, CMNS 175 or ENGL 105
Child and Youth Services
CYC 394 - 3 credits - Introduction to Substance Abuse - Prerequisites: 45 credits from a
Human Service program or Arts and Sciences, including PSYC 101, or instructor's permission
Education - (BIO students heading towards teaching may take EDUC 200)
EDUC 300 - 4 credits - Introduction to Best Practices in Teaching and Learning -
Prerequisites: EDUC 200 and 75 credits of Arts/Science courses
EDUC 323 - 4 credits - History of Education in Canada - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lowerlevel history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected.
The prereqs for UL English are mostly ‘any two 200-level English courses’.
Fashion Design
FD 320 - 3 credits - Fashion and Culture: Special Topics - Prerequisites: 9 Credits Lower Level
University Transfer
FD 345 - 3 credits - Textile Traditions of Indigenous Peoples in Canada - Prerequisites: 9 lower level University Transfer credits
Geography - Many UL courses require one 2 nd year geography course which some BIO students might take.
GEOG 396 - 6 credits - Global Development Studies: Canada Internship - Prerequisites: 60 university level credits and instructor’s permission
The following require only BIO 210:
GEOG 315 - 4 credits - Soil Process and Function - Prerequisites: One of GEOG 201, 202, or
211; or BIO 210
There are a number of BIO/GEOG cross listed courses:
(317, 335, 410)
HIST 300 - 4 credits - Inside History: Theories and Perspectives on the Past - Prerequisites:
Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Recommended for History majors and extended minors
HIST 301 - 4 credits - Studies in Applied History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits
HIST 310 - 4 credits - Women and the Family in Western Europe, 1700-1930 - Prerequisites:
Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. HIST 110 or HIST 209
(formerly HIST 202) is strongly recommended
HIST 321 - 4 credits - Canadian Military History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits
HIST 323 - 4 credits - History of Education in Canada - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lowerlevel history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 325 - 4 credits - Canadian Sport History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 327 - 4 credits - Settler-Indigenous Relations in New Zealand and Canada -
Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits
HIST 328 - 4 credits - History of Mennonites in Canada - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lowerlevel history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 331 - 4 credits - Rebels, Reformers, and Realists: British North America, 1837-1867 -
Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 340 - 4 credits - Colonial America and the Early Republic to 1815 - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits
HIST 357 - 4 credits - History of Inter-American Relations: Latin America, the United States, and Canada - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level HIST/LAS or 45 university-level credits.
Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 358 - 4 credits - African Slavery in the Americas - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lowerlevel history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 359 - 4 credits - Problems in Latin American Regional History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 364 - 4 credits - Indian Social History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 370 - 4 credits - The American Civil Rights Movement - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 385 - 4 credits - Imperialism and Colonialism in Modern Asia - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 393 - 4 credits - Mennonite Experience in Russia 1780-1980 - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is expected
HIST 396 - 4 credits - Topics in North American History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lowerlevel history or 45 university-level credits
HIST 398 - 4 credits - Topics in Asian History - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits
HIST 399 - 4 credits - Special Topics in History I - Prerequisites: Nine credits of lower-level history or 45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry is
Indo Canadian Studies
INCS 392 - 3 credits - Immigration & Social Integration: The Indo-Canadian Experience -
Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits including SOC 101
Indigenous Peoples Knowledge
IPK 444 - 4 credits - Indigenous Methodologies - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits
IPK 477 (also Bio 477) - 4 credits - Traditional Ecological Knowledges - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits
IPK 486 - 4 credits - Worldviews of Indigenous Peoples in North America - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits
JRNL 300 - 3 credits - Introduction to the Practice of Journalism - Prerequisites: One of CMNS
125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105
JRNL 301 - 4 credits - Advanced Practice of Journalism - Corequisite(s): CMNS 300/JRNL 300 or 45 university-level credits including one of CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105
JRNL 369 - 4 credits - Media Law and Ethics - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits, including three credits of CMNS, JRNL or MACS
If BIO students take LL KPE courses there are some UL to choose from.
