
3(a)—(Parents) Juvenile Checklist
***Parent’s name on client line of cover sheet
***List all attorneys on cover sheet (names, addresses, phone numbers,
email address.
***Certificate of Service should list all attorneys, HHS, CASA & CA.
_____ Print this checklist, found in Dropbox—Forms—3(a) Parent Juvenile Forms,
& file on left side of file.
_____ Set up new file according to “How to Set Up and Organize a Client File” and
using manila file folder.
_____ Fill out “File Opener & Client Interview Form ,” found in Dropbox—3 (a)
Parent Juvenile Forms, from information contained in documents received and file
at front of left side of file.
_____ Enter client into “2014” page of the Excel spreadsheet titled “Conflicts
Spreadsheet,” found in Dropbox—Documents
______Add to Billing Record Spreadsheet—(Dropbox, Documents, at bottom)
_____ Copy documents received for enclosure with “NE Juvenile Letter .”
_____ File original documents received on right side of file.
_____ Calendar in Google calendar any hearing dates, prehearing conferences, trial
dates, or deadlines found in the documents received.
_____ Write on front of file, top right-hand corner, any hearing dates, trial dates, or
deadlines found in the documents received.
_____ Prepare “NE Juvenile Letter”, found in Dropbox—Forms, 3 (a) Parent
Juvenile, for attorney’s signature (including selecting the correct section
(3)(a) based on which is cited in the Petition).
_____ Once attorney has signed the “NE Juvenile Letter ”:
_____ File a copy on the left side of the file.
_____ Mail original to client with documents received & discovery motion &
order enclosed.
_____ Prepare “NE Notice of Appearance ,” found in Dropbox—Forms—3(a) Parent
Juvenile Forms, for attorney’s signature.
_____ Once Tana has signed the entry of appearance:
_____ Mail a copy to the ____________ County Attorney’s Office.
_____ Mail a copy to client with “NE Juvenile Letter .”
_____ Scan & e-file.
_____ File the original on the right side of the file.
_____ Prepare “NE Motion for Discovery and Brady Material,” found in Dropbox—
Forms—3(a) Parent Juvenile Forms, for attorney’s signature.
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_____ Prepare “NE Order for Discovery and Brady Material,” found in Dropbox—
Forms—3(a) Parent Juvenile Forms, for attorney’s signature.
_____ Once attorney has signed the discovery motion & order:
______ Mail a copy to the _________ County Attorney’s Office.
______ Mail a copy to client with “NE Juvenile Letter ” or put in center of file
with “Client Copy” label on it if the letter has already gone out.
______ Scan & e-file.
______ File the original on the right side of the file.
_____ Once all of these items are completed, leave the file on attorney’s desk.
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