Health and Nutrition Tips Recipes for Drinks Menu Maintenance

Health and Nutrition Tips
Recipes for Drinks Menu
Maintenance - Ideal to take before doing physical exercise:
- Total Whey Chocolate, 1 dose
- 15g of hazelnuts or 1 dessert spoon of coconut oil
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- 2, 3 Ice cubes
- Total Whey Strawberry, 1 dose
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- Frozen forest fruits (40g)
- 1 Ampoule of L-Carnitine 3g
- Total Whey Vanilla, 1 dose
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- 2 Walnuts
- 1 Teaspoon of cinnamon
- 1 Ampoule of L-Carnitine 3g
- 3 Ice cubes
- Total Whey Cappuccino, 1 dose
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- 1 Ampoule of L-Carnitine 3g
- 12 Almonds
- 2, 3 Ice cubes
Maintenance - Ideal to take after doing physical exercise:
- Total Whey Chocolate, 1 dose
- 1 Banana or 20g of chocolate containing 75% cocoa
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- 3 Ice cubes
- Total Whey Strawberry, 1 dose
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- Frozen forest fruits (30g)
- ½ Banana
- 2 walnuts, 6 almonds
- Total Whey Vanilla, 1 dose
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- 1 slice of pineapple
- 1 Teaspoon of cinnamon
- 3 Brazil nuts
- 3 Ice cubes
- Total Whey Cappuccino, 1 dose
- 150ml of water or natural soya drink (without sugar)
- 20g of chocolate containing 75% cocoa
- 2, 3 Ice cubes
Increase muscle volume/mass - Ideal to take before and after doing strength training:
Option 1
- Pure Mass – 2 full doses
- ½ dose Creatine Power Mix
- 350 to 400ml water
- 3 Ice Cubes
Option 2
- Pure Mass Vanilla – 2 full doses
- 1 Banana
- 3 Ice Cubes
- 350ml water
Option 3
- Pure Mass – 2 doses
- 300ml of water
- 2 to 3 Ice cubes
A proper diet is the secret to good health
When we think about proper diet, the idea that comes into our head is to eat leaves, leaves and more
leaves, or else: air, water and lettuce. “And what about that succulent beef that I like so much? And
eggs? And cheese?” Some prefer to count the calories, to make themselves hungry and to deprive
themselves of a lot of ingredients. Does this work? Sure, it works! But how long can you keep up this
diet for? Only until you are slimmer! And then what?
Modern diets are damaging for our body and our health. As a practical example, compare your skin to
your grandmother’s skin. Of course, owing the years your grandmother will have flaccid skin, stretch
marks and wrinkles, but notice the quality of the skin. Why is it so? The answer is in a better quality diet
and more physical exercise on a daily basis. In bygone times we didn’t kill ourselves working out in gyms,
but things were not as convenient as they are today, and supermarkets with an endless array of
products available did not exist, and there were certainly no zones specifically set aside for doing
exercise. If somebody wanted to do something, they had to do it themselves. Things are very different
Obesity generally derives from a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, and almost always leads to
increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, hypothyroidism, fat
accumulation, especially in the abdominal region, the legs and the buttocks.
Eating well should be part of our lives and not only for those who want to lose weight. There are a lot of
slim people with the same blood alterations as obese people, or even much worse. In other words,
obesity means high levels of body fat, not necessarily weight. A body builder can be 1.80m tall and
weigh 100kg, with this weight derived from muscle mass and not excess fat.
When you diet two things can happen. Either you lose weight coming from the muscle mass and fat or
you lose just fat, preserving the muscle mass. The latter is the goal! One should remember you’re your
slimming health is of the utmost priority when slimming, and aesthetics should be a consequence and
not the objective.
The foods that contribute most to the accumulation of body fat are refined and industrialised
carbohydrates and trans type fats (artificial fats), such as: white rice, white sugar, white pasta, white
bread, white flour, ice cream, popcorn, chocolates, sweets, savoury snacks, and many more. The more
we eat of these kinds of foods, the more body fat we will accumulate.
“And what about the saturated fats contained in meats and cheese? And eggs? And dairy products? And
fish and fowl? And vegetable oils?” These foodstuffs contain proteins, cholesterol, fats – saturated and
unsaturated. “Doesn’t this increase the fats in the blood?” They will increase these fats if they are
consumed together with carbohydrates or trans fats. For example, if you eat a steak with an egg and
greens, no, but if you eat a steak with rice and potatoes, yes. “So does this mean I can never eat
carbohydrates again?” Of course not. You can continue to eat carbohydrates, but in small daily
quantities, depending on your general health.
If you go on a diet where you eliminate all fats, you will consequently also eliminate all foods rich in
proteins because foods rich in proteins contain fat. Therefore, if you eliminate the fats and the proteins,
what are you going to eat? Carbohydrates, of course, and the more you eat the more body fat will be
accumulated. So what should you do? Aim to ingest more ingredients rich in proteins and unsaturated
fats (vegetable oils, fish, seafood, among others) and very little saturated fat (cut off and throw away
the visible fat from meat), with small portions of carbohydrates per day. These ingredients will improve
the blood pressure and the accumulated body fat will be used as a source of energy, allowing one to get
slimmer in a healthy way.
Do not restrict yourself to cutting out ingredients. It is important that your diet is monitored in detail
from the medical and nutritional point of view. As well as improper eating habits, obesity can be
triggered by problems of a psychological order, generally anxiety and depression. Doing physical sport is
also part of the treatment, which should always be planned with the aid of a professional from the area.
There is no cure for obesity, but there is a treatment that lasts a lifetime!
Take care or your health, of your life – Adopt healthy lifestyle habits!