Planning & Assignment Calendar 7th Social Studies All assignments

Planning & Assignment Calendar 7th Social Studies
All assignments are subject to change depending upon where students are in their understanding of material.
Weekly Learning Objectives:
Social Studies
• Describe the structure and role of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe.
• Explain the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV.
• Analyze the Roman Catholic Church’s role as a political, intellectual, and aesthetic institution.
• Evaluate the extent to which the Roman Catholic Church influenced life in medieval Europe.
4.1.2 Understands how themes and developments have defined eras in world history
1.2.3 Understands various forms of government and their effects on the lives of people in the past or present.
3.1.2 Understands how human spatial patterns have emerged from natural processes and human activities in the
past or present
3.2.2 Understands examples of cultural diffusion in the world from the past or in the present.
Social Studies Skills
5.1.1 Understands evidence supporting a position on an issue or event.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or
maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Mrs. Honn
Week 5
Social Studies - 7th
Sept. 29
Review Chapter 1 –
Chapter 3: The Roman
Catholic Church in
Medieval Europe Intro &
Chapter 3.2 w/Reading
Notes (whole class)
Medieval Catholic
Church Video Clip
Chapter 3.3 - 3.8
(groups of 3)
Chapter 3.3 – 3.8
(groups of 3)
Sept. 30
Oct. 1
Chapter 3 Intro &
Vocabulary (religion,
persecute, Roman Catholic
Church, clergy, sacrament,
pilgrimage, natural law,
religious order)
Chapter 3.2 Reading Notes
Assignments Due
Chapter 3 Intro &
Chapter 3.2 Reading Notes
Oct. 2
Oct. 3
Chapter 3.3 -3.8
(groups of 3)
Chapter 3 Summary
Chapter 3 Summary
Chapter 2 & 3 Review
Chapter 3 Summary (if not
completed in class)
Chapter 3 Reading Notes
(Should have been completed
in class throughout the week.)
Chapters 1-3 Quiz on
Study for Chapters 1-3 Quiz
on Monday. Use Chapters 1-3
Reading Notes to study for
quiz, use the Reading
Challenge interactive game,
and review each chapter.
Reading Notes are the same thing as the Interactive Student Notebook.
Monday: Chapter 3 Intro & Vocabulary (religion, persecute, Roman Catholic Church, clergy, sacrament,
pilgrimage, natural law, religious order) Due Tuesday, 9/30/14
Tuesday: Chapter 3.2 Reading Notes - Due Wednesday, 10/1/14
Friday: Chapter 3 Summary (if not completed in class)
Chapter 3 Reading Notes (Should have been completed in class throughout the week.)
Chapters 1-3 Quiz on Monday.
Study for Chapters 1-3 Quiz on Monday. Use Chapters 1-3 Reading Notes to study for quiz, use the
Reading Challenge interactive game, and review each chapter.