Languages (French, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish)
If students have a language background, there are UL courses to take in these departments.
Library and Information Technology
LIBT 310 - 3 credits - Publishing and the Book Trade in Canada - Prerequisites: 30 university-level credits or permission of the instructor
LIBT 345 - 3 credits - Advanced Internet Information Retrieval - Prerequisites: 30 universitylevel credits or permission of the instructor. LIBT 145 recommended
Media and Communication Studies
MACS 369 - 4 credits - Media Law and Ethics - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits, including three credits of CMNS, JRNL or MACS
MACS 376 - 3 credits - Understanding Design for Digital Publications - Prerequisites: One of the following: CMNS 125, CMNS 145, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, ENGL 105, MACS 110, or MACS
130. Familiarity with word processing software and the Internet is essential for success in this course. Note: CIS 145 or familiarity with web standards is recommended
Math and Statistics
If a BIO student takes Math 211 (Calculus 3), there are a number of UL Math and Stats courses available.
Additionally, from statistics:
STAT 315 - 3 credits - Applied Regression Analysis - Prerequisites: One of the following:
STAT 104 with a B+ or better, STAT 106 with a B or better, STAT 270, or STAT 271
STAT 330 - 3 credits - Design of Experiments - Prerequisites: One of the following: STAT 106 with a B or better, STAT 104 with a B+ or better, STAT 270, or STAT 271
STAT 350 - 3 credits - Survey Sampling - Prerequisites: One of the following: STAT 106 with a B, STAT 104 with a B+, STAT 270, or STAT 271
Mennonite Studies
MENN 300 - 4 credits - Mennonite Development and Relief Organizations - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits; MENN 100 is highly recommended
MUSC 306 - 4 credits - History of Musical Theatre - Prerequisites: One of the following: THEA
201, THEA 202, or 45 university-level credits
PHIL 300 - 3 credits - Symbolic Logic in Context - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
PHIL 305 - 3 credits - Philosophy of Decision Making and Dispute Resolution - Prerequisites:
60 credits of university-level course work. PHIL 100 and/or 110 recommended
PHIL 310 - 3 credits - Ethics and Public Policy - Prerequisites: 45 credits in Applied or Arts or
Science programs, including nine credits in Philosophy or Political Science; or permission of the instructor
PHIL 318 - 3 credits - Environmental Ethics - Prerequisites: 45 credits, including nine credits in Philosophy or Political Science; or permission of the instructor
PHIL 322 - 3 credits - The Philosophy of Mind - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
PHIL 353 - 3 credits - Philosophies of India - Prerequisites: Six credits of Philosophy or fortyfive credits in university-level course work
PHIL 364 - 3 credits - Philosophy and Children - Prerequisites: 45 credits from Applied or
Arts or Science programs
PHIL 367 - 3 credits - Philosophy for Counsellors - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
PHIL 371 - 3 credits - Power, Knowledge, and Order: Early Western Political Thought -
Prerequisites: One of POSC 120, POSC 270, PHIL 110, PHIL 210, or 45 university-level credits
PHIL 372 - 3 credits - Order, Liberty, and Equality: Western Political Thought from the 17th
Century to 1900 - Prerequisites: One of POSC 120, POSC 270, POSC 311, PHIL 110, PHIL 210, or 45 university-level credits
If a BIO student take a 2 nd year physics course there are a number of UL courses possible.
Political Science
POSC 301 - 3 credits - The Canadian State and Indigenous Governance - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
POSC 311 - 3 credits - Power, Knowledge, and Order: Early Western Political Thought -
Prerequisites: One of POSC 120, POSC 270, PHIL 110, PHIL 210, or 45 university-level credits
POSC 312 - 3 credits - Order, Liberty, and Equality: Western Political Thought from the 17th
Century to 1900 - Prerequisites: One of POSC 120, POSC 270, POSC 311, PHIL 110, PHIL 210, or 45 university-level credits
POSC 322 - 3 credits - Introduction to American Politics - Prerequisites: POSC 230 or 45 university-level credits
POSC 331 - 3 credits - Western Peace Traditions - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
POSC 332 - 3 credits - The Politics of Multiculturalism - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
POSC 333 - 3 credits - On Indigenous Land: The Politics of Diaspora and Indigeneity -
Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
POSC 350 - 3 credits - Sex, Gender, and Women in Political Thought - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits
POSC 360 - 3 credits - The United Nations and International Organizations - Prerequisites:
POSC 260 (formerly POSC 190) or 45 university-level credits
POSC 480 - 3 credits - Special Topics in Political Theory - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits including one of POSC 100 or POSC 120, or instructor’s permission
There are a few more special topics courses, all requiring instructor permission: POSC
Some BIO students may take PSYCH (e.g. for medical school prep). There are a few upper level PSYCH that have PSYCH 101 and 102 prerequisites.
Religious Studies
RLST 380 - 3 credits - Religion, Nature and Science - Prerequisites: 45 credits in Applied or
Arts or Science programs, including 9 credits in Philosophy or Religious Studies; or permission of the instructor
SOC 325 - 4 credits - Culture and Theory of the City - Prerequisites: ANTH 102 or SOC 101, and ANTH 225/SOC 225, in addition to 45 university-level credits; or permission of instructor
SOC 355 - 4 credits - Quantitative Research Methods - Prerequisites: STAT 104 (formerly
MATH 104) or STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106), and ANTH 255/MACS 255
Social Work
SOWK 394 - 3 credits - Substance Misuse Issues - Prerequisites: 45 university-level credits, including PSYC 101 with a GPA of 2.5 or greater; or instructor’s permission
SOWK 497 - 3 credits - Social Work in Mental Health - Prerequisites: Admission into the
Bachelor of Social Work program, PSYC 101, and either PSYC 250 or SOWK 225. (Students in other degree programs, with a minimum of 45 credits, may be able to obtain instructor's permission at the first class. However, they should check with their program head to see whether they can apply this course to their degree.)
Teaching English as a Second Language
TESL 302- 4 credits - Teaching English as a Second Language to Children - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits with a GPA of 2.67 or higher
TESL 303 - 4 credits - Teaching Reading & Writing to ESL Learners - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits with a GPA of 2.67 or higher
TESL 304 - 4 credits - Teaching Oral Skills - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits with a
GPA of 2.67 or higher
TESL 305 - 4 credits - Teaching English Pronunciation - Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits with a GPA of 2.67 or higher
TESL 310 - 4 credits - Methodology in Teaching English as a Second Language
TESL 311 - 4 credits - Teaching ESL Writing & Grammar: From Theory to Practice -
Prerequisites: 60 university-level credits with a GPA of 2.67 or higher
THEA 306 - 4 credits - History of Musical Theatre - Prerequisites: One of the following: THEA
201, THEA 202, or 45 university-level credits
THEA 307 - 4 credits - World Theatre - Prerequisites: THEA 101 or completion of 45 university-level credits, or instructor’s permission
THEA 352 - 4 credits - Playmaking I - Prerequisites: THEA 211 or 45 university-level credits
THEA 360 - 4 credits - Selected Topics in Theatre - Prerequisites: THEA 211 or 45 universitylevel credits
THEA 370 - 4 credits - Design for the Theatre - Prerequisites: THEA 101, THEA 121, and
THEA 123; or instructor’s permission
THEA 395 - 4 credits - Costume Practicum I - Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
THEA 495 - 4 credits - Costume Practicum II - Prerequisites: Permission of instructor
Visual Arts
There are a number of courses requiring instructor or departmental approval, for example, sculpture, painting and drawing, photography